7 research outputs found

    Synthesis, polymerization and metal binding studies of new phosphaalkenes bearing donor substituents

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    A new P-Mes (Mes = 2,4,6-trimethylphenyl) phosphaalkene bearing a chelating C-substitutent has been prepared: MesP=C(Ph)(o-DMA) (o-DMA = orthodimethylaniline) (1a). Phosphaalkene 1a was prepared by the standard phospha-Peterson reaction. Radical polymerization of 1a afforded [MesP-C(Ph)(o-DMA)]n (2a). Lithiation followed by protonation of 1a and previously synthesized phosphaalkene MesP=C(Ph)(2- Pyd) (2-Pyd = 2-pyridine) (2a) afforded model compounds (Mes)(Me)P-CH(Ph)(o- DMA) (3a) and (Mes)(Me)P-CH(Ph)(2-Pyd) (3b), respectively. Model compounds 3a and 3b were complexed to Pd(II) resulting in metal complexes (Mes)(Me)P-CH(Ph)(o-DMA)PdClâ‚‚ (4a), [(Mes)(Me)P-CH(Ph)(o- DMA)]â‚‚PdClâ‚‚ (4b), and (Mes)(Me)P-CH(Ph)(2-Pyd)PdClâ‚‚ (4c), respectively. The metal binding properties of the metal complexes were investigated by NMR spectroscopy and X-ray crystallography. The results showed that metal complex 4b coordinated Pd(II) in a two to one fashion by analysis of X-ray crystallography whereas complex 4c coordinated Pd(II) in a bidentate fashion through the phosphorus and nitrogen atoms. Crystals were not obtained for complex 4a, however NMR spectroscopy shows the complex differs from the free ligand 3a and the two to one complex 4b.Science, Faculty ofChemistry, Department ofGraduat

    Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: Global Warming and Community Outreach IPRO 331 Final Presentation Sp08

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    ï‚· Evaluate and incorporate previous presentation feedback into new methods of addressing the scientific aspect of global warming. This primarily includes subdividing the issue into four major aspects that contribute to this effect. ï‚· Present material to a larger and more diverse audiences, including schools, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, and other possibilities. ï‚· Focus on solid, scientific data from credible sources that define why and how global warming is occurring, rather than discussing the politics and economics that surround the issue. ï‚· Create a platform for this IPRO to continue in the future, using resources and feedback received from the current semester.Deliverable

    Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: Global Warming and Community Outreach IPRO 331 Poster Sp08

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    ï‚· Evaluate and incorporate previous presentation feedback into new methods of addressing the scientific aspect of global warming. This primarily includes subdividing the issue into four major aspects that contribute to this effect. ï‚· Present material to a larger and more diverse audiences, including schools, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, and other possibilities. ï‚· Focus on solid, scientific data from credible sources that define why and how global warming is occurring, rather than discussing the politics and economics that surround the issue. ï‚· Create a platform for this IPRO to continue in the future, using resources and feedback received from the current semester.Deliverable

    Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: Global Warming and Community Outreach IPRO 331 Ethics Sp08

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    ï‚· Evaluate and incorporate previous presentation feedback into new methods of addressing the scientific aspect of global warming. This primarily includes subdividing the issue into four major aspects that contribute to this effect. ï‚· Present material to a larger and more diverse audiences, including schools, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, and other possibilities. ï‚· Focus on solid, scientific data from credible sources that define why and how global warming is occurring, rather than discussing the politics and economics that surround the issue. ï‚· Create a platform for this IPRO to continue in the future, using resources and feedback received from the current semester.Deliverable

    Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: Global Warming and Community Outreach IPRO 331 Brochure Sp08

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    ï‚· Evaluate and incorporate previous presentation feedback into new methods of addressing the scientific aspect of global warming. This primarily includes subdividing the issue into four major aspects that contribute to this effect. ï‚· Present material to a larger and more diverse audiences, including schools, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, and other possibilities. ï‚· Focus on solid, scientific data from credible sources that define why and how global warming is occurring, rather than discussing the politics and economics that surround the issue. ï‚· Create a platform for this IPRO to continue in the future, using resources and feedback received from the current semester.Deliverable

    Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: Global Warming and Community Outreach IPRO 331 Project Plan Sp08

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    ï‚· Evaluate and incorporate previous presentation feedback into new methods of addressing the scientific aspect of global warming. This primarily includes subdividing the issue into four major aspects that contribute to this effect. ï‚· Present material to a larger and more diverse audiences, including schools, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, and other possibilities. ï‚· Focus on solid, scientific data from credible sources that define why and how global warming is occurring, rather than discussing the politics and economics that surround the issue. ï‚· Create a platform for this IPRO to continue in the future, using resources and feedback received from the current semester.Deliverable

    Global Warming and Community Outreach (Semester Unknown) IPRO 331: Global Warming and Community Outreach IPRO 331 Midterm Report Sp08

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    ï‚· Evaluate and incorporate previous presentation feedback into new methods of addressing the scientific aspect of global warming. This primarily includes subdividing the issue into four major aspects that contribute to this effect. ï‚· Present material to a larger and more diverse audiences, including schools, community centers, libraries, non-profit organizations, and other possibilities. ï‚· Focus on solid, scientific data from credible sources that define why and how global warming is occurring, rather than discussing the politics and economics that surround the issue. ï‚· Create a platform for this IPRO to continue in the future, using resources and feedback received from the current semester.Deliverable