9 research outputs found


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    Water droplet impacting into a deep liquid pool is one of the most well-known flow phenomena in fluid mechanics. As a ubiquitous natural aeration process, the coalescence of water droplets in lakes and ponds and the subsequent bubble entrapment are one of the most notable ways of gas-liquid exchange in nature, and it is of great significance for underwater sound transmission, aquatic ecosystems and chemical process. The shape of an oscillating droplet in impact under different surrounding medium and initial condition is a key factor for the subsequent cavity formation and bubble entrapment. In this study, the adaptive mesh refinement technique and volume of fluid (VOF) method are applied to the study of the water droplet impact phenomena. Five kinds of deformed micron water droplets with different aspect ratios and impact velocities of 4 m/s and 6 m/s are selected to investigate the influences of drop deformation and impact velocity on the bubble entrapment, capillary wave propagation, and vortex ring evolution. The results show that at low impact velocities (Fr = 75, We = 64.4, Re = 1160, V, = 4 m/s), the shape of water droplet does not cause the cavity formation and bubble entrapment to change significantly. However, under higher impact velocity (Fr = 112.5, We = 145, Re = 1740, V, = 6 m/s), deformed droplet with an aspect ratio of 1.33 coalesces with the pool, and large bubble entrainment occurs. The large bubble entrapment is affected mainly by the vortex ring generated under the free surface at the neck between the droplet and the pool. The vortex ring penetrates more deeply before it pulls the free surface to generate a rolling jet at the upper interface of the cavity. The rolling jets then contact the center of the cavity and collapse to entrain a large bubble. At the end of the bubble entrapment phenomenon, the cyclone inside the cavity pushes the sidewall of the cavity continuously, and effectively increases the lateral volume of the bubble, which plays a vital role in the bubble entrainment process. In the initial stage of the impact, the flatter the shape of the droplet, the greater the curvature of the jet generated on the neck between the droplet and the pool, the greater the strength of the vortex ring generated under the free surface. However, the vortex ring formed by the oblate-shaped water droplet is generated too close to the free surface, and the early free surface pulling reduces the strength of the vortex ring, thus the vorticity maximum value decays relatively fast

    Simulation of the Transient Characteristics of Water Pipeline Leakage with Different Bending Angles

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    Rapid global development has resulted in the widespread use of water pipelines in industrial and agricultural production and life. During water transportation and deployment, water pipes with different angles need to be positioned according to different geographical and topographical problems. Flowmaster simulation software was used to simulate the leakage process of pipelines with different angles. The transient characteristics of fluids in the pipeline were studied in detail. The influences of parameters, such as the bending coefficient R/D (R is the turning radius of pipe, D is the inner diameter of pipe), leakage position, and leakage aperture on the transient flow law of pipelines with and without leakage, were analyzed. The results show that the periodic decay of the upstream flow and pressure curve at the valve with and without leakage has an insignificant relationship with the bending coefficient R/D; however, the amplitude of the sudden position change is positively correlated with the magnitude of R/D. The leakage aperture is positively correlated with the leakage flow and negatively correlated with the pressure value at the leak location node. The farther the leak position is from the valve, the greater the amplitude of the valve end pressure and the upstream flow curve, and symmetric fluctuations occur

    The Influence of Groove Structure Parameters on the Maximum Flow Resistance of a Rectangular Narrow Channel

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    In the hydraulically suspended passive shutdown assembly, in order to prevent the liquid suspension rod falling too fast and the outer tube from violent impact, it is necessary to study the way to increase flow resistance. This study added grooves to the wall of the narrow channel to increase its flow resistance. Using the RNG k-ε turbulence model in Fluent, the influence of the groove structure parameters and the Reynolds number on the flow resistance of the narrow channel was discussed to find the optimal groove structure parameters. The results showed that the flow resistance of the narrow channel increased with the increase in the concave–convex ratio, and when the concave–convex ratio was small, the flow resistance decreased with increased groove thickness, while when the concave–convex ratio exceeded a certain critical value, the flow resistance increased with increased groove thickness. Additionally, the growth rate slowed down when the concave–convex ratio was greater than 3:1. As the unit length decreased, the flow resistance first increased and then decreased. When the unit length was 6 mm, the flow resistance reached the maximum. With the increase in the Reynolds number, the intensity of the local high-turbulence kinetic energy clearly increased

    Super Early Scan of PSMA PET/CT in Evaluating Primary and Metastatic Lesions of Prostate Cancer

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    68Ga-prostate specific membrane antigen (PSMA)-11 PET/CT has been widely used in the diagnosis of prostate cancer (PCa); however, the urine lead shielding resulting from the urinary metabolism of tracers may obstruct the detection of surrounding metastasis. In this research, the additive value of super early scanning in diagnosing primary lesions and metastasis in the pelvic cavity was evaluated. Firstly, the differentiation efficiency of 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET scanned at 3 min post-injection (min P.I.) was measured in PSMA-positive (22rv1 cells) and PSMA-negative (PC3 cells) model mice. Secondly, 106 patients were scanned at 3 min P.I. for the pelvic cavity and then scanned as a standard protocol at 45 min P.I. In the results, the differential diagnosis of PSMA expression was completely reflected as early as 3 min P.I. for mice models. For patients, when correlated with the Gleason score, the quantitative results of the super early scan displayed a comparable correlation coefficient with the routine scan. The target to bladder ratios increased from 1.44 ± 2.40 at 45 min to 10.10 ± 19.10 at 3 min (p p p 68Ga-PSMA-11 PET/CT added referable information for metastasis detection in order to avoid disturbing tracer activity in the urinary system