59 research outputs found
Bullying at school and how to deal with it
Diploma thesis is consists of two main parts. The first one, theoretical part, brings a summary of nowadays most recommended approaches in prevention and solution of bullying at primary school. Readers will be acquainted with a typology of victims and aggressors, myths connected with bullying and institutions which are engaged with it. The aim of the empirical part is a comparison of two Prague schools - one with anti bullying program and one without it. I chose a screening questionnaire by Dr. Michal Kolář as a research method. Key words: bullying, direct and indirect signs, victim's and aggressor's personality, prevention, intervention, primary schoolDiplomová práce přinese v teoretické části přehled v současné době doporučovaných přístupů k prevenci a řešení šikany na 1. stupni základních škol učiteli běžných tříd 1. stupně. Seznámí čtenáře s typologií obětí a agresorů, upozorní na mýty, které jsou v souvislosti s šikanováním rozšířené a seznámí s institucemi, které se problému šikanování věnují. Cílem empirické části je porovnat míru výskytu šikanování na škole, která má zaveden program proti šikanování a na škole, která jej zaveden nemá. Jako výzkumnou metodu jsem zvolila Depistážní dotazník II Dr. Michala Koláře. Klíčová slova: šikana, přímé a nepřímé znaky, osobnost oběti a agresora, prevence, intervence, primární školaKatedra primární pedagogikyPedagogická fakultaFaculty of Educatio
PVP Based Materials: Biodegradation in Different Environments
The research deals with biodegradation of films prepared from polyvinylpyrrolidone and polylactic acid (PVP/PLA). Biodegradation of PVP/PLA films was supported by the following additives: 1-methyl-2-pyrrolidone, 1-octyl-2-pyrrolidone, acrylamide and N-acetyl-L-phenylalanine according to the previous study. The films were prepared by a solvent casting technique. Biodegradation was observed using the respirometric method in different environments. The films subjected to biodegradation were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. It was found that the films are substantially degraded, but not in the biological way; PVP was quickly removed in presence of water because of its easy solubility. In contrast, this fact could support biodegradation of PLA, which becomes more available for microorganisms when PVP leaves PLA matrix. © 2017 by Marketa Julinova.Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FT/2017/003]; projects of Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic within the NPU I program [LO1504
Negative effect of clay fillers on the polyvinyl alcohol biodegradation: technical note
This work focuses on polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) biodegradation in the presence of mineral clays in an aqueous aerobic environment. PVA with a degree of hydrolysis of 88% and 72% was used for the experiments. The selected group of mineral clays (nanofillers for polymers) of montmorillonite (MMT) Cloisite (R) Na+; organo-modified montmorillonite (OMMT) Cloisite (R) 20A, Cloisite (R) 30B; waste kaolin; kaolin; and zeolites were prepared by synthesis of the aforementioned kaolins. The level of biodegradation was measured using a respirometer, Micro-Oxymax, and evaluated according to CO2 production. Results of this test indicate a negative effect on PVA biodegradability in the presence of MMT Cloisite (R) Na+ and Cloisite (R) 30B. It has been found that PVA biodegradability in the presence of no adapted inoculum was adversely affected by the biocidal effects of the organic modifier of Cloisite (R) 30B. In this case, PVA 88-8 biodegradation decreased by 71% and PVA 72-10 biodegradation dropped by 58%. Furthermore, the sorption of PVA on the Cloisite (R) Na+ in the range of 40%-45% was demonstrated in the following research.Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FT/2018/009]; Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports of the Czech Republic [LO1504
Modular Detached House
Cílem mé práce bylo vytvořit rodinný dům ve svahu s plochou střechou z moderní netradiční technologie ocelových rámových modulů. Rodinný dům je částečně podsklepený. Podsklepená část je zděná a slouží jako hlavní vstup do objektu. V nadzemní podlaží se nachází pouze obytné prostory.The aim of my thesis was to create a detached house on the slope with a flat roof. The object is made from modern innovative technology steel frame modules. Detached house has a partial basement. Basement is from the bricks and serves as the main entrance to the building. In the first floor are located only residential spaces.
Proposal of Change of Rewarding System of Employees
Bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem na zlepšení a zefektivnění systému odměňování ve vybrané společnosti včetně rozvoje jejich zaměstnanců a zlepšení jejich motivace. Východiskem je zpracování teoretické části, která je podkladem pro posouzení současného stavu odměňování v hodnocené společnosti. Díky komplexní analýze jsou pak v návrhové části definovány návrhy a doporučení, které mají vést ke zlepšení situace ve společnosti a k odstranění současných nedostatků.This bachelors thesis deals with a proposal to improve and streamline the pay system in selected company, including the development of their employees and improve their motivation. The starting point is to elaborate the theoretical part, which is the basis for assessing the current state of pay in a given company. A comprehensive analysis is then defined in the design of the proposals and recommendations which have lead to improvements in society and to remedy existing deficiencies.
Proposal to Amend and Expand Marketing Activities in Real Estate
Předložená diplomová práce se zabývá marketingovým mixem, který je v realitní kanceláři VL REALITY s.r.o. v současné době aplikován. Na základě teoretických východisek a komplexní analýzy vybrané společnosti jsou pak v praktické části navrženy změny a doporučení, které mají vést k budování brandu a ke zlepšení situace společnosti na trhu a k získání nových zákazníků.This thesis deals with the marketing mix, which is in a real estate agent VL REALITY s.r.o. currently applied. Based on the theoretical bases and a complex analysis of the selected company is the practical part of the proposed changes and recommendations which should lead to building a brand and improve the situation on the market and acquire new customers.
Proposal of measures for reducing energy demands of food stores
Diplomová práce se zabývá opatřením pro snížení energetické náročnosti prodejny potravin. Modelová prodejna potravin je energeticky vyhodnocena dle doporučených hodnot norem a dle skutečných spotřeb. Hodnoty jsou porovnány. Na základě reálných spotřeb dle dodaných faktur a experimentálního měření termovizní kamerou, Blower Door testem těsnosti obálky budovy a měření intenzitou osvětlenosti je prodejna analyzována pro návrhy opatření snížení spotřeb energie. Nejúspornější opatření je rozšířeno na celou modelovou prodejní síť v České republice.The master thesis deals with measures to reduce energy performance of grocery store building. Model of the grocery store is evaluated according to a recommended energy values specified by Czech standards and according to the real values of the actual consumption. These values are compared. Final building analysis for a proposal measures to reduce energy consumption is based on the invoices of the real consumption and on the experimental assignments. Experimental measurements are the Blower door test of the tightness of the building envelope, the measures with the thermovision camera and the measuring of the illumination intensity. The most efficient proposal is extended to the whole model network of the food shops in the Czech Republic.
Comprehensive biodegradation analysis of chemically modified poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) materials with different crystal structures
This work presents a comprehensive analysis of the biodegradation of polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) and chemically modified PHB with different chemical and crystal structures in a soil environment. A polymer modification reaction was performed during preparation of the chemically modified PHB films, utilizing 2,5-dimethyl-2,5-di(tert-butylperoxy)-hexane as a free-radical initiator and maleic anhydride. Films of neat PHB and chemically modified PHB were prepared by extrusion and thermocompression. The biological agent employed was natural mixed microflora in the form of garden soil. The course and extent of biodegradation of the films was investigated by applying various techniques, as follows: a respirometry test to determine the production of carbon dioxide through microbial degradation; scanning electron microscopy (SEM); optical microscopy; fluorescence microscopy; differential scanning calorimetry (DSC); and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Next-generation sequencing was carried out to study the microbial community involved in biodegradation of the films. Findings from the respirometry test indicated that biodegradation of the extruded and chemically modified PHB followed a multistage (2-3) course, which varied according to the spatial distribution of amorphous and crystalline regions and their spherulitic morphology. SEM and polarized optical microscopy (POM) confirmed that the rate of biodegradation depended on the availability of the amorphous phase in the interspherulitic region and the width of the interlamellar region in the first stage, while dependence on the size of spherulites and thickness of spherulitic lamellae was evident in the second stage. X-ray diffraction revealed that orthorhombic α-form crystals with helical chain conformation degraded concurrently with β-form crystals with planar zigzag conformation. The nucleation of PHB crystals after 90 days of biodegradation was identified by DSC and POM, a phenomenon which impeded biodegradation. Fluorescence microscopy evidenced that the crystal structure of PHB affected the physiological behavior of soil microorganisms in contact with the surfaces of the films.Ministerstvo Školství, Mládeže a Tělovýchovy, MŠMT; Horizon 2020, (862910); Univerzita Tomáše Bati ve Zlíně, UTB, (IGA/FT/2022/006, IGA/FT/2023/002)European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Program [862910]; Internal Grant Agency of Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FT/2023/002, IGA/FT/2022/006]; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports of the Czech Republic [90254
The causes of american mortgage and global financial crisis
The main goal of my work is to identify the causes of financial crisis, their analysis and explanation. The work, in its particular sections, focuses on the process of securitization, as well as on development on american mortgage market. The causes are identified in the chronological order. The work also explains why the crisis could have grew up so simply and what are the main effects on global economy worldwide
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