5 research outputs found

    Breast cancer patients' visual attention to information in hospital report cards: An eye-tracking study on differences between younger and older female patients

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    To (1) explore how women visually attend to a hospital report card (HRC), (2) explore whether visual attention of younger and older women (patients and non-patients) differs. Eye-tracking study with a short survey. Participants (N = 37) were provided with a hypothetical realistic HRC. Total dwell times and fixation counts were measured while participants viewed the information. Overall, no differences existed between younger and older women. Visual attention to the hospital of choice (vs not of choice) and to indicators perceived as most important (vs least important) did not differ. However, women with higher health literacy looked longer at the HRC than women with lower health literacy. Also, per fixation, older patients (vs younger patients) looked longer at the hospital of choice and at indicators perceived most important. Pre-existing conceptions of what information is relevant might result in more in-depth information processing among older patients than younger patients. In general, differences in level of health literacy, rather than (chronological) age, seem to be relevant to take into account when designing and/or updating HRCs

    The Effect of Modality and Narration Style on Recall of Online Health Information: Results From a Web-Based Experiment

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    Background: Older adults are increasingly using the Internet for health information; however, they are often not able to correctly recall Web-based information (eHealth information). Recall of information is crucial for optimal health outcomes, such as adequate disease management and adherence to medical regimes. Combining effective message strategies may help to improve recall of eHealth information among older adults. Presenting information in an audiovisual format using conversational narration style is expected to optimize recall of information compared to other combinations of modality and narration style. Objective: The aim of this paper is to investigate the effect of modality and narration style on recall of health information, and whether there are differences between younger and older adults. Methods: We conducted a Web-based experiment using a 2 (modality: written vs audiovisual information) by 2 (narration style: formal vs conversational style) between-subjects design (N=440). Age was assessed in the questionnaire and included as a factor: younger (<65 years) versus older (≥65 years) age. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four experimental webpages where information about lung cancer treatment was presented. A Web-based questionnaire assessed recall of eHealth information. Results: Audiovisual modality (vs written modality) was found to increase recall of information in both younger and older adults (P=.04). Although conversational narration style (vs formal narration style) did not increase recall of information (P=.17), a synergistic effect between modality and narration style was revealed: combining audiovisual information with conversational style outperformed combining written information with formal style (P=.01), as well as written information with conversational style (P=.045). This finding suggests that conversational style especially increases recall of information when presented audiovisually. This combination of modality and narration style improved recall of information among both younger and older adults. Conclusions: We conclude that combining audiovisual information with conversational style is the best way to present eHealth information to younger and older adults. Even though older adults did not proportionally recall more when audiovisual information was combined with conversational style than younger adults, this study reveals interesting implications for improving eHealth information that is effective for both younger and older adults

    Effects of eHealth Interventions on Medication Adherence: A Systematic Review of the Literature

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    Background: Since medication nonadherence is considered to be an important health risk, numerous interventions to improve adherence have been developed. During the past decade, the use of Internet-based interventions to improve medication adherence has increased rapidly. Internet interventions have the potential advantage of tailoring the interventions to the needs and situation of the patient. Objective: The main aim of this systematic review was to investigate which tailored Internet interventions are effective in improving medication adherence. Methods: We undertook comprehensive literature searches in PubMed, PsycINFO, EMBASE, CINAHL, and Communication abstracts, following the guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration. The methodological quality of the randomized controlled trials and clinical controlled trials and methods for measuring adherence were independently reviewed by two researchers. Results: A total of 13 studies met the inclusion criteria. All included Internet interventions clearly used moderately or highly sophisticated computer-tailored methods. Data synthesis revealed that there is evidence for the effectiveness of Internet interventions in improving medication adherence: 5 studies (3 high-quality studies and 2 low-quality studies) showed a significant effect on adherence; 6 other studies (4 high-quality studies and 2 low-quality studies) reported a moderate effect on adherence; and 2 studies (1 high-quality study and 1 low-quality study) showed no effect on patients’ adherence. However, most studies used self-reported measurements to assess adherence, which is generally perceived as a low-quality measurement. In addition, we did not find a clear relationship between the quality of the studies or the level of sophistication of message tailoring and the effectiveness of the intervention. This might be explained by the great difference in study designs and the way of measuring adherence, which makes results difficult to compare. There was also large variation in the measured interval between baseline and follow-up measurements. Conclusion: This review shows promising results on the effectiveness of Internet interventions to enhance patients’ adherence to prescribed long-term medications. Although there is evidence according to the data synthesis, the results must be nterpreted with caution due to low-quality adherence measurements. Future studies using high- quality measurements to assess medication adherence are recommended to establish more robust evidence for the effectiveness of eHealth interventions on medication adherence. (aut. ref.