176 research outputs found
Boligeieres beslutningsprosesser ved oppgradering : Systematisk EnergiOPPgradering av småhus – SEOPP
Omfattende oppgradering av eneboliger er et viktig skritt mot en mer energieffektiv bygningsmasse i Norge. Denne rapporten beskriver drivere og barrierer for oppgradering og energieffektivisering. Dataene ble innhentet gjennom dybdeintervjuer av huseiere.
De største barrierene for energioppgradering var: utfordringer med informasjonsinnhenting, lavt kunnskapsnivå i byggebransjen om tekniske løsninger og byggetekniske detaljer, høye kostnader, vanskelig tilgjengelige materialer og produkter.
De største motivasjonsfaktorene var økt bokomfort, generelt behov for oppgradering, strømsparing og lavere strømregning.
Motivasjonsfaktorene viser at energieffektivisering ofte er en «bi-effekt» når tiltak settes i gang i hus som er modne for oppgradering.publishedVersio
Nilai nasionalisme merupakan salah satu nilai yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa. Pembinaan nilai nasionalisme itu dikembangkan melalui pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (PPKn) di sekolah. Media pembelajaran merupakan salah satu alat untuk merangsang semangat kebangsaan mereka. Namun kondisi di sekolah, media yang digunakan guru dalam pembelajaran itu kurang bervariasi dan kurang menggugah para siswa, sehingga pembinaan kompetensi sikap nasionalisme siswa masih kurang optimum. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai penguatan nilai-nilai nasionalisme siswa dalam pembelajaran PPKn, digunakanlah media pembelajaran puisi bertema perjuangan, khususnya dalam materi berkomitmen terhadap Pancasila sebagai dasar negara. Penelitian dilakukan di kelas VII A SMP Laboratorium Percontohan UPI Bandung melalui metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK). Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi, studi kepustakaan, dan catatan lapangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan penguatan nilai-nilai nasionalisme siswa pada pembelajaran PPKn melalui tiga siklus pembelajaran. Hasil memperlihatkan sikap belajar siswa yang tinggi, disiplin, saling toleransi dan menghargai teman, serta hormat dan santun kepada guru. Terlihat deskripsi siswa dalam mengutamakan kepentingan kelompok daripada kepentingan pribadi, berani tampil ke depan kelas dan makin berani mengemukakan pendapat. Seiring dengan itu, perkembangan kognitif dan keterampilan mereka terlihat dari berkomunikasi dalam kelompok dan kelas di sekolah. Kesimpulannya, media puisi bertema perjuangan dapat dijadikan sebagai salah satu alternatif media pembelajaran yang dapat digunakan guru Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan dalam peningkatan kualitas proses pembelajaran, guna menguatkan nilai-nilai nasionalisme siswa di sekolah. Maka seyogyanya media puisi bertema perjuangan terus dikembangkan dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaran di sekolah.
Kata kunci:
Media, pembelajaran, puisi perjuangan, nasionalisme.
Nationalism is one of many values that must be possessed by students. Development of nationalism is developed through civic education in school. Instructional media is one of tools to stimulate their national spirit. Nevertheless, the conditions in school, the media used by teachers in teaching are less varied and evocative over the students, so student’s competency over nationalism is still less optimum. Therefore, the use of struggle themed poetry is to achieve the reinforcement of student’s nationalism in civic education, especially in part to commit to Pancasila as national principle. The research conducted in JHS UPI Bandung Laboratory Schools class VII A through Classroom Action Research Method. The data collection techniques that used are observation, interviews, documentation studies, literature studies, and field notes. The research results show reinforcement of student’s nationalism in civic education through three cycles of learning. The results show high students learning attitude, discipline, tolerance, respect and well behaved over fellow students and teachers. Students prioritize their group rather than their personal interest, they are able to appear in front of the class, and express their opinions. Along with that, their skills and cognitive development are visible from the way they communicate in groups and class in school. The conclusion is the media struggle themed poetry can be used as an alternative media that can be used by civics teachers to improve the quality of learning process, also reinforces the student’s nationalism in school. Accordingly, the struggle themed poetry media continue to be developed in civic education in school.
Keywords: Media, Learning, Struggle Poetry, Nationalism
User evaluation of vacuum insulation in clay blocks
This is an early user test of vacuum insulation embedded in clay blocks, a solution developed within ZEB. The
product is in an early stage of its development and is not taken into use in any building projects yet. Therefore,
the evaluation is not based on experiences but on expectations towards this product. In this exploration we have
conducted twelve telephone interviews with representatives from different parts of the building industry. The main
results are: There is general agreement that vacuum insulation will be interesting and attractive for the market.
Some find thick walls problematic, but others indicated that there exist aesthetic and practical reasons to prefer
thick walls. Vacuum insulation may therefore be especially important for renovation projects and new buildings
where the site costs are high. Vacuum insulation in clay blocks seems like a reasonable combination to most of
the informants. But there was also a demand for vacuum insulation for wood constructions in combination with
thinner and lighter materials. According to our informants, to make vacuum insulation a central building product in
the future, a great degree of material flexibility will clearly be important. For future promotion of a product with
vacuum insulation, it is also important to convince the market that it is robust enough, and show calculation
examples on how the product may be more profitable when used where the site prices are high. The
environmental impact of vacuum insulation matters to some of our informants, and a clear plan for pre-separation
at source is asked for.© Copyright SINTEF Academic Press and Norwegian University of Science and Technology 201
Casebeskrivelser av fire norske ZEB pilotbygg – byggeprosess og brukerevaluering
Denne rapporten er skrevet for forskningssenteret Zero Emission Buildings (ZEB). Forfatterne er takknemlige for støtte fra Forskningsrådet, BNL – Byggenæringens landsforening, Brødrene Dahl, ByBo, DiBK – Direktoratet for byggkvalitet, Caverion Norge AS, DuPont, Entra, Forsvarsbygg, Glava, Husbanken, Isola, Multiconsult, NorDan, Norsk Teknologi, Protan, SAPA Building Systems, Skanska, Snøhetta, Statsbygg, Sør-Trøndelag Fylkeskommune og Weber. Vi retter en stor takk til de som har latt seg intervjue i pilotprosjektene, og for deres beredskap til å dele sine erfaringer og historier med oss. Vi vil til slutt takke professor Thomas Berker ved NTNU for nyttige innspill til rapporten.publishedVersio
User evaluations of energy efficient buildings. The interplay of buildings and users in seven European case studies
© Copyright SINTEF Academic Press and Norwegian University of Science and Technology 201
Diagnostic validity of early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder in the Danish Psychiatric Central Register:findings from a cohort sample
Employing national registers for research purposes depends on a high diagnostic validity. The aim of the present study was to examine the diagnostic validity of recorded diagnoses of early-onset obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in the Danish Psychiatric Central Register (DPCR)
NullutslippsomrĂĄder. Fra pilotprosjekt til allemannseie
Det haster å finne løsninger for å redusere energibruken, klimagass-utslippene og forbedre forsyningssikkerheten. Forskning i FME ZEN har dokumentert et energisparepotensial i den norske bygnings-massen på hele 40TWh innen 2050. Energieffektivisering i bygg vil redusere effektbehovet, spare kostnader til utbygging av ny fornybar kraft, skape nye arbeidsplasser og redusere energifattigdom. Å sette søkelys på områder i stedet for enkeltbygg gir mulighet for bedre utnyttelse av ressursene. En satsing på utvikling av nullutslippsområder kan derfor bli nøkkelen til å nå energi- og klimamål, uten store kostnader og naturinngrep.publishedVersio
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