9 research outputs found

    Higher-order Masking and Shuffling for Software Implementations of Block Ciphers

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    Differential Power Analysis (DPA) is a powerful side channel key recovery attack that efficiently breaks block ciphers implementations. In software, two main techniques are usually applied to thwart them: masking and operations shuffling. To benefit from the advantages of the two techniques, recent works have proposed to combine them. However, the schemes which have been designed until now only provide limited resistance levels and some advanced DPA attacks have turned out to break them. In this paper, we investigate the combination of masking and shuffling. We moreover extend the approach with the use of higher-order masking and we show that it enables to significantly improve the security level of such a scheme. We first conduct a theoretical analysis in which the efficiency of advanced DPA attacks targeting masking and shuffling is quantified. Based on this analysis, we design a generic scheme combining higher-order masking and shuffling. This scheme is scalable and its security parameters can be chosen according to any desired resistance level. As an illustration, we apply it to protect a software implementation of AES for which we give several security/efficiency trade-offs

    A New Second-Order Side Channel Attack Based on Linear Regression

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    Side channel analysis and countermeasures

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    This thesis deals with side channel attacks against hardware implementations of cryp- tographic algorithms. Studies conducted in this document are therefore in place where an adversary has access to noisy observations of intermediate results of a cryptographic computation. In this context, many attacks are dedicated with their countermeasures, but their relevance and their implementation are still unclear. This thesis initially focuses on the relevance of existing attacks and potential links between them. A formal classification is proposed as well as selection criteria. Based on this study, a generic efficient attack is described and analysed in depth. In a second step, the implementation of common countermeasures is studied, leading to the creation of an application scheme mixing them to achieve a better efficiency / security trade off.Cette thèse s’intéresse aux attaques par canaux auxiliaires contre les implantations matérielles d’algorithmes cryptographiques. Les études conduites dans ce document se placent donc dans le cadre où un adversaire a accès à des observations bruitées des résultats intermédiaires d’un calcul cryptographique. Dans ce contexte, de nombreuses attaques existent avec leurs contremesures dédiées, mais leur pertinence et leur mise en pratique restent encore floues. Cette thèse s’intéresse dans un premier temps à la pertinence des attaques existantes et aux possibles liens qui les unissent. Une classification formelle est proposée ainsi que des critères de choix. Sur la base de cette étude, une attaque générique perfor- mante est décrite et analysée en profondeur. Dans un second temps, la mise en pratique des contremesures actuelles est étudiée, donnant lieu à la création d’un schéma d’application les mélangeant pour atteindre de meilleurs compromis efficacité/sécurité.(FSA 3) -- UCL, 201

    1 A New Second Order Side Channel Attack Based on Linear Regression

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    Abstract—Embedded implementations of cryptographic primitives need protection against Side Channel Analysis. Stochastic attacks, introduced by Schindler et al. at CHES 2005, are an example of such an analysis. They offer a pertinent alternative to template attacks which efficiency is optimal, and they can theoretically defeat any kind of countermeasure including masking. In both template and stochastic attacks, the adversary needs to be able to carry out a profiling stage on a perfect copy of the target device. This makes them interesting tools to study the resistance of implementations against such a powerful adversary, but it limits their pertinency in practice. It is indeed difficult to have an open access to a copy of the device under attack and, even when it is possible, it remains difficult to exploit templates acquired on one device to attack another one. In this paper, we propose a new attack technique which shares many similarities with stochastic attacks but does not require any profiling stage. As a consequence, no copy of the device is needed anymore. We conduct an in-depth analysis of this new attack to highlight its core foundations. Then, we apply it to widely used masking schemes and we illustrate its interest by a series of experiments on simulated and real curves.

    A new second-order side channel attack based on linear regression

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    Since the preliminary works of Kocher et al. in the nineties, studying and enforcing the resistance of cryptographic implementations against side channel analysis (SCA) is became a dynamic and prolific area of embedded security. Stochastic attacks, introduced by Schindler et al., form one of the main families of SCA and they offer a valuable alternative to template attacks which are known to be among the most efficient ones. However, stochastic attacks, as long as template attacks, have been initially designed for adversaries with a perfect copy of the target device in hand. Such a prerequisite makes them a pertinent tool when studying the implementations resistance against the most powerful adversaries, but it limits their pertinence as a cryptanalytic technique. Indeed, getting open access to a copy of the device under attack is difficult in practice and, even when possible, it remains difficult to exploit templates acquired on one device to attack another one. In light of this observation, several papers have been published to adapt stochastic attacks for contexts where the above prerequisite is no longer needed. They succeeded in defining practical attacks against unprotected implementations but no work was published until now to explain how stochastic attacks can be applied against secure implementations. In this paper, we deal with this issue. We first extend the previous analyses of stochastic attacks to highlight their core foundations. Then, we explain how they can be generalized to defeat first-order masking techniques, which are the main SCA countermeasures. Eventually, we illustrate the interest of the new attack by a series of experiments on simulated and real curves. © 1968-2012 IEEE

    Univariate side channel attacks and leakage modeling

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    Differential power analysis is a powerful cryptanalytic technique that exploits information leaking from physical implementations of cryptographic algorithms. During the two last decades, numerous variations of the original principle have been published. In particular, the univariate case, where a single instantaneous leakage is exploited, has attracted much research effort. In this paper, we argue that several univariate attacks among the most frequently used by the community are not only asymptotically equivalent, but can also be rewritten one in function of the other, only by changing the leakage model used by the adversary. In particular, we prove that most univariate attacks proposed in the literature can be expressed as correlation power analyses with different leakage models. This result emphasizes the major role plays by the model choice on the attack efficiency. In a second point of this paper, we hence also discuss and evaluate side channel attacks that involve no leakage model but rely on some general assumptions about the leakage. Our experiments show that such attacks, named robust, are a valuable alternative to the univariate differential power analyses. They only loose bit of efficiency in case a perfect model is available to the adversary, and gain a lot in case such information is not available