3,399 research outputs found

    Cascomp BJT Amplifier vs. traditional configurations

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    All transistor circuits introduce distortion. In Radio Frequency (RF) circuits, the third-order distortion components are the most important. The quest for more linear circuits has become more important with complex-modulation as used in modern cellular phone systems. Quinn’s Cascomp Amplifier, first reported in the 1970s, promises ideal linearity and can deliver close to that promise. We review the theory and address the question of why the Cascomp has not replaced other configurations in amplifiers where low distortion is important. Calculations are supported by measurements. A new, alternative variant of the Cascomp topology is introduced and compared with the existing configura-tion. We assert that the improved linearity comes at such a price in gain that it does not make sense to use the configuration in broadband RF circuits

    After the White-Out: Indigenous Policy Post-Howard

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    Australia is not currently hearing the voices, white or indigenous, who can lead debate. Too often white politicians respond to events or issues, e.g., the Redfern riot (see Arena Magazine No. 70), with irrelevancies or to push unrelated agendas. Nobody wants to go first on the big issues, it seems. There is no lack of documentation or ideas from the indigenous side. Patrick Dodson's 1999 Lingiari lecture, the 1998 Kalkaringi statement, the three indigenous social justice reports of 1995, the one-liners or more of various constitutional discussions of the past years, the Reconciliation Council work, etc., all provide practical ideas and much consensus

    The Trouble with Northern Territories

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    If Australians do not wish a predictable international race relations disaster in the Northern Territory, they must broker a future in which Aboriginal rights, self-government, and indigenous culture are secure

    Negotiating Indigenous Reconciliation

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    The author contrasts reconciliation attempts in Canada with progress on Aboriginal reconciliation in Australia

    Maimed Rites

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    The politics of indigenous renewal are a coherent whole. Whatever facet may appear first will be part of a range of issues which can only be successfully addressed as a whole. Reconciliation is a matter for all residents and its successful resolution is the litmus test of Australian identity and nationhood

    To Melt, Thaw, and Resolve Ourselves

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    The head of the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, Sheila Watt-Cloutier, has said, "We find ourselves at the very cusp of a defining event in the history of this planet - The Earth is literally melting." Despite the concern of scientists and officials around the world, the Bush Administration does not want to acknowledge the problems, despite their cumulative and dire global nature

    The White-Out at the End of History: A Visitor in Sapmi

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    A comment on Sami politics and native title issues in Norway, with updated remarks from 2003

    Nunavut or None of it?

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    Pauline Hanson's speech in federal Parliament on 2 June, 1998, attacked the United Nations draft declaration on indigenous rights. The author points out errors in her statements about indigenous self-government in Canadian territories and the creation of Nunavut

    The Implications for Australia of Recent Canadian Experience

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    There is a myth in Australia that Canada has a unique legal framework which explains the relative progress in that country's indigenous policy in recent times. The truth is that legal devices remained unknown or moribund until the non-indigenous public was ready to 'discover' them in recent decades. In other words, indigenous rights and policy in Canada have depended on social attitudes, political pressures, and the ability of indigenous peoples to use the political and legal system to their advantage

    Reconciliation Constitutions: Canadian & Australian Northern Territories

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    The paper compares the experiences of Australia and Canada in terms of reconciliation with Aboriginal peoples
