56 research outputs found

    Analyses and solutions on technical and economical aspects of rapid prototyping technology

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    Ovaj članak se bavi osnovnim karakteristikama i problemima u području tehnologije brze izrade prototipa, korištenjem 3D printanja. Ta tehnologija spada u progresivne metode stvaranja modela na temelju geometrije dobivene u CAD okruženju, s mogućnosti primjene u različitim područjima. Poglavlja su usmjerena na optimizaciju procesa 3D printanja. Tu je također algoritam koji prikazuje izbor optimalnih postavki. Upotreba algoritma je objašnjena na primjeru printanja s UPrint uređajem i Catalyst softverom, sustavom stvorenim za uprabu tehnologije modeliranja taložnim srašćivanjem. Postoje izlazi u obliku grafova i tablica s puno informacija koje izravno prikazuju ekonomsku isplativost printanja. Zaključak donosi ideje o mogućem daljnjem napretku u ovom području, koje će uključivati bazu podataka s pohranjenim informacijama o prethodnim rezultatima.This article deals with basic characteristics and problems in the area of technology of Rapid Prototyping using layered manufacturing technology. It belongs to progressive methods of model creation based on geometry obtained from CAD environment with application possibilities in different industrial spheres. Chapters are focused on optimization of Rapid Prototyping preparation process. There is also an algorithm that leads to the selection of suitable settings. Utilization of the algorithm is explained on a case of printing with the use of UPrint device and Catalyst software, a system created for the utilization of Fused Deposition Modelling technology. There are outputs in the form of graphs and tables accumulating information directly affecting economical aspects of printing. Conclusion brings ideas on possible further progress in this area that would include a solution for the generation of database with stored information about previous printing results

    The standard of axes in ontology of communication

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    An ontology together with a set of individual instances of classes constitutes a knowledge base. In reality, there is a fine line where the ontology ends and the knowledge base begins. For the purposes of this study an ontology is a formal explicit description of concepts in a domain of discourse (classes, Sometimes called concepts), properties of each concept describing various features and attributes of the concept (slots, sometimes called roles or properties)), and restrictions on slots (facets, sometimes called role restrictions) (Gruber, 1993; Vlăduțescu, 2013)

    Neutrosophic circuits of communication: a review

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    "Communication Neutrosophic Routes" by Florentin Smarandache and Ştefan Vlăduţescu was published by Education Publishing, Ohio, USA, on May 2014. Florentin Smarandache and Ştefan Vlăduţescu are two remarcable professors, first at University of New Mexico/ USA, the second at University of Craiova/ Romania, with many researches in neutrosophical, communication, mathematic, literature, journalism, social sciencies. Neutrosophy had been in the emergence phase since 1995. With its certification by the scientific community, Neutrosophy has become a type of incident knowledge, i.e. applicable in different fields. Neutrosophy legitimating was achieved by developing some doctoral research, through learning theory as a way of description, explanation and forecast and implementation of neutrosophic congress and conferences. Neutrosophy handles all neutralities. In the neutrosophic taxonometry, a class of neutralities is represented by the neutralities that, without turning into contradiction, generate qualitative leaps. The emergence is the cognitive phenomenon in which, from two or more connected neutralities, without contradiction, a change of quality or a qualitative leap result. Thinking in Hegelian terms has an axiom the idea that the qualitative change, qualitative emergences may arise from related neutral items. Neutrosophy claims that qualitative emergences may arise from related neutral items

    Florentin Smarandache: law of included multiple-middle: book review

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    Florentin Smarandache is known as scientist and writer. He writes in three languages: Romanian, French, and English. He graduated the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Craiova in 1979 first of his class, earned a Ph. D. in Mathematics from the State University Moldova at Kishinev in 1997, and continued postdoctoral studies at various American Universities such as University of Texas at Austin, University of Phoenix, etc. after emigration. He did post-doctoral researches at Okayama University of Science (Japan) between 12 December 2013 - 12 January 2014; at Guangdong University of Technology (Guangzhou, China), 19 May - 14 August 2012; at ENSIETA (National Superior School of Engineers and Study of Armament), Brest, France, 15 May - 22 July 2010; and for two months, June-July 2009, at Air Force Research Laboratory in Rome, NY, USA (under State University of New York Institute of Technology). In U.S.A. he worked as a software engineer for Honeywell (1990-1995), adjunct professor for Pima Community College (1995-1997), in 1997 Assistant Professor at the University of New Mexico, Gallup Campus, promoted to Associate Professor of Mathematics in 2003, and to Full Professor in 2008. Between 2007-2009 he was the Chair of Math & Sciences Department

    Information from Theory towards Science

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    Information from Theory towards Science, the professor Stefan Vlăduţescu’s book from University of Craiova, is a confirmation of high intelligence level and propensity of author’s cognition. From various semiotic materials (words, images, gestures, drawings, etc.), following certain principles, under different procedures (operations, actions, movements, maneuvers, mechanisms, strategies) using means (languages​​, codes, subcodes) and specific tools (knowledge, concepts, categories) adapted aim between earth (with autocorrection by feedback) and firmament (as anticipation by feed-forward) rises an imposing edifice, a cognitive construction: this is information. It has systemic and procedural character and is organized on four coordinates: metric, semantic, structural and pragmatic

    Routes for a strong communicational ontology

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    The current study aims to highlight the communication ontology through ontology of philosophy. Communication as a field of science is relatively new, it is looking for methods, procedures, rules to integrate it within the human sciences. There are still controversies, there are still made researches, axiomatization, conceptualization to define communication as science

    “Next flood level of communication: social networks"; a review

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    "Next Flood Level of Communication: Social Networks" (2013) published by Shaker Verlag, by Professor Ştefan Vlăduţescu from University of Craiova and Professor Ella Magdalena Ciuperca from National Academy of Intelligence "Mihai Viteazul" Bucuresti, is a book of intellectual elevation and high expression of ideas. The authors' hypothesis and the nuclear idea of their book is that by their amplitude, by their performance, and by their self-generating, self-organization and self-improvement capabilities, social networks are the next flood level of communication. “The observational-wave of hypothesis is reinforced by an interrogative wave: what is next after next? If "End of Metaphysics" in Martin Heidegger is perfection of metaphysics, if the "End of History" in Francis Fukuyama is perfection of history, we believe that "next flood level" is neither the last level, nor the perfect level of communication" asserts the authors. Social network is not quite the perfection it is only the configured direction to untouchable perfection. Social network is the path to perfection in constant concern itself, in self-knowledge, and in self-superior capitalization of humanity as a whole, of humanity as a global, integrated and homogeneous and with obvious nuclei of heterogeneity macro-social network. However, next of the next is something, at the same time apparent and hidden, from the actual potential of the current concrete. The future always has its seeds in the past and the present

    Negative journalistic communication: a review

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    Negative Journalistic Communication, published by Editura Academiei Romane, is a book about Conviction and Persuation, a medium hermeneutical essay, as the author, Stefan Vladutescu professor at University of Craiova/Romania, asserts. The premise from which we start is that one that the human being is an accessible, permeable being to persuasion. Any influence occurs through communication. From the point of view of social influence, communication has two methods: convictive and persuasive. The convictive influence path is the demonstration path, of strong arguments, strict and rigorous reasoning path or logic applied. But human being is not entirely a rational being. Individuals communicate not just to make demonstrations. We communicate to share experience, to agreeing on values ​​on certain actions. As form of persuasion detaches negative journalism, as opposed to positive journalism dominated by conviction. In his setting of ex-information, negative journalism imposes as a way of satisfying some economic commands, political or otherwise, in any case not before informational. With negative journalism media surrender persuasion


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    Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) is a description language belonging to a field of the Window of the virtual World reality system. The file, which is in VRML format, can be interpreted by the VRML explorer in three-dimensional view. VRML was created with the aim of more easily representing virtual reality on the Internet. The development of 3D graphics is connected with Silicon Graphic Corporation. VRML 2.0 is the file format for describing interactive 3D scenes and objects. It can be used in collaboration with www, and it can be used for complex 3D representations in the creation of scenes, products or VR applications. VRML 2.0 enables representative static and animated objects, too. One interesting application of VRML is in the area of automated manufacturing systems design and presentation