11 research outputs found

    Comparison of Dissociation-Enhanced Lanthanide Fluorescent Immunoassays to Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assays for Detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B, Yersinia pestis-Specific F1 Antigen, and Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis Virus

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    The dissociation-enhanced lanthanide fluorescent immunoassays (DELFIA) were developed for the detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B, Yersinia pestis-specific F1 antigen, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus. These assays were compared to previously developed enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) by determining the sensitivity or limit of detection (LOD), the dynamic range, and the reproducibility of each assay in a number of different sample matrices. The sensitivity and specificity of each assay were then determined by using a small panel of blinded spiked and nonspiked samples. All three DELFIAs demonstrated at least 1 log greater sensitivity than corresponding ELISAs utilizing the same reagents and showed an increase in dynamic range of at least 2 log(10) concentrations. This increased LOD resulted in higher sensitivity rates for the DELFIA. The specificity of all of the assays evaluated was 100%, and no sample matrix effects were observed in either format. However, the reproducibility of the DELFIA was poor due to randomly distributed wells exhibiting excessive background signal (hot wells), which occurred throughout the evaluation. As this technology matures, the reproducibility of these assays should improve, as will the ability to identify hot wells. Despite its sensitivity, the logistical burden associated with the DELFIA and the technical expertise required to complete assays and interpret the data limit the application of this technology to reference or large clinical laboratories

    Quantitative detection of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin B by resonant acoustic profiling

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    A rapid and sensitive detection of staphylococcal enterotoxin B (SEB) was developed using a novel acoustic sensing technique: Resonant Acoustic Profiling (RAP), which utilizes high-frequency piezoelectric quartz resonators for monitoring biomolecular interactions. An automated four-channel instrument consisting of acoustic sensors covalently conjugated with anti-SEB antibodies was used. As the samples flowed across control and active sensors simultaneously, binding was measured as a change in the resonant frequency. The lower limit of detection (LLOD) for the label free direct format was 25 ng/mL. Detection sensitivity was increased by adding mass sequentially to the captured SEB on the sensor in the form of sandwich antibodies and biotin-avidin-based gold nanoparticles. The LLOD for the mass enhanced formats were 5 and 0.5 ng/mL of SEB, respectively. The lowest sensitivity corresponds to 1.3 fM in a 75 μL sample. The total assay time including the enhancement steps was less than 10 min. SEB was detected in both neat urine and PBS buffer-spiked samples, with linear correlations between resonant frequency signals and SEB concentrations (R2 of 0.999 and 0.998, respectively). No significant cross-reactivity was observed with homologue toxins SEA, SED, and TSST, but some crossreactivity was observed with the closely related toxin SEC1 when we used a polyclonal antibody in the assay. SEC1 cross-reactivity was not observed when a SEBspecific monoclonal antibody was employed in the assay. Thus the specificity of the assay presented here was dependent on the quality of the antibodies used. In addition to detection, we evaluated RAP’s ability to measure the toxin in unknown samples rapidly by measuring the initial binding rate of the interaction, thereby further shortening the assay time to 6 min. c 2009 American Chemical Societ