26 research outputs found

    The Social Security COLA and Medicare Part B Premium: Questions, Answers, and Issues

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    Estimates the impact of the projected percent cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) for Social Security payments in 2010-11 on beneficiaries subject to increased premium payments for Medicare Part B. Outlines implications under several legislative scenarios

    In Pursuit of Long-Term Care: Ensuring Access, Coverage, Quality

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    Looks at the current and future demand for long-term supportive, medical, personal, and social services for an aging baby boomer population. Provides recommendations for improving public and private financial support systems

    Living Close to the Edge: Financial Challenges and Tradeoffs for People on Medicare

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    Profiles the choices and trade-offs Medicare beneficiaries make to cover expenses with limited financial resources, including cutting back on basics and relying on credit cards or help from family, and the effects on medical debts and access to care

    Revisiting 'Skin in the Game' Among Medicare Beneficiaries: An Updated Analysis of the Increasing Financial Burden of Health Care Spending From 1997 to 2005

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    Presents data on the out-of-pocket expenses of Medicare beneficiaries as a share of income, analyzed by insurance status, region, and various demographics, as well as spending percentile. Breaks down out-of-pocket spending into eight categories

    An In-Depth Examination of Formularies and Other Features of Medicare Drug Plans

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    Provides a detailed assessment of the formularies, drug costs, and utilization management tools offered by the fourteen nationwide organizations that account for most of the stand-alone prescription drug plans

    Medicare Prescription Drug Plans in 2008 and Key Changes Since 2006: Summary of Findings

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    Synthesizes findings from prior research on the scope and generosity of drug coverage under Medicare Part D, as well as on changes in drug coverage and costs since 2006. Looks at premiums, the coverage gap, tiered cost-sharing, and utilization management

    The Medicare Part D Coverage Gap: Costs and Consequences in 2007

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    Analyzes data on Medicare Part D enrollees who reached the coverage gap and had to pay the full cost until they qualified for catastrophic coverage, who then stopped taking their medications or bought cheaper ones, and who received catastrophic coverage

    Restructuring Medicare's Benefit Design: Implications for Beneficiaries and Spending

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    Estimates the effects of options for restructuring Medicare's fee-for-service benefit design, including a 550deductibleforPartsAandB,a20percentcoinsuranceonnearlyallservices,anda550 deductible for Parts A and B, a 20 percent coinsurance on nearly all services, and a 5,500 limit on cost sharing for Medicare-covered services

    The Burden of Out-of-Pocket Health Spending Among Older Versus Younger Adults: Analysis from the Consumer Expenditure Survey, 1998-2003

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    Analyzes the extent to which health care spending as a share of income has differed among younger adults versus people ages 65 and older, both at a single point in time (2003) and over the six-year period from 1998 to 2003

    Key Issues in Understanding the Economic and Health Security of Current and Future Generations of Seniors

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    Examines key issues seniors face in ensuring economic and health security and the role that Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security play in ensuring seniors' financial security, including concerns about medical debt and disparities by race/ethnicity