623 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Parameters of Transfers in Rapid Transit Network Design

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    The rapid transit network design problem consists of the location of train alignments and stations in an urban traffic context. The originality of our study is to incorporate into the location model the decisions about the transportation mode and the route, to be chosen for urban trips. This paper proposes a new design model which includes transfers between train lines. The objective of the model is to maximize the number of expected users in the transit network taking limited budgets into consideration, in addition to location and allocation constraints. Furthermore, the transfer costs are considered in the generalized public costs when the users change lines. Waiting time to take the metro and walking time to transfer is included in the formulation of the costs. The analysis of transfer parameters is carried out using a test network. Some computational experience is included in the paper

    Management System for Harvest Scheduling: The Case of Horticultural Production in Southeast Spain

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    horticultural farmer, optimization, planning, mathematical programming, marketing, cooperative, Agribusiness, Crop Production/Industries, Demand and Price Analysis, Farm Management, Land Economics/Use,

    Irrigation Water Value Scenarios for 2015: Application to Guadalquivir River

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    This paper reviews the application of a scenario for the 2015 agricultural policy and markets for the irrigated agriculture in Europe. Scenarios for irrigated agriculture 2015 are also described in detail including Reformed CAP and biomass demand. It is applied at the basin level for the Guadalquivir River in southern Spain. The methodology is based upon residual value of water and it combines budget and farm analysis at municipality level, with the Guadalquivir basin divided at 50 ‘comarcas’; in each of them 24 possible crops are selected with specific ‘comarca’ data bases. The 2015 scenario studies the present level of water use and value, and makes an analysis for 2015.This model allows the knowledge of water value and irrigated agriculture at ‘comarca’ level and ‘aggregated basin level’.Water pricing, Irrigated agriculture, Value of water, Scenario analysis, Agricultural and Food Policy, Land Economics/Use, Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    “Zombie attack” a new way to teach Chemistry

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    The Higher Education requires new models which allow training people able to adapt and survive in changing environments. It is based on the use of technologies and the adaptation of knowledge to people. It is about an education according to circumstances, which is adapted to context and virtual behaviour of people. One of the main difficulties that lecturers find in the classroom is how to maintain students' attention and interest in their subject, especially when students also think that the subject is not important for their training. In order to motivate these students, innovation in educational techniques and methodologies, such as experiential learning, are progressively being imposed to and/or coordinated with the traditional ones. Escape Room is a very modern concept in education, based on the development of mental skills for the solution of enigmas and problems. It is a tool to develop the cooperative, cognitive, deductive and logical reasoning skills of the students. In this work, an educational gamification experience based on the escape room concept is presented. The students have 1 hour and 30 minutes to carry out this activity. They will have to solve four puzzles and enigmas that will give them the key to open a treasure chest and finally let them escape from the classroom. Logic, ingenuity and teamwork will allow participants to develop not only chemical competence, but also other basic skills. The story that is told throughout the escape room is a zombie attack: the city has been infected (with a virus) and only the occupants of the room where the activity takes place have not been infected. In addition, they can all protect themselves if they are able to open the chest where the antidote is located. The aim of this activity is to enhance the knowledge acquired throughout the semester as well as the development of skills.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    {\lambda}-Cent-Dians and Generalized-Center for Network Design

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    In this paper, we extend the notions of λ\lambda-cent-dian and generalized-center from Facility Location Theory to the more intricate domain of Network Design. Our focus is on the task of designing a sub-network within a given underlying network while adhering to a budget constraint. This sub-network is intended to efficiently serve a collection of origin/destination pairs of demand. % rather than individual points. The λ\lambda-cent-dian problem studies the balance between efficiency and equity. We investigate the properties of the λ\lambda-cent-dian and generalized-center solution networks under the lens of equity, efficiency, and Pareto-optimality. We provide a mathematical formulation for λ0\lambda\geq 0 and discuss the bilevel structure of this problem for λ>1\lambda>1. Furthermore, we describe a procedure to obtain a complete parametrization of the Pareto-optimality set based on solving two mixed integer linear formulations by introducing the concept of maximum λ\lambda-cent-dian. We evaluate the quality of the different solution concepts using some inequality measures. Finally, for λ[0,1]\lambda\in[0,1], we study the implementation of a Benders decomposition method to solve it at scale

    Simultaneous frequency and capacity setting for rapid transit systems with a competing mode and capacity constraints

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    The railway planning problem consists of several consecutive phases: network design, line planning, timetabling, personnel assignment and rolling stocks planning. In this paper we will focus on the line planning process. Traditionally, the line planning problem consists of determining a set of lines and their frequencies optimizing a certain objective. In this work we will focus on the line planning problem context taking into account aspects related to rolling stock and crew operating costs. We assume that the number of possible vehicles is limited, that is, the problem that we are considering is a capacitated problem and the line network can be a crowding network. The main novelty in this paper is the consideration of the size of vehicles and frequencies as variables as well as the inclusion of a congestion function measuring the level of in-vehicle crowding. Concretely, we present the problem and an algorithm to solve it, which are tested via a computational experience

    Sustainability dimensions of agricultural development in Almería (Spain): The experience of 50 years

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    Sustainable management not only constitutes the main challenge for agricultural systems, it is also becoming a driver of development in many regions of the world. As well as guaranteeing the production of food and other basic products, agriculture can foment social progress and economic growth while maintaining environmental quality. On a global scale, sustainable development can currently be said to be one of the main objectives of communities and societies. However, it is subject to different connotations due to the heterogeneous nature of productive systems and of the natural environment. In addition, it becomes difficult to achieve a balance between the three dimensions of sustainability due to a series of problems, including periods of recession, turbulent markets and changes in management policies on both a general and a sectorial level. Analyses of this issue must therefore strive to establish their results in practice and on holistic approaches. Particular emphasis should be placed on the generation of synergies and on the appropriate balance of the essential components that make up sustainable development. Along these lines, different practical experiences on an international level have illustrated the potential of agriculture to fulfil the above-mentioned aims. At the same time this sector currently encounters a series of challenges, among which we should mention growing internationalisation of the agrifood trade, increasing control of the distribution chains and varying strategies of agrarian policy. Indeed, in the context of European rural policy there has been considerable debate in recent years concerning the role of the agricultural sector and how it should face up to the following challenges: productivity-competitiveness, environmental protection and socio-economic development. This paper analyses how this sector in the province of Almería (Spain), based on small-scale horticultural farms, has risen to the above issues over recent decades. This case study provides some insights into the different synergies between sustainability dimensions. It is particularly interesting to observe how a highly social agrarian system has evolved thanks to the combination of certain factors: the basic structure of family-run concerns, the creation of commercial and financial structures/entities and the generation of endogenous auxiliary industries. An additional point of interest resides in the system's manifest capacity to adapt and innovate in practices and technologies that are environmentally respectful. Finally, the fact that this sector, essentially without outside support, provides the basis for economic sustainability of the whole province makes it a paradigm of competitiveness in the European context. The integration of sustainability components observed in the development of Almería's horticultural sector may prove useful in helping other regions to adapt and improve their agricultural systems, especially in cases where small-scale farming predominates

    Evaluación de la atención en deportistas de artes marciales : expertos vs. novatos

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    El objetivo del estudio fue determinar las diferencias en el desempeño de una tarea de atención en relación con la pericia en artes marciales. Participaron 12 deportistas de artes marciales expertos y 13 novatos. Se les aplicó el Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg, 1996) y se analizaron los datos de la prueba para cada variable, condición y segmentos en los que se divide, con un método estadístico no-paramétrico de permutaciones. Las comparaciones intergrupos indicaron una tendencia a que el puntaje global de Trastorno por Déficit de Atención e Hiperactividad (TDAH) de la prueba fuera mejor en los expertos que en los novatos. Se hizo un análisis intragrupo para conocer el comportamiento de cada grupo a lo largo de la prueba; los resultados indicaron que los deportistas expertos muestran mayor consistencia en el número de aciertos y tiempos de reacción a lo largo de la prueba, lo que se traduce como un mejor desempeño cuando se compara con la forma en que los deportistas novatos responden a la tarea. Los resultados sugieren que el entrenamiento físico y mental de las disciplinas de artes marciales podría producir una mejora en las capacidades de atención de los deportistas.The aim of this study is to determine differences in the performance of an attention-related task involving martial arts skills. 12 expert martial arts athletes and 13 novices took part, performing the Test of Variables of Attention (Leark, Greenberg, Kindschi, Dupuy and Hughes, 2007). Using a non-parametric statistical permutation method, the test data for each variable, condition and segment of the test was analysed. Comparisons of the groups showed a trend toward a higher global Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) score by the expert athletes as compared with the novices. In order to find out each group's performance during the test, a statistical intra-group analysis was performed. Generally, the results revealed more consistent accuracy and response times by the experts than by the novice athletes. The results suggest that physical and mental training in the martial arts may increase the attention skills of sportsmen and women.O objectivo do estudo foi determinar as diferenças no desempenho de uma tarefa atencional tendo em conta a perícia em artes marciais.Participaram no estudo 12 desportistas especialistas em artes marciais e 13 iniciantes. Foi aplicado aos participantes o Test of Variables of Attention (Greenberg, 1996) e analisaram-se os dados do teste para cada variável, condição e segmentos em que se dividem, através de um método estatístico nãoparamétrico de permutações. As comparações intergrupos indicaram uma tendência para que a pontuação global de Transtorno do Défice de Atenção e Hiperactividade (TDAH) fosse maior nos especialistas do que nos iniciantes. Foi realizada uma análise intragrupo para conhecer o comportamento de cada grupo ao longo da prova; os resultados indicaram que os desportistas especialistas revelaram maior consistência no número de acertos e tempos de reacção ao longo da prova, o que se traduz num melhor desempenho quando comparados com a forma como os desportistas iniciantes respondem à tarefa. Os resultados sugerem que o treino físico e mental das disciplinas de artes marciais poderia produzir uma melhoria nas capacidades atencionais dos desportistas