43 research outputs found

    Estudio de coste eficacia en el manejo de la degeneración macular asociada a edad en la práctica clínica real con ranibizumab

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    La degeneración macular asociada a edad es un reto para la oftalmología moderna, pues en los últimos años ha evolucionado desde la imposibilidad para tratarla hasta la carrera por mejorar tanto los resultados visuales como los costes asociados y las cargas asistenciales que han modificado los servicios de retina. Uno de los factores determinantes en este cambio, han sido los fármacos antiangiogénicos, que han mejorado los pronósticos de los pacientes pero han complicado las gestiones de nuestras unidades. La DMAE es una enfermedad degenerativa que se inicia habitualmente en las capas más internas de la coroides, en forma de drusas, y a partir de los 40 años. Estas alteraciones van creciendo en magnitud haciendo que la función macular se vea afectada hasta la pérdida completa, bien en su evolución hacia la forma atrófica o hacia la forma exudativa. La DMAE es la primera causa de ceguera no reversible en mayores de 60 años: más frecuente en la raza caucásica. Los estudios de los años 90 y primera década de los 2000 son coincidentes en la distribución de la enfermedad, siendo el factor de riesgo más importante la edad; a mayor edad mayor riesgo, siendo hasta 16 veces mayor en el grupo de más de 75 frente a los mayores de 65. Igualmente la bilateralización es un factor clave para el manejo de los pacientes, pues hasta del 70-83 % de los casos a 5 años sufrirá NVC en el ojo contralateral. La DMAE es una de las enfermedades causantes de ceguera más prevalentes, junto con las cataratas, glaucoma y la retinopatía diabética según el Foro Europeo contra la Ceguera..

    Java API for MiAPE Generation

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    Prediction of the response to photodynamic therapy in patients with chronic central serous chorioretinopathy based on optical coherence tomography using deep learning

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    This version of the article has been accepted for publication in: Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, 40, 103107. The Version of Record is available online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ins.2018.09.045[Abstract]: Purpose To assess the prediction of the response to photodynamic therapy (PDT) in chronic central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) based on spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) images using deep learning (DL). Methods Retrospective study including 216 eyes of 175 patients with CSCR and persistent subretinal fluid (SRF) who underwent half-fluence PDT. SD-OCT macular examination was performed before (baseline) and 3 months after treatment. Patients were classified into groups by experts based on the response to PDT: Group 1, complete SRF resorption (n = 100); Group 2, partial SRF resorption (n = 66); and Group 3, absence of any SRF resorption (n = 50). This work proposes different computational approaches: 1st approach compares all groups; 2nd compares groups 1 vs. 2 and 3 together; 3rd compares groups 2 vs. 3. Results The mean age was 55.6 ± 10.9 years and 70.3% were males. In the first approach, the algorithm showed a precision of up to 57% to detect the response to treatment in group 1 based on the initial scan, with a mean average accuracy of 0.529 ± 0.035. In the second model, the mean accuracy was higher (0.670 ± 0.046). In the third approach, the algorithm showed a precision of 0.74 ± 0.12 to detect the response to treatment in group 2 (partial SRF resolution) and 0.69 ± 0.15 in group 3 (absence of SRF resolution). Conclusion Despite the high clinical variability in the response of chronic CSCR to PDT, this DL algorithm offers an objective and promising tool to predict the response to PDT treatment in clinical practice

    Systemic effects of repeated intraocular dexamethasone Intravitreal implant in diabetic patients: a retrospective study

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    Introduction: The objective of this study is to evaluate the influence of repeated intraocular dexamethasone implant (Ozurdex) injections on metabolic control in type 2 diabetic patients. Methods: Retrospective study of 165 type 2 diabetic patients starting Ozurdex treatment who received no less than three consecutive injections. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c), serum creatinine, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and triglycerides (TGs) were evaluated during 15 months of follow-up after Ozurdex treatment onset. Results: Fifty-seven patients met inclusion criteria. Mean baseline values for HbA1c, creatinine, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, and TGs before treatment (7.1%, 1.3, 176.7, 51.1, and 125.6 mg/ dl, respectively) were similar to mean values after Ozurdex onset (Wilcoxon test p values were 0.68, 0.41, 0.06, 0.87, and 0.33, respectively) and remained stable during the follow-up period. Mean LDL cholesterol levels increased slightly after Ozurdex treatment onset (90.1 vs 88.2 mg/ dl, p = 0.04) but after 15 months of follow-up they had returned to baseline values. Transient increase in LDL cholesterol was remarkable in the group of 24 bilaterally treated patients (96.8 vs 88.4 mg/dl, p = 0.03). A third of these patients increased their baseline LDL values by more than 20%. Even with continuous injections of Ozurdex, LDL cholesterol levels also declined back to baseline by month 15. Conclusion: Ozurdex injections had no influence on HbA1c or renal function. Lipid profile changes were mild and transient. However, a significant temporary increase has been found in LDL cholesterol levels in patients receiving simultaneous bilateral injections. Lipid levels should be monitored in patients starting with bilateral Ozurdex injections especially in those with recent history of acute myocardial infarction

    Novedades florísticas para la provincia de Albacete I

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    Se presenta un listado de 29 especies de flora novedosas para la provincia de Albacete, algunas de ellas, de elevado interés biogeo- gráfico

    Novedades florísticas para la provincia de Albacete III

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    Se presenta un listado de 10 especies de flora novedosas para la provincia de Albacete procedentes de la Sierra del Relumbrar y zo- nas adyacentes, algunas de ellas, de elevado interés biogeográfi- co

    Novedades florísticas para las provincias de Albacete, Almería y Granada (España)

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    14 new or interesting records for the flora of Albacete, Almeria and Granada are listed in this paper. For each species, chorological, taxonomic and ecology data are included. Furthermore, data belonging to their Conservation status are added, in order to take into account them in further revisions of Catalogues of threatened flora.Se presenta un listado de 14 especies de flora, novedosas para las provincias de Albacete, Almería y Granada (España). Se incluyen datos sobre la corología y ecología de todas las especies, además de otros comentarios relativos a la conservación o de carácter taxonómico

    Challenges in Diabetic Macular Edema Management: An Expert Consensus Report

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    Purpose: This paper aimed to present daily-practice recommendations for the management of diabetic macular edema (DME) patients based on available scientific evidence and the clinical experience of the consensus panel. Methods: A group of Spanish retina experts agreed to discuss different aspects related with the clinical management of DME patients. Results: Panel was mainly focused on therapeutic objectives in DME management; defini-tion terms; and role of biomarkers as prognostic and predictive factors to intravitreal treatment response. The panel recommends to start DME treatment as soon as possible in those eyes with a visual acuity less than 20/25 (always according to the retina unit capacity). Naive patient was defined, in a strict manner, as a patient who, up to that moment, had never received any treatment. A refractory DME patient may be defined as the one who did not achieve a complete resolution of the disease, regardless of the treatment administered. Different optical coherence tomography biomarkers, such as disorganization of the retinal inner layers, hyperreflective dots, and cysts, have been identified as prognostic factors. Conclusion: This document has sought to lay down a set of recommendations and to identify key issues that may be useful for the daily management of DME patients

    Role of Klotho and AGE/RAGE-Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway on the development of cardiac and renal fibrosis in diabetes

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    Fibrosis plays an important role in the pathogenesis of long-term diabetic complications and contributes to the development of cardiac and renal dysfunction. The aim of this experimental study, performed in a long-term rat model, which resembles type 1 diabetes mellitus, was to investigate the role of soluble Klotho (sKlotho), advanced glycation end products (AGEs)/receptor for AGEs (RAGE), fibrotic Wnt/β-catenin pathway, and pro-fibrotic pathways in kidney and heart. Diabetes was induced by streptozotocin. Glycaemia was maintained by insulin administration for 24 weeks. Serum and urine sKlotho, AGEs, soluble RAGE (sRAGE) and biochemical markers were studied. The levels of Klotho, RAGEs, ADAM10, markers of fibrosis (collagen deposition, fibronectin, TGF-β1, and Wnt/β-catenin pathway), hypertrophy of the kidney and/or heart were analysed. At the end of study, diabetic rats showed higher levels of urinary sKlotho, AGEs and sRAGE and lower serum sKlotho compared with controls without differences in the renal Klotho expression. A significant positive correlation was found between urinary sKlotho and AGEs and urinary albumin/creatinine ratio (uACR). Fibrosis and RAGE levels were significantly higher in the heart without differences in the kidney of diabetic rats compared to controls. The results also suggest the increase in sKlotho and sRAGE excretion may be due to polyuria in the diabetic rats

    Optic nerve and macular optical coherence tomography in recovered COVID-19 patients

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    Purpose: To investigate the peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT), macular RNFLT, ganglion cell layer (GCL), and inner plexiform layer (IPL) thickness in recovered COVID-19 patients compared to controls. Methods: Patients previously diagnosed with COVID-19 were included, while healthy patients formed the historic control group. All patients underwent an ophthalmological examination, including macular and optic nerve optical coherence tomography. In the case group, socio-demographic data, medical history, and neurological symptoms were collected. Results: One hundred sixty patients were included; 90 recovered COVID-19 patients and 70 controls. COVID-19 patients presented increases in global RNFLT (mean difference 4.3; CI95% 0.8 to 7.7), nasal superior (mean difference 6.9; CI95% 0.4 to 13.4), and nasal inferior (mean difference 10.2; CI95% 2.4 to 18.1) sectors of peripapillary RNFLT. Macular RNFL showed decreases in COVID-19 patients in volume (mean difference −0.05; CI95% −0.08 to −0.02), superior inner (mean difference −1.4; CI95% −2.5 to −0.4), nasal inner (mean difference −1.1; CI95% −1.8 to −0.3), and nasal outer (mean difference −4.7; CI95% −7.0 to −2.4) quadrants. COVID-19 patients presented increased GCL thickness in volume (mean difference 0.04; CI95% 0.01 to 0.07), superior outer (mean difference 2.1; CI95% 0.8 to 3.3), nasal outer (mean difference 2.5; CI95% 1.1 to 4.0), and inferior outer (mean difference1.2; CI95% 0.1 to 2.4) quadrants. COVID-19 patients with anosmia and ageusia presented an increase in peripapillary RNFLT and macular GCL compared to patients without these symptoms. Conclusions: SARS-CoV-2 may affect the optic nerve and cause changes in the retinal layers once the infection has resolved