107 research outputs found

    The performativity in education: the construction of the new teacher and the new performative manager

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    El presente artículo analiza la construcción de la cultura de la performatividad en la educación. Es una cultura que nace tras la implementación de diferentes mecanismos de privatización encubierta en la educación. La administración educativa incorpora nuevas dinámicas de privatización encubierta en la educación pública: pruebas de evaluación estandarizada, nuevos sistemas de incentivo económico a los docentes y nueva gestión pública. Estos mecanismos son nuevas tecnologías políticas que producen control institucional. En este trabajo presentamos resultados de un proceso de investigación empírica de corte cualitativa. Estudiamos seis centros educativos que han implementado el “Programa de calidad y mejora de los rendimientos escolares de los centros públicos de Andalucía”. Este programa produce la cultura de la performatividad en la escuela pública. Presentamos la creación de nuevos docentes y nuevos gestores. Analizamos algunos cambios de identidad, interacciones sociales y valores que son producidos por la cultura de la performatividad en los centros educativos.This article analyzes the construction of the performativity culture in education. It is a culture that was born after the implementation of different mechanisms of privatization in education. The administration assessment incorporates standardized assessment tests, merit pay for teachers and new public management. These mechanisms are new policy technologies that produce institutional control. In this work we present results from a qualitative research. We studied six schools that are implementing “The quality and improvement program of the school performance in Andalusia”. This program produces the performativity culture in the public school. We present the creation of “new teachers” and “new managers”. We analyze some identity changes, social interactions and values that are produced for the performativity culture in the schools

    Competence-based approach in the development teacher training policy. Interview with Claude Lessard

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    The introduction of competency-based approach has set into motion new models in the conception of learning and, consequently, in the design of curricula. Although this is considered as a global issue, there are important differences between countries. In fact, Canada has been one of the first countries that has designed and implemented a competency-based curriculum in all stages of the educational systems, from Primary to Higher Education, including teacher training programs. In this paper, professor Claude Lessard´s ideas are presented in relation to the competency-based approach and its implementation in the reform of the initial teacher training courses that is currently taking place in Montreal. This interview offers new theoretical approaches that, undoubtedly, will enrich the current debate about the design of a competency-based policy

    A robust approach for deep neural networks in presence of label noise: relabelling and filtering instances during training

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    Deep learning has outperformed other machine learning algorithms in a variety of tasks, and as a result, it is widely used. However, like other machine learning algorithms, deep learning, and convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in particular, perform worse when the data sets present label noise. Therefore, it is important to develop algorithms that help the training of deep networks and their generalization to noise-free test sets. In this paper, we propose a robust training strategy against label noise, called RAFNI, that can be used with any CNN. This algorithm filters and relabels instances of the training set based on the predictions and their probabilities made by the backbone neural network during the training process. That way, this algorithm improves the generalization ability of the CNN on its own. RAFNI consists of three mechanisms: two mechanisms that filter instances and one mechanism that relabels instances. In addition, it does not suppose that the noise rate is known nor does it need to be estimated. We evaluated our algorithm using different data sets of several sizes and characteristics. We also compared it with state-of-the-art models using the CIFAR10 and CIFAR100 benchmarks under different types and rates of label noise and found that RAFNI achieves better results in most cases.Comment: 24 pages, 5 figure

    La educación para el desarrollo sostenible en el marco ideológico establecido por el paradigma neoliberal

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    La agenda política que define el neoliberalismo se enmarca en la educación para garantizar y potenciar la configuración de un sujeto autónomo, responsable y autosuficiente. Sus aprendizajes se enfocan en la adquisición de habilidades formativas para incorporarse al mundo laboral y convertirse en un ciudadano activo desde la lógica de la productividad y el consumo. ¿Cómo casan estas formas de entender a los sujetos con las propuestas de la educación para el desarrollo sostenible? La demanda de ciudadanos comprometidos con el interés común, con lo que afecta a todos, la conciencia crítica, el aprendizaje basado en cuestiones complejas, etc., por parte de la EDS, tiene cabida en la escuela competitiva e individualista que propone la agenda neoliberal

    Social and educational exclusion as failures. Framework for your understanding and research

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    La exclusión social es un concepto que trata de explicar teóricamente una serie de fenómenos fundamentalmente sociales y económicos, que se relacionan con la pérdida, o la negación, de derechos esenciales que definen la ciudadanía social. Listas de factores que provocan exclusión, paradigmas explicativos, ámbitos causales, etc., son las propuestas que los analistas sociales ofrecen para aprehender este complejo fenómeno, mencionando con insistencia su carácter procesual y multidimensional. Pero es necesario dar un paso más y comprender las causas, la génesis y la historia que hay detrás de cada caso, para captar cabalmente el verdadero significado de la exclusión social. La educación institucionalizada, con las embestidas neoliberales y mercantilistas, aparece en este debate como un ámbito esencial para su determinación, ya que la falta de ésta, o si ha sido inadecuada, producirá en los sujetos una serie de acontecimientos en su devenir académico, en su biografía personal, en sus relaciones, en sus apoyos afectivos y sociales, etc., que lo harán vulnerable, como analfabeto, como sujeto sin la titulación básica o falto de competencias esenciales para desenvolverse como ciudadano activo en las sociedades plurales de este siglo. La equidad, la formación integral de todos, el aprecio por lo social, son principios pedagógicos que deben aparecer en las agendas políticas para que la educación no se alinee con la exclusión socialSocial exclusion is a concept that aims to explain theoretically a series of facts, generally social and economic, related to the lost or denial of those main rights that define social citizenship. Social analysts offer a list of factors causing exclusion, explanatory paradigms, etc., in order to explain this complex phenomenon, mentioning insistently its character as a multidimensional process. But it is necessary to go one step further and understand the causes, genesis and history of every single case, to grasp the real meaning of social exclusion. Institutionalized education, specially in a neoliberal and mercantilist context, appears in this debate as an essential dimension for its definition, given the fact that the lack of it produces in every individual a series of facts related to their academic career, their personal biographies, their relationships and the existence of emotional and social support, etc., that would make them vulnerable, as illiterates, as individual without the basic qualifications or the main competences that are necessary to cope with as an active citizen in the plural societies of this century. Equity, education in all aspects and dimensions, and the preoccupation for and sensitivity to social problems, are pedagogical principles that should be part of the political agendas so as to avoid the alignment of both concepts: education and social exclusion. Key words: Social exclusion, citizenship, globalization, vulnerability, welfare state, neoliberalism, self-exclusion, educational governanc

    REVEL Framework to Measure Local Linear Explanations for Black-Box Models: Deep Learning Image Classification Case Study

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    This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Technology under project PID2020-119478GB-I00 financed by \\ MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033. This work was also partially supported by the Contract UGR-AM OTRI-6717 and the Contract UGR-AM OTRI-5987 and projects P18-FR-4961 by Proyectos I+D+i Junta de Andalucia 2018. The hardware used in this work is supported by the projects with reference EQC2018-005084-P granted by Spain's Ministry of Science and Innovation and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the project with reference SOMM17/6110/UGR granted by the Andalusian "Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades" and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).Explainable artificial intelligence is proposed to provide explanations for reasoning performed by artificial intelligence. There is no consensus on how to evaluate the quality of these explanations, since even the definition of explanation itself is not clear in the literature. In particular, for the widely known local linear explanations, there are qualitative proposals for the evaluation of explanations, although they suffer from theoretical inconsistencies. The case of image is even more problematic, where a visual explanation seems to explain a decision while detecting edges is what it really does. There are a large number of metrics in the literature specialized in quantitatively measuring different qualitative aspects, so we should be able to develop metrics capable of measuring in a robust and correct way the desirable aspects of the explanations. Some previous papers have attempted to develop new measures for this purpose. However, these measures suffer from lack of objectivity or lack of mathematical consistency, such as saturation or lack of smoothness. In this paper, we propose a procedure called REVEL to evaluate different aspects concerning the quality of explanations with a theoretically coherent development which do not have the problems of the previous measures. This procedure has several advances in the state of the art: it standardizes the concepts of explanation and develops a series of metrics not only to be able to compare between them but also to obtain absolute information regarding the explanation itself. The experiments have been carried out on four image datasets as benchmark where we show REVEL's descriptive and analytical power.Spanish Government PID2020-119478GB-I00, MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033UGR-AM OTRI-6717UGR-AM OTRI-5987Junta de Andalucia 2018 P18-FR-4961European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) EQC2018-005084-PAndalusian "Consejeria de Conocimiento, Investigacion y Universidades" SOMM17/6110/UG

    Educating in contexts of social exclusion in the province of Granada. Needs and changes from the teacher’s perspective

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    En los centros educativos ubicados en contextos de exclusión social las metas de los profesionales docentes se centran, entre otros aspectos, en ofrecer vías de respuesta a las demandas de formación fomentando la cohesión social. Su consecución, en muchos casos, se dificulta por diversas cuestiones. Por ello, mediante una metodología cualitativa, nos aproximamos a tres Institutos de Enseñanza Secundaria (IES) financiados con fondos públicos y situados en zonas de riesgo de exclusión social en la Comunidad Autónoma de Andalucía con el objeto de identificar y analizar las principales problemáticas y necesidades que obstaculizan el logro de los objetivos educativos propuestos por los centros y el profesorado. Al finalizar el proceso metodológico, emerge como parte de los resultados de la investigación, la categoría necesidades y cambios para la optimización del desarrollo educativo del alumnado en riesgo de exclusión social. Después de su análisis fue posible identificar cinco sub-categorías que apuntaron a diferentes dimensiones de la misma, entre ellas podemos mencionar la organización del centro educativo, la relación con las familias, los recursos, la formación del profesorado y los itinerarios de aprendizaje del alumnado. En definitiva, se ofrece una descripción detallada de necesidades y cambios para la optimización del desarrollo educativo del alumnado en riesgo de exclusión social en tres centros concretos que pueden ayudar a mejorar las actuaciones docentes en este ámbito.In schools located in contexts of social exclusion, the goals of education professionals focus, among other things, in provide pathways to respond to the demands of training by promoting social cohesion. His achievement, in many cases is complicated by several issues. Therefore, using a qualitative methodology, we approach to three Secondary Schools (IES) publicly funded and located in areas at risk of social exclusion in the autonomous community of Andalusia in order to identify and analyze the main problems and needs that hinder the achievement of educational objectives proposed by the schools and teachers. At the end of the methodological process, emerge as part of the research results, the category needs and changes to optimize the educational development of students at risk of social exclusion. After its analysis it was possible to identify five sub-categories that pointed to different dimensions of it, among them we can mention the school organization, the relationship with families, resources, teacher training, [and] the itineraries of student learning. In short, it provides a detailed description of requirements and changes to optimize the educational development of students at risk of social exclusion in three specific high schools that can help teachers to improve the performance in this area

    Biopolitique et éducation. Mesure, standardisation et régularisation de la population

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    This paper analyzes scholar standardized testing as a dispositif of educational biopolitics. It describes a theoretical review of biopolitics, an analytic of power of the economic agencies that legitimize global education policies and a socio- technical mapping of teacher control technologies. The dispositif of educational biopolitics causes the legitimizing of disciplinary logic in students, along with the perpetuation of dividing lines (normality/abnormality) and the hegemony of standardization as regularization of population sets. The effects brought about in teachers are presented with in-depth interviews of empirical research, including two qualities: «comparability», of which the characteristics are computing/center and relationship with everything, and «dividuality» where the properties are competitiveness and subjection.Este texto analiza las pruebas estandarizadas del rendimiento escolar como dispositivo de la biopolítica educativa. Se presenta una breve revisión teórica de la noción de biopolítica, una analítica del poder de organismos economicistas legitimadores de políticas educativas globales y una cartografía sociotécnica de las tecnologías de control docente. El dispositivo de la biopolítica educativa provoca en el alumnado la legitimación de la lógica disciplinaria, la perpetuación de las líneas divisorias (normalidad/anormalidad) y la hegemonía de la estandarización como regularización de los conjuntos poblacionales. Los efectos generados en los docentes se presentan con entrevistas en profundidad de una investigación empírica, destacando dos cualidades: «comparabilidad», cuyos rasgos característicos son cómputo/ centro y relación con el todo; y «dividualidad», donde competitividad y sujeción son sus propiedades.Ce texte analyse les tests standardisés en tant que dispositif biopolitique. Nous présenterons un bref examen théorique de la biopolitique, une analyse des organismes économiques qui légitiment les politiques d’éducation globale et une cartographie socio-technique de technologie de contrôle des professeurs. Le dispositif de biopolitique cause la légitimation de la logique disciplinaire chez les étudiants, la perpétuation des lignes (normale/anormale) et l’hégémonie de la standardisation et de la régularisation. Les effets générés par les enseignants sont représentés par des entrevues détaillées de la recherche empirique, contenant deux caractéristiques: «comparabilité», dont les caractéristiques sont le calcul/centre et la relation à l’ensemble, et «dividualité» dont les propriétés sont la compétitivité et la sujétion