1 research outputs found

    Factores de riesgo psicosocial y fatiga en trabajadores de una empresa farmac茅utica ecuatoriana durante el a帽o 2021 / Psychosocial risk factors and fatigue in workers of an Ecuadorian pharmaceutical company during the year 2021

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    Introducci贸n: Los factores de riesgo psicosocial se han vinculado a distintas afectaciones, entre las que se encuentra la fatiga, lo cual no s贸lo afecta la salud y bienestar del trabajador, sino que tambien interrumpe la productividad. Objetivo: Evaluar el nivel de riesgo psicosocial presente en el ambiente organizacional del personal de una empresa farmac茅utica ecuatoriana. M茅todo: Se realiz贸 un estudio no experimental, de tipo cuantitativo, con dise帽o transversal anal铆tico. La muestra de estudio estuvo conformada por 112 trabajadores. Se utiliz贸 el cuestionario de evaluaci贸n de riesgos psicosocial ecuador MDT 2018 y el cuestionario de s铆ntomas subjetivos de fatiga de Yoshitake. Resultados: La presencia de fatiga mental tiene correlaci贸n significativa con la subdimensi贸n salud autopercibida (rb = ,275, p < 0,05) mientras que la fatiga f铆sica sostiene una relaci贸n significativa con la dimensi贸n recuperaci贸n (rb = ,223, p < 0,05), con las subdimensiones acoso laboral (rb = ,196, p < 0,05) y adicci贸n al trabajo (rb = ,209, p < 0,05); no obstante, las correlaciones son d茅biles. Conclusiones: Los trabajadores presentan resultados bajos en comparaci贸n con la literatura internacional; sin embargo, resulta importante atender la falta de recuperaci贸n de los trabajadores entre una jornada laboral y otra, para prevenir la presencia de fatiga f铆sica y mental dentro de la empresa. Introduction: Psychosocial risk factors have been linked to different affectations, among which is fatigue, which not only affects the health and well-being of the worker, but also interrupts productivity. Objective: To evaluate the level of psychosocial risk present in the organizational environment of the staff of an Ecuadorian pharmaceutical company. Method: A non-experimental quantitative study with an analytical cross-sectional design was conducted. The study sample consisted of 112 workers. The Ecuadorian psychosocial risk assessment questionnaire called MDT 2018 and Yoshitake's subjective symptoms of fatigue questionnaire were used. Results: The presence of mental fatigue has a significant correlation with the self-perceived health subdimension (rb = .275, p < 0.05), while physical fatigue maintains a significant relationship with the recovery dimension (rb = .223, p < 0.05), with the subdimensions workplace harassment (rb = .196, p < 0.05) and workaholism (rb = .209, p < 0.05); however, the correlations are weak. Conclusions: Workers presented low results compared to the international literature; however, it is important to address the lack of recovery of workers between one workday and another to prevent the presence of physical and mental fatigue within the company. ; riesgo psicosocial; fatiga; farmac茅utica; Ecuador occupational health; ; fatigue; pharmacist; Ecuado