23 research outputs found

    The Intra-household Division of Labor – An Empirical Analysis of Spousal Influences on Individual Time Allocation

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    Regarding total working hours, including both paid and unpaid labor, hardly any diff erences between German men and women exist. However, whereas men allocate most of their time to market work, women still do most of the non-market work. Using the German Time Use Surveys 1991/92 and 2001/02, this paper aims to analyze the interactions between the time use decisions of partners within one household. Thereby, an interdependent model of the partners’ times allocated to paid and unpaid work that allows for simultaneity and endogeneity of the time allocation decisions of the spouses is applied. The results suggest that male time in market and non-market work is unaff ected by their wife’s time use, while women adjust their time allocation to the time schedule of their partner. These fi ndings might partly explain why in Germany – and other European countries as well – gender diff erences in employment and wages still persist.Intra-household division of labor; time allocation; structural equation model

    Getting What (Employers Think) You’re Worth – Evidence on the Gender Gap in Entry Wages among University Graduates

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    Since the early 1970s, wage differentials between men and women have attracted the research interest of labor economists. However, up to now empirical evidence on gender differentials of labor market entrants and the determinants of their starting wages is scarce. To fi ll this gap, we make use of a unique dataset on graduates in economics from a large representative German university, to investigate whether – even for such a homogeneous group of labor market entrants – a gender gap in earnings exists. Concentrating on a highly homogeneous sample limits the problem of unobserved heterogeneity, which results in an overestimation of the unexplained component of standard decompositions analyses. The results reveal that women’s entry wages are significant lower than those of their male counterparts. Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions suggest that the major part of this gap remains unexplained by gender differences in observable characteristics.Entry wage; gender wage gap; decomposition; university graduates

    Women's Fertility and Employment Decisions under Two Political Systems - Comparing East and West Germany before Reunification

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    Over the last decades fertility rates have decreased in most developed countries, while female labour force participation has increased strongly over the same time period. To shed light on the relationship between women's fertility and employment decisions, we analyse their transitions to the first, second, and third child as well as their employment discontinuities following childbirth. Using new longitudinal datasets that cover the work and family life of women in the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and the German Democratic Republic (GDR) allows for taking into account two political regimes and drawing conclusions about the relevance of institutional factors for fertility and employment decisions. Our results suggest that in both parts of Germany women's probability of having a first child is negatively correlated with both employment and educational achievement. Regarding second and third birth risks, this negative correlation weakens. Analysing women's time spent out of the labour market following childbirth we find that in the East almost all mothers return to work within 18 months after birth. In the West, however, this proportion is much smaller and at the age when the child starts nursery school or school, women re-enter the labour market at higher rates. These results point to a strong influence of institutional circumstances, specifically the extent of public daycare provision. A multivariate analysis reveals a strong correlation between a woman's employment status prior to birth and her probability of re-entering the labour market afterwards.Female labour force participation, fertility

    Methods for Evaluating Educational Programs – Does Writing Center Participation Affect Student Achievement?

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    This paper evaluates the eff ectiveness of the introduction of a Writing Center at a university. The center has the purpose to provide subject-specifi c courses that aim to improve students‘ abilities of scientifi c writing. In order to deal with presumed selfperceptional biases of students in feedback surveys, we use diff erent quantitative evaluation methods and compare the results to corresponding qualitative student surveys. Based on this evaluation, we present and discuss the validity of the approaches to evaluate educational programs. Although almost all students reported the writing courses to be helpful, we fi nd no signifi cant eff ect of course participation on students‘ grades. We attribute the diff erence in the results between quantitative methods and qualitative surveys to the inappropriateness of student course evaluations for assessing the eff ectiveness of educational measures.Performance evaluation; educational programs; student evaluation; empirical methods

    The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply

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    Using data from the European Social Survey (ESS) 2002-2011 covering immigrants in 26 European countries, this paper analyzes the impact of source- and host-country characteristics on female immigrant labor supply. We find that the labor supply of immigrant women in Europe is positively associated with the female-to-male labor force participation ratio in their source country, which serves as a proxy for the country's preferences and beliefs regarding women's roles. This suggests that the culture and norms of their source country play an important role for immigrant women's labor supply. We further find evidence for a strong positive correlation between the labor force participation ratio in the host country and female immigrant labor supply, suggesting that immigrant women assimilate to the work behavior of natives

    The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply

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    Using data from the European Social Survey 2002-2011 covering immigrants in 26 European countries, this paper analyzes the impact of source- and host-country characteristics on female immigrant labor supply. We find that immigrant women’s labor supply in their host country is positively associated with the labor force participation rate in their source country, which serves as a proxy for the country’s preferences and beliefs regarding women’s roles. The effect of this cultural proxy on the labor supply of immigrant women is robust to controlling for spousal, parental, and a variety of source-country characteristics. This result suggests that the culture and norms of their source country play an important role for immigrant women’s labor supply. Moreover, we find evidence for a strong positive correlation between the host-country female labor force participation rate and female immigrant labor supply, suggesting that immigrant women assimilate to the work behavior of natives

    The Role of Source- and Host-Country Characteristics in Female Immigrant Labor Supply

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    Using data from the European Social Survey 2002-2011 covering immigrants in 26 European countries, this paper analyzes the impact of source- and host-country characteristics on female immigrant labor supply. We find that immigrant women’s labor supply in their host country is positively associated with the labor force participation rate in their source country, which serves as a proxy for the country’s preferences and beliefs regarding women’s roles. The effect of this cultural proxy on the labor supply of immigrant women is robust to controlling for spousal, parental, and a variety of source-country characteristics. This result suggests that the culture and norms of their source country play an important role for immigrant women’s labor supply. Moreover, we find evidence for a strong positive correlation between the host-country female labor force participation rate and female immigrant labor supply, suggesting that immigrant women assimilate to the work behavior of natives

    Begleitevaluation der arbeitsmarktpolitischen Integrationsmaßnahmen fĂŒr GeflĂŒchtete: zweiter Zwischenbericht

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    Mit der Begleitevaluation der arbeitsmarktpolitischen Integrationsmaßnahmen fĂŒr GeflĂŒchtete sollen wissenschaftlich fundierte Erkenntnisse ĂŒber die Inanspruchnahme, Umsetzung und Wirkungen der wesentlichen Instrumente der aktiven Arbeitsmarktpolitik im SGB II und SGB III zur Förderung der Integration von GeflĂŒchteten in Ausbildung und Arbeit gewonnen werden. Dabei werden auch Kontextfaktoren wie z. B. die regionalen Rahmenbedingungen sowie die Bedeutung der Sprachförderung in den Blick genommen. ZielgrĂ¶ĂŸen sind neben Fortschritten auf dem Weg in Ausbildung und Arbeit auch Fortschritte bei Dimensionen sozialer Teilhabe, die gute FrĂŒhindikatoren fĂŒr eine erst spĂ€ter erfolgende Arbeitsmarktintegration von GeflĂŒchteten darstellen. Dieser Zwischenbericht dokumentiert den bis zum 31. Oktober 2019 erreichten Projektfortschritt und prĂ€sentiert empirische Befunde auf Grundlage der bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt verfĂŒgbaren umfangreichen projektspezifischen Datenbasis