12 research outputs found

    Reward Management and Employee Commitment in Financial Institutions in Uganda: A Case of Postbank Uganda Limited, Loan Department in Northern Uganda

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    This study examined the effect of reward management on the commitment of employees in Postbank Uganda Limited. Specifically, the study looked at the effect of career development, employee benefit and bonus pay on the commitment of employees in Postbank Uganda Limited loans department. Using a sample of 85 staff drawn from a population of 114 staff of Postbank Uganda Limited, the study attempts to achieve the objective of assessing the effect of reward management on employee commitment In financial institutions in Uganda. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey design and employed quantitative approach. The data collected was tested for validity and reliability and analyzed using SPSS Version 23 in form of descriptive statistics, correlations and regressions. The findings of the study revealed firstly, that career development had a positive significant effect (Adjusted R Square = 34.4%, p < 0.01) on employee commitment in Postbank Uganda Limited. Secondly, employee benefit had a positive significant effect (Adjusted R Square = 27.3%, p > 0.01) on commitment in Postbank Uganda Limited. Thirdly, the examination of the effect of bonus pays on employee commitment in Postbank Uganda Limited revealed a positive and statistically significant effect (Adjusted R Square = 37.4%, p < 0.01). Based on the findings of this study, it is recommended that Post Bank Limited should adopt reward management practices in order to enhance their level of employee commitment. Keywords: Reward Management, Employee Commitment, Financial Institutions, Postbank Uganda Limited DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-17-08 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Revenue Collection and Service Delivery in Works Department of Amolatar District Local Government

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of revenue collection on service delivery in Uganda focusing on employees in Amolatar District Local Government. Specifically, the study sought to: examine the sources of revenue collection in Amolatar district, assess the level of service delivery in Amolatar district and to examine the relationship between revenue collection and service delivery in Amolatar district local government. The study employed cross sectional research design; employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches from sample size of 113 respondents that was drawn using Krejcie & Morgan (1970). The study used questionnaires and interview guide as research techniques to collect quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources. Quantitative data analysis was done using SPSS package version 23 while thematic and content analysis was employed to analyse qualitative data. The study revealed market dues, trading license and local service tax are all important sources of revenue. The study revealed that the level of quality and coverage of service delivery are above average while the timeliness of services is below average. Finally, the study indicated that market dues, trading license and local service tax are all positively associated with service delivery. Finally, the results of multiple linear regression yielded an adjusted R Square value of 0.324, which implied that jointly, revenue collection contribute about 32.4% variation in service delivery in Amolatar District Local Government. Based on the above findings, the study concluded that Amolatar district local government should strengthen their effort and also come out with proper strategies of collecting revenue for those sources studied and leadership and the technocrats of Amolatar needs to do a lot more in the area of the timeliness of service provision in addition to quality and coverage of services. The study therefore recommended that Amolatar District Local Government should come out with strategies of collecting revenue from all those sources which have been studies.  Keywords: Revenue Collection, Service Delivery, Local Government DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/14-18-05 Publication date:October 31st 202

    Functional Adult Literacy: The Influence on Women’s Improved Health Promotion Behaviours in Apac District, Northern-Uganda

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    This article is about women’s experiences of Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) as a means to their improved Health Promotion Behaviours in Apac District, Northern Uganda. The qualitative study of 29 participants aimed at examining women’s improved well-being resulting from using their acquired FAL knowledge and skills to participate in health promotion behaviours. The study was informed by Kabeer’s agency theory and Freire’s literacy perspective which argue on the element of conscientisation or awareness by making marginalised non-literate’s agents of promoting health behaviours. The findings revealed that from the practical skills, the women experienced more confidence, increased awareness and understanding on health-related issues and improved well-being. Therefore, the study recommends that the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development (MoGLSD), International Donors, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and Civil Society should ensure prioritisation, support and implementation of FAL training. Keywords: Women, Practical learning, Participation, Well-being DOI: 10.7176/RHSS/11-8-07 Publication date: April 30th 202

    Solid Waste Management Practices and Sustainable Environmental Management: A Case of Lira City

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    The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of effect of commercial waste management practices. Specifically, the study sought to: explore commercial solid waste management practices in Lira City, assess the level of environmental sustainability of Lira City and to examine the effect of commercial solid waste management practices on environmental sustainability of Lira City. The study employed cross sectional research design; employed both quantitative and qualitative approaches from sample size of 103 respondents that was drawn using Krejcie & Morgan (1970). The study used questionnaires and interview guide as research techniques to collect quantitative and qualitative data from primary and secondary sources. Quantitative data analysis was done using SPSS package version 23 while thematic and content analysis was employed to analyse qualitative data. The findings of the study revealed that waste compositing was the main way of managing solid waste by hotels and restaurants in Lira City. The study revealed that the level of environmental sustainability in Lira City was still below average as indicated by a Likert scale of 1-5 used by the researcher. Finally, the study indicated that the use of waste compositing and waste recycling to manage waste had a significant effect in Lira City. Based on the above findings, the study concluded that commercial solid waste in Lira City was being best managed by the use of compositing. The study therefore recommended that commercial waste management in Lira City should be managed at the local government, company, and community levels so that everybody can be in position to manage. Keywords: Commercial waste management, Environmental sustainability, Lira City, Waste composting DOI: 10.7176/JESD/14-16-06 Publication date: October 2023

    Women Beneficiaries of Functional Adult Literacy Speak Out: Opportunities and Challenges for Socio-Economic Development in Apac District, Northern Uganda

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    Women’s literacy is critical to addressing gender inequality, though, globally, only 88 adult women are considered literate for every 100 adult men. This article is an analysis of challenges faced by Ugandan women based in the Northern part of the country who attempt to acquire and use skills attained from training in Functional Adult Literacy (FAL) to improve their socio-economic conditions. Qualitative data was collected from 45 participants (literate and non-literate) selected purposively. The study was informed by Freire’s literacy and agency theories which argues on the element of awareness by making marginalised non-literates see the reality of the world by using their agency to recognise their impediment to development. Findings indicate that women FAL graduates faced challenges ranging from lack of acknowledgement, belittlement to negative perceptions. It would be helpful for Government, International development partners, NGO’s and civil society to ensure strong support and inclusive planning with FAL trainees to enable them not only to benefit from their training but also to contribute to achievement of sustainable development. Keywords: Practical Learning, Challenge, Socio-economic progres

    Strategic Management Processes and Performance of Agro Processing of Small and Medium-Term Enterprises in Uganda

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    This study sought to establish the contribution of strategic management practices on performance of Agro processing firms in Lira City. Specifically, the study focused on establishing the effect of strategic formulation on the performance of Agro processing firms in Lira City, assessing the effect of implementation on the performance of Agro processing firms in Lira City and examining the effect of evaluation on the performance of Agro processing firms in Lira City. The study targeted all Agro processing SMEs in Lira City approximately 620 in number and it focused on the key stakeholders; the general manager, the accountant and the production manager of which 234 owners and managers were sampled using simple random sampling from the construction firms. The study employed multiple regression analysis to analyze contribution of strategic management practices on performance of Agro processing firms in Lira City.  The finding of the study revealed that that evaluation and control (p<0.001, β₌0.369), and strategic implementation (p<0.001, β₌0.428) are significant predictors of SME performance. However, jointly evaluation and control, strategic implementation and strategic formulation explain 37.8% variation of all the possible factors that are likely to account for SME performance in Lira City (Adjusted R2= 0.378). The study recommends that the management of all SMEs to ensure that their organizations adopt strategic management process by carrying out accurate situation analysis, involvement of all level employees in strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. Keywords:Strategic planning, Innovation, Networking opportunities, Youth-owned enterprises, Growth, Market competitiveness DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/15-9-04 Publication date:May 31st 202

    Internal Control System and Revenue Collection in Local Governments. A Case Study of Lira District Local Government

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    The study assessed the effects of internal control system on revenue collection in Lira District local government. The main objective was to assess the effects of internal control system with emphasis on control environment, control activities and monitoring of controls on revenue collection. Specific objectives were to: examine the influence of control environment on revenue collection; assess the effects of control activities on revenue collection; and determine the effects of monitoring on revenue collection. The research adopted cross-sectional research design with descriptive and quantitative approaches, and employed both primary and secondary method of data collection with 93 respondents selected from the population of district staff and executives. To determine the reliability of research instruments a pilot study was conducted before the actual data collection and further split half method was carried out to calculate Cronbach alpha. A value of above 0.899 was obtained and confirmed the reliability of the research instruments. The data was analyzed using both inferential (multiple regression and correlation) and descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation) and was presented by use of tables and charts. The study findings indicated that that control environment and monitoring had no significant effect on revenue collection whereas control activities had significant effect on revenue collection (coefficient =0.542, p=0.005). The study recommends that, Lira district local government should ensure compliance with laws, regulations and operational controls in their internal control systems. Finally, there is need to avail competent internal and external professionals who have responsibilities of making an effective and efficient control environment as well as ensure effective control activities in their institution. Keywords: control environment, control activities, monitoring, revenue collection DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/12-14-05 Publication date:July 31st 202

    Financial Rewards and Employee Commitment in Local Governments in Apac Municipal Council

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    The aim of this study is to assess the effect of financial rewards on employee commitment of employees in Apac Municipal Council. The specific objectives of the study were as follows: to determine the effect of financial rewards on affective commitment of employees in Apac Municipal Council; to assess the effect of financial rewards on normative commitment of employees in Apac Municipal Council; to assess the effect of financial reward on continuance commitment of employees in Apac Municipal Council. The sample size of the study was 135 which comprised of 132 teachers, the Municipal Education Officer, Senior Inspector of Schools, and Inspector of Schools. Primary data was collected using the questionnaire method while secondary data was collected through documentary review. The data obtained was processed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) and was analysed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The analysed data was presented using tables. Results indicate that there was a fairly positive significant relationship between financial rewards and affective commitment (r =0.506, p<0.05), moderately significant relationship between financial rewards and normative commitment (r = 0.307, p<0.05) and moderately positive significant relationship between financial rewards and continuance commitment (r = 0.346, p< 0.05). The study found out that financial reward had a positive significant effect on affective commitment (Coef.0.513, p<0.05), normative commitment (Coef.0.306, p<0.05) and continuance commitment (Coef.0.433, p<0.05) of employees in Apac Municipal Council. The study recommended that Apac Municipal Council should carry out salary reviews in order to develop a reward management structure that is externally competitive, internally fair and consistent with the current acceptable international rates. It was also recommended that the top management in Apac Municipal Council should encourage employees to participate in decision making and they should implement employees’ decision. Keywords: Economic, Rewards, Employees, Commitment DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-10-09 Publication date:May 31st 2022

    Contribution of Village Saving and Loan Association (VSLA) to Household Welfare Improvement in Kole District- Northern Uganda

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    The study was conducted to examine the effect of VSLA loan activities on poverty reduction in Bala Sub-county. Specifically, the study examined the effect of lending modality on the household welfare improvement in Bala Sub-county, assessed the effect of financial literacy on the house welfare improvement in Bala Sub-county and assessed the effect of small business financing on the household welfare improvement in Bala Sub-county. The study employed cross-sectional design and the approaches used were both quantitative and qualitative; the sample size of the study population was 110 respondents comprising of members of VSLA in Bala Sub-county, the District Commercial Officer and Community Development officer. From the target population of 110, a sample size of 86 respondents was determined using Krejcie and Morgan. Simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques were applied to sample the respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect quantitative primary data while interview guide and focus group discussion was employed to collect qualitative data. Data analysis was done with the help of SPSS version 23. Correlation coefficient was used to test the strength and the direction of the relationship between the variables. The finding of the study revealed that household welfare was positively and significantly correlated with lending modality, financial literacy and small business financing. Finally, the results of regression revealed that VSLA lending modality, financial literacy and small business financing all had a positive significant effect on the level of household welfare hence poverty reduction among members of VSLA in Bala Sub-county. Based on the above findings, the study concluded that all the credit activities of the VSLA that were studied by the researcher affect the level of household welfare among the member of VSLA in Bala sub-county. The study therefore recommended that government should support the VSLA activities as it is playing a big role in reducing the level of poverty among the poor people at the grass root level who cannot access credit facilities from the formal financial institutions in Uganda. Keywords: Micro-Finance, Family, Financial Literacy, Well-being DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-10-01 Publication date:May 31st 2022

    Training and Organizational Performance: A Case of Education Service Sector in Lira District Local Government

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    The study was conducted to examine the effect of training on employee performance in the education sector of Lira District Local Government (DLG). Specifically, the study investigated the effect of on-job training on employee performance, examined the effect of off-job training on employee performance and assessed the effect of induction on employee performance in the health sector of Lira DLG. The study used cross-sectional research design where both quantitative and qualitative approaches were used; the sample size of the study population was 108 and was sampled using Simple random sampling and purposive sampling techniques. Questionnaires and interview methods were used to collect data while mean and standard deviation were used to measure the performance of the construct in Lira DLG. Correlation coefficient was used to test the strength and the direction of the relationship between training and employee performance. All the constructs were positively correlated to organisational performance. The findings of the study revealed a positive significant effect of on-job training on employee performance in Lira DLG (Coef. 0.315, p < 0.01). Secondly, the results on the effect of the off-job training on employee performance in Lira DLG further revealed a positive insignificant effect (Coef. 0.153, p > 0.01). Thirdly, the effect of the induction on employee performance of health sector employees in Lira DLG was found to be positive and significant (Coef. 0.430, p < 0.01). Finally, the results of multiple regressions yielded an adjusted R Square value of 0.372, which meant that training contribute about 37.2% to the performance of education sector employees in Lira DLG. Based on the above findings, the study recommends that Lira DLG should put more emphasis on on-job training and induction of employees in the education sector to improve on the performance of the sector in Lira DLG. Keywords: Member of staff, Training, Managerial, Performance DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/14-9-05 Publication date:May 31st 202