401 research outputs found

    Numerical modelling of electrical stimulation for cartilage tissue engineering

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    In this thesis, the design and validity of numerical models of electrical stimulation for cartilage tissue engineering are critically assessed at different scales. In sum, the results of this thesis pave the way for experimentally validated numerical models of electrical stimulation devices for cartilage tissue engineering. Furthermore, models of tissue samples can be developed down to the cellular scale and will contribute to the development of patient-specific stimulation approaches

    Comparison of the Trachea in Normocephalic versus Brachycephalic Cats on the Basis of CT-Derived Measurements.

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    Tracheal hypoplasia is a major concern in brachycephalic dogs, but there is no consensus for the trachea in brachycephalic cats. We aimed to compare tracheal length and diameter between normo- and brachycephalic cats using computed tomography (CT) image measurements and evaluate their usefulness in tracheostomy planning. A total of 15 normocephalic and 14 brachycephalic cats were included in the study. Tracheas of normocephalic cats were significantly longer compared with brachycephalic cats. No difference was detected in tracheal diameter between normocephalic and brachycephalic cats. Both groups had a lateral diameter significantly larger than the dorsoventral diameter at the level of the cranial end of the manubrium sterni and at the level of the second rib. Normocephalic and brachycephalic cats' tracheas have the same dorsoventral flattening at the level of the cranial end of the manubrium sterni and at the level of the second rib. The location between the 4th and 5th cervical vertebrae seems the best place to perform a tracheostomy in cats due to its round shape and easily accessible anatomical location. No sign of tracheal hypoplasia in brachycephalic cats was detected. Finally, 7 mm appears to be an adequate diameter for the tracheal tubes used to perform feline tracheostomies


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    U ovoj studiji istražujemo varijacijsku disperziju frekvencijskih (rezonancijskih) vrhova, maksimuma zvukovnoga spektra, pojačavanje skupina harmonijskih sastavnica signala, for mana ta (IsaČenko, 1968., str. 38. i dr.; Krdl\u27 - Sabol, 1989., str. 171 i dr.) slovačkih kratkih vokala (o istraživanju čeških vokalskih varijanata u inicijalnoj, medija/noj i finalnoj glasovnoj kombinaciji usp. Borovičkova - Malač, 1967., str. 13-29). Naša se opažanja teorijski dotiču pitanja stupnja fonološke relevantnosti zvukovnih osobina koje sadrže signalni korelativi vokalskih fonema konkretnoga fonskog sustava; a općenitije je riječ o istraživanju pojedinačnoga, varijantnog i općega, invarijantnog (kao odnosa koji se općenito primjenjuje u jezičnome sustavu) i njegova "očitovanja" u fonološkim jedinicama. Ta se problematika može suziti na fonetski i fonološki aspekt (razlikujemo, naime, ne samo I., fonetski i II. fonološki stupanj apstrakcije nego i druge vrste odnosa pojedinačnoga i općeg u zvukovnim jedinicama - Sabol, 1989., str. 30-31; 1996.) istraživanja i vrednovanja zvukovnih pojava kao različitih razina spomenutoga dijalektičkog odnosa, koji se odražava u jeziku kao specifičnom znakovnom sustavu za idealiziranje stvarnoga svijeta. Na osnovi odnosa pojedinačnoga i općeg u zvukovnim jedinicama (na različitim razinama ovoga odnosa, posebice na razini fona - F, fonema - Fm i morfofonema - MFm; usp. Sabol, 1989., str. 18-31 i ostala zapažanja) možemo prilično jednoznačno interpretirati i okarakterizirati pojedine fonološke teorije, koncepcije i škole; primjerice Praška škola radi na liniji Fm, Moskovska fonološka škola na liniji F i MFm, Lenjingradska fonološka škola na liniji F - dijelom i na Fm, američki generativci na liniji MFm itd. Može se reći da se tu radi o "parcijalnim" oblicima i pogledima na pojedine "vrste" odnosa između pojedinačnoga i općeg u zvukovnim jedinicama. Pretpostavljamo da su različita neslaganja pojedinih fonoloških koncepcija rezidtat činjenice što se ista zvukovna pojava tumačila s različitih aspekata s obzirom na F, Fm i MFm. pri čemu su se elementi s različitih razina suprotstavljali ili stavljali jedan uz drugi kao "ravnopravni" s gledišta odnosa pojedinačnoga i općeg. Neslaganja unutar jedne fonološke koncepcije rezultat su pak činjenice da se pojedine zvukovne pojave nisu u svim slučajevima istraživale na istoj razini (usp. npr. problematiku neutralizacije koja u fonološkome istraživanju predstavlja vjerojatno najtvrđi orah, a koja istodobno obilježava mjesto na kojemu se uspješno može provjeriti čvrstina određene fonološke koncepcije - detaljnije o tome Sabol, 1983.). U našoj eksperimentalnoj fonetskoj i fonološkoj sondaži (na temelju varijantnosti i invarijantnosti, irelevantnosti i relevantnosti fonskih obilježja u akustičkome signalu) nastojali smo - na elementima podsustava kratkih vokala slovačkoga jezika - prvenstveno odgovoriti na pitanje kakav utjecaj ima boja samoglasnika na dinamiku F1 i F2 (kod vokala i, e i F3). Zvučnu su snimku ostvarila trojica kazivača - muškaraca; ukupno je analizirano 30 realizacija samoglasnika u kombinaciji CVC (po 6 riječi za svaki analizirani vokal). Iz tablice 1 proizlazi da je standardno odstupanje (a lime i disperzija) vrijednosti for mana ta veća kod F2 i F3 nego kod Fl. Možemo postaviti pitanje kakvo je polje tolerancije, odnosno dopušteni raspon vrijednosti formanata, koji određuje boju (tip) vokala. Na ovo smo pitanje pokušali odgovoriti umjetnom deformacijom formanata - resintezom primarnoga govornog signala pri različitim eksperimentalnim vrijednostima Fl i F2, kao i F3. Resintezom smo smanjili toleranciju Fl i F2 (kod vokala i, e i F3) vokala [a] u riječi [pasj prvoga ispitanika. Postupili smo tako da smo povi šivali i snižavali vrijednost formanta za 10 Hz, a sluhom smo procjenjivali segmentiranu sonantnu jezgru s obzirom na to možemo li registrirati promjenu boje vokala. Auditivne je testove obavljao samo jedan percipijent. Dakle, može se pretpostaviti da bismo objektivnije rezultate dobili statističkom obradom opažanja nekolicine percipijenata. Tab. 3 prikazuje područja tolerancije vrijednosti formanata vokala [a] u riječi [pas]. Iz tablice proizlazi da najmanju toleranciju dopušta prvi formant vokala i, a najveću formanti F2 i F3 istoga vokala. Na osnovi grube procjene možemo reći da raspon variranja od 100 Hz ne mijenja boju vokala. Eksperimentalna fonetska analiza dinamike i varijacijske disperzije strukture formanata sonantnih jezgara slogova koji se u književnome slovačkom jeziku ostvaruju kao kratki vokali - na osnovi univerzalnoga odnosa pojedinačnoga, varijantnog i općega, invarijantnog (projicirana na percepcijsku i komunikacijsku relevantnost/irelevantnost) - upućuje na jedno od temeljnih područja odnosa fonetske i fonološke razine akustičkoga signala

    Exploring the Impact of Composite Material Fires and Associated Response Protocol on the Material Analysis During an Aircraft Accident Investigation

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    Metals, beginning in the 1930s, have been frequently used as the material of choice for aircraft construction (Hallion, 1978; Jakab, 1999). Common metals used in the aviation industry range from alloyed and heat-treated aluminum to titanium, magnesium, and superalloys, the latter used in specialized applications (Hallion, 1978; Mouritz, 2012). Nevertheless, a shift in aircraft construction – specifically in terms of the materials used – began in the 1970s, as composite materials were introduced into commercial aircraft (Mouritz, 2012). Among others, the increased use of composited materials was – and still is – propelled by the ability to manufacture comparative lightweight and aerodynamically shaped components and structures that allow for reduced fuel costs while simultaneously retaining excellent strength and performance characteristics (Gopal, 2016; Hadcock, 1998; Haresceugh et al., 1994; Kassapoglou, 2013). However, safety is a crucial factor in aviation, and as such, critically impacts material choices. Therefore, when selecting materials to use for aircraft construction, both, design parameters – such as weight and strength – as well as safety elements – including failure modes and characteristics – are to be considered (Mouritz, 2012). When applied to the shift to composite materials evidenced in the aviation industry, it is crucial to also understand how the comparatively new materials will behave in the event of a failure or when damaged, such as in an aircraft acciden

    Playing Muller Games in a Hurry

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    This work studies the following question: can plays in a Muller game be stopped after a finite number of moves and a winner be declared. A criterion to do this is sound if Player 0 wins an infinite-duration Muller game if and only if she wins the finite-duration version. A sound criterion is presented that stops a play after at most 3^n moves, where n is the size of the arena. This improves the bound (n!+1)^n obtained by McNaughton and the bound n!+1 derived from a reduction to parity games

    Einsatz von Strommarktmodellen zur Untersuchung der Versorgungssicherheit in Europa

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    Versorgungssicherheit ist eine der Zieldimensionen bei der Ausgestaltung von Energiesystemen. Die Energiekrise in Europa im Jahr 2022 hat grundlegende Fragen aufgeworfen, inwieweit die Stromversorgung noch gesichert ist. Die vorliegende Arbeit soll analysieren, mit welchen Methoden Energiesysteme und Versorgungssicherheit in der Fachliteratur untersucht worden sind. Es wird unterschieden zwischen Arbeiten zu kurz- und mittelfristiger, sowie langfristiger Versorgungssicherheit. Dazu werden einschlägige Arbeiten aus dem Bereich der Energiesystemanalyse betrachtet und die unterschiedlichen Modellierungsansätze herausgearbeitet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Optimierungsmodelle am häufigsten in der Analyse langfristiger Versorgungssicherheit eingesetzt werden, obwohl agentenbasierte Simulationsmodelle signifikante Vorteile bei der Untersuchung einzelwirtschaftlicher Anreize in liberalisierten Märkten, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung von Auswirkungen politischer Entscheidungen aufweisen

    Simulation Experiment Schemas - Beyond Tools and Simulation Approaches: Software appendix [research data]

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    This archive contains the software described in the paper "Simulation Experiment Schemas - Beyond Tools and Simulation Approaches" published at the Winter Simulation Conference 2019. The tool guides users through the simulation experiment specification process via a graphical user interface. The entered information is used in the generation of backend-independent experiment specifications in the JSON format. The JSON-based specifications can be mapped to different simulation backends. Currently, two domains of modeling and simulation are supported: stochastic discrete-event simulation, and finite element simulation for electromagnetics. For both domains, basic simulation runs are supported as well as complex experiment designs such as sensitivity analyses based on full factorial designs

    Angemessenheit der Erzeugungskapazitäten in Deutschland bei einem Kohleausstieg im Jahr 2030

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    In dieser Arbeit werden die Auswirkungen auf die Angemessenheit der Erzeugungskapazitäten unter einem in das Jahr 2030 vorgezogenen Kohleausstieg in Deutschland analysiert. Zur Beantwortung der Fragestellung wird das agentenbasierte Strommarkt-Simulationsmodell PowerACE angewandt. Es werden zwei Szenarien untersucht: ein erstes Szenario mit den im Jahr 2023 in den Ländern implementierten Strommarktdesigns und ein zweites Szenario mit einem EU-weiten dezentralen Kapazitätsmarkt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass in beiden Szenarien die Angemessenheit der Stromerzeugungskapazitäten nach dem Kohleausstieg in Gefahr ist. Sowohl die Loss of Load Expectation als auch die Energy not Served sind mit einem Kapazitätsmarkt in Deutschland deutlich geringer als ohne, weshalb eine Anpassung des Marktdesigns vorteilhaft für die Zuverlässigkeit des Stromsystems wäre