4 research outputs found

    Early Morphogenesis of flyingfish, Cypselurus heterurus doederleini (Teleostei : Exocoetidae)

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    Embryonic and larval developments of a flyingfish, Cypselurus heterurus doederleini were studied. Egg was large and lacking in oil globule, but with long, thin and sticky thread-like filaments around the chorion. In the early embryonic stage, the pigments and the pectoral fin were formed and the vitelline circulated, preceding the formation of the heart. In the later stage, the mouth started being opened and the pectoral, ventral and caudal fins became elongated and moved. The eye was darkened. After eight days of incubation, first two larvae hatched-out which started from sunset to sunrise and continued for two days at the temperature ranges from 22.5℃ to 23.5℃. No hatching at night. The average total length of the newly-hatched larvae was 6.07 mm. Newly-hatched larva was heavily pigmented and exhibited yellowish-pinkish color patterns. Organs were fully formed and they actively swam. They fed actively after the absorption of an eggyolk at one-day. Larvae grew faster and almost doubled its total length within 11 days, but exhibited negative allometry, making the body form more elongate and slender