37 research outputs found
Intersections of Amoebas
Amoebas are projections of complex algebraic varieties in the algebraic torus
under a Log-absolute value map, which have connections to various mathematical
subjects. While amoebas of hypersurfaces have been intensively studied in
recent years, the non-hypersurface case is barely understood so far.
We investigate intersections of amoebas of hypersurfaces in
, which are canonical supersets of amoebas given by
non-hypersurface varieties. Our main results are amoeba analogs of Bernstein's
Theorem and B\'ezout's Theorem providing an upper bound for the number of
connected components of such intersections. Moreover, we show that the
\emph{order map} for hypersurface amoebas can be generalized in a natural way
to intersections of amoebas. In particular, analogous to the case of amoebas of
hypersurfaces, the restriction of this generalized order map to a single
connected component is still -to-.Comment: Revision; Appendix added; 26 pages, 5 figure