20 research outputs found

    Verification of animal species in ham and salami by DNA microarray and Real time PCR methods

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    Consumer protection and detecting of adulteration is very important and has a wide societal impact in the economic sphere. Detection of animal species in meat products and the use of combining different methods is one of the means to achieve relevant product status. The aim of this study was to reveal whether or not the products label clearly meets the content declared by producer. In our study, 29 samples of meat products such as salami and ham obtained from stores and supermarkets in Slovakia were analyzed to detect the existing animal species according to the product label the use of Chipron LCD Array Analysis System, Meat 5.0. Products in which the presence of non-declared animal species has been detected were subjected to testing by the innuDETECT PCR Real-Time Kit, repeatedly. The results showed that 20 (68.96%) samples were improperly labeled. From in total 14 tested ham samples 11 (78.57%) products exhibited non-conformity with declared composition. Tested salami samples (15) revealed 9 (60%) incorrectly labelled products. The results obtained by DNA Microarray and Real Time PCR methods were identical, and both methods should be extensively promoted for the detection of animal species in the meat and meat products

    Analysis of texturometric properties of selected traditional and commercial sausage

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    Food texture is one of the main features that affect the consumer's judgment. Instrumental texture analysis is suitable method for objective assessment of the texturometric characteristic of food. In this experimental work we have analysed textural properties of different traditional and commercial sausages originating from Slovakia. Twenty sausages were classified in four groups. Group 1 (traditional home-made sausages purchased directly from a producer), Group 2 (traditional sausages purchased from butchery), Group 3 (non-traditional sausages purchased from a supermarket) and Group 4 (non- traditional sausages purchased from a hypermarket). Once taken, samples were immediately transported to the laboratory. Samples were analysed immediately and after the storage 72 h at 25 °C and 80% relative humidity. Samples were analysed with texturometer TA-XT2 plus and we have used the Warner-Bratzler probe. The main reason of this experiment was to find differences for two selected textural parameters, firmness and toughness of the fresh and stored sausages. The average firmness and toughness of fresh sausages before storage were 1.83 kg and 12.86 kg.s-1 respectively. These values were increased after the storage. The average firmness and toughness of stored sausages were 2.74 kg and 19.23 kg.s-1 respectively. It means, storage affects the textural properties of sausages (p <0.05). We were observed decrease of the water activity after the storage. The loss of free water was 5.1% higher in the case of commercial sausages. Also, the protein content, fat content and minerals elements content were analysed. The content of overall protein was 5.8% higher in the traditional sausages. The fat content in commercial sausages was 3.36% higher in comparison to traditional sausages. The sensory quality of traditional sausages was better than commercial sausages

    Phytoestrogens dietary intake and health status of retiree from middle-north Slovakia region

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    Phytoestrogens found in foods of plant origin presents chemical substances that possess a wide range of biochemical benefits. It has been found that they contribute in different health related problems. A wide range of commonly consumed foods contain appreciable amounts of phytoestrogens. Consumption of diet rich to phytoestrogen acts as a protective factor against many diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, post-menopausal symptoms in the context of osteoporosis, cancerous illnesses of colon, prostate and breast. Three main classes of phytoestrogens covers: isoflavones, lignans and coumestans. Selected nine major phytoestrogens had been analyzed simultaneously in the same foods. Questionnaire designed to determine intake frequency as well as amount of selected foods and the most common diseases presented in the population has been used to find relationships between dietary habits and health status. Evaluation of selected goals in the present study has been realized in cooperation with 140 respondents in retired age (divided into Males - covered by 34 individuals and Females - 106 individuals), comming from middle-north Slovakia region. On the base of collected data it can be concluded, that evaluated population is presented by high values of lignans intake and particularly secoisolariciresinol, mainly caused by relative high proportion of cereals and linseed in the diet. Furthermore, the relationship between phytoestrogens intake and eating habits as well as its contribution in protection against selected diseases was demonstrated

    Effects of storage on the major constituents of raw milk

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    Milk testing and quality control should be carried out at all stages of the dairy chain. Milk can be tested for quantity, organoleptic characteristic, compositional characteristic, physical and chemical characteristics, hygienic characteristics, adulteration or drug residues. The content of the major constituents of raw milk is important for milk payment system. Enzymes naturally present in the milk can change the chemical composition of raw milk. Also, enzymes secreted by bacteria or enzymes from somatic cells can degrade the raw milk composition. Products of these degradation reactions can have undesirable effects on milk structure, smell and taste. It is very important that farm-fresh raw milk be cooled immediately to not more than 8 °C in the case of daily collection, or not more than 6 °C if collection is not daily. During transport the cold chain must be maintained. An authorized person, properly trained in the appropriate technique, shall perform sampling of bulk milk in farm. Laboratory samples should be dispatched immediately after sampling to the dairy company and consequently to the testing laboratory. The time for dispatch of the samples to the testing laboratory should be as short as possible, preferably within 24 h. Laboratory samples shall be transported and stored at temperature 1 to 5 °C. Higher temperatures may adversely affect the composition of the laboratory sample and may cause disputes between the farmer, the dairy company and the laboratory. The effect of refrigerated storage at temperature 4 °C during 24 h on the composition of raw milk were investigated in this work, because we wanted to know how the milk composition will be changed and how the laboratory results will be affected. In many cases, the samples are not preserved with chemical preservants like azidiol, bronopol, potassium dichromate or Microtabs. We found, that the composition of raw cows' milk after 24 was changed significantly (p >0.005). We found an average decrease in the fat content of -0.04 g/100g, increase in the protein content of +0.02 g/100g, increase in the lactose content of +0.02 g/100g, increase in the solid-not-fat content of +0.02 g/100g and decrease in the total solid content of -0.02 g/100g. It is necessary to cool the raw cows' milk after the milking to decrease the changes in milk composition caused mainly due to the lipolytic activity of lipase

    Quality and safety of raw cow’s milk in Slovakia in 2011

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    The quality and safety of raw cow’s milk is very important for dairy companies and consumers of milk products. Due to the methods of production, it is impossible to completely eliminate contamination of milk with microorganisms, therefore the microbial content of milk is a major feature in determining its quality. Other important factors to consider include somatic cells count, veterinary drug residues, milk composition and freezing point. Somatic cells represent the udder health and can be used for monitoring of subclinical mastitis. A high level of somatic cells can increase proteolysis in milk which affects technological processes. Veterinary drugs administered to cows may lead to residues in the milk which are harmful to humans. The content of fat, protein and solids-non-fat are the main indicators used by dairies for technological purposes. In this article we discuss the quality and safety of raw cow’s milk in Slovakia during 2011. We found that 73.53% of samples tested for somatic cell count, and 84.54% of samples tested for total bacterial count, met the European Union legislation limits. We found the largest decrease in fat and protein content was during the summer period and the largest increase was in the winter period. We found that 92.14 %, 98.7% and 91.38% of samples met the limit presented in STN 570529:1999 for fat content, protein content and freezing point respectively. The percentage of drug positive samples was 0.087%

    Characteristics of textural and sensory properties of Oštiepok cheese

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    Oštiepok is a traditional half-fat semi-hard cheese made in Slovakia. The basic raw material used to produce oštiepok cheese is ewe's milk, a mixture of ewe's and cow's milk or cow's milk. Oštiepok cheese is produced either directly at a small-scale mountainside sheep farm, using the traditional on-farm method of production, or at dairies, using the industrial method. Oštiepok cheese was produced as far back as the beginning of the 18th century. An industrial production of Oštiepok cheese using cow's milk were laid by the Galbavý family in Detva (Slovakia) in 1921. The cheese is originally made by cutting off fresh sweet cheese, which is pressed into a wooden, hand-cut and decorated round shape where it is left to stand. Subsequently, it is removed and immersed in warm salty water, left to stand there until the salt penetrates completely in. Then it is necessary that it pass slightly. In its salty water, the ostrich produces its traditional durability, its surface is slightly peeled, mostly yellowish. This cheese may or may not be steamed and may be smoked or unsmoked. Slovenský oštiepok is a protected trade name under the EU's protected geographical indication. A similar cheese is made in the Polish Tatra Mountains under the name Oscypek. The cheeses differ in ingredients' ratios, cheesemaking process and the characteristics of the final products. In this study we have characterized textural and sensory properties of the Oštiepok cheese produced in Slovakia made from ewe's milk, a mixture of ewe's and cow's milk and cow's milk

    Determination of selected species texture processed cheese and processed products different batches under different conditions keep them for eating quality Stanovenie textúry vybraných druhov tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov rôznych šarží za rozdielnych

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    Abstract In this work we evaluated the texture of processed cheese and processed products. The products we have retained as it is assumed that they kept and used by ordinary consumers. This means that the product purchased certain period has elapsed, we included in our test conditions. Texture analysis help provide the basic methods and explaining procedures for analysis, also provide for the initiation of new types of tests or review new products and therefore be dealt with differences in the products according to specific requirements. Sensory panels also play an important role in the evaluation of food products, but the use of texture analyzer eliminates human error and tests carried out are consistent and accurate. Analysis of texture help manufacturers monitor and analyze the texture characteristics of their products. From the producers can modify the product key factors such as characteristics of the milk into cheese and can also modify manufacturing processes to the functional properties of cheese. Fulfilling the basic requirements to maintain their properties and cheese functionality. Keywords: analysis, cheese, properties, texture Abstrakt V práci sme hodnotili textúru tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov. Výrobky sme mali uchované tak, ako sa predpokladá, že ich uchovávajú a používajú bežní spotrebitelia. To znamená, že od zakúpenia výrobkov uplynie istá doba, ktorú sme zahrnuli do našich podmienok testovania. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú pri poskytovaní 25

    Determination of selected species texture processed cheese and processed products different batches under different conditions keep them for eating quality

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    V práci sme hodnotili textúru tavených syrov a tavených výrobkov. Výrobky sme mali uchované tak, ako sa predpokladá, že ich uchovávajú a používajú bežní spotrebitelia. To znamená, že od zakúpenia výrobkov uplynie istá doba, ktorú sme zahrnuli do našich podmienok testovania. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú pri poskytovaní základných metód a vysvetleniu postupov analýz, taktiež poskytujú typy na začatie nových testov alebo skúmanie nových výrobkov a teda skúmanie rozdielov produktov podľa špecifických požiadaviek. Taktiež senzorické panely zohrávajú dôležitú úlohu pri hodnotení potravinárskych výrobkov, použitie textúrnych analyzátorov odstraňuje ľudské chyby a skúšky, ktoré vykonávajú sú konzistentné a presné. Analýzy textúry pomáhajú výrobcom analyzovať a sledovať textúrne vlastnosti svojich výrobkov. Zo získaných výsledkov môžu výrobcovia upraviť hlavné faktory ako sú vlastnosti mlieka pri výrobe syrov a taktiež môžu upravovať výrobné postupy na funkčné vlastnosti syrov. Splnením základných požiadaviek si zachovávajú syry svoje vlastnosti a funkčnosť.In this work we evaluated the texture of processed cheese and processed products. The products we have retained as it is assumed that they kept and used by ordinary consumers. This means that the product purchased certain period has elapsed, we included in our test conditions. Texture analysis help provide the basic methods and explaining procedures for analysis, also provide for the initiation of new types of tests or review new products and therefore be dealt with differences in the products according to specific requirements. Sensory panels also play an important role in the evaluation of food products, but the use of texture analyzer eliminates human error and tests carried out are consistent and accurate. Analysis of texture help manufacturers monitor and analyze the texture characteristics of their products. From the producers can modify the product key factors such as characteristics of the milk into cheese and can also modify manufacturing processes to the functional properties of cheese. Fulfilling the basic requirements to maintain their properties and cheese functionality

    The effect of UV-C irradiation on grape juice turbidity, sensoric properties and microbial count

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    In this work, we investigated the effect of UV-C radiation (254 nm) on turbidity, microbial count and sensoric properties of the grape juices treated or not treated with sulphur dioxide. The UV-C radiation is considered to be germicidal against microorganisms. This technology is routinely used to treat drinking water. Application of this method for the purpose of treating the wine was tested in few studies. These studies have shown a positive effect on the inactivation of microorganisms, but they not dealt in detail with the sensory properties of grape juice after the treatment. The main idea of using this method appears to eliminate the sulphur dioxide from wine making technology. There are people who have a genuine allergy to sulfites, and these allergies are often linked with asthma. These people have an rapid onset of symptoms when drinking liquids like wine treated with sulphur dioxide. In our work we have found that the application of this method of treating the grape juice is problematic. Intensity of UV-C radiation increases the turbidity of grape juices. This effect was observed in all grape juices with or without addition of sulphur dioxide and also in clarified or not clarified grape juices. We found that UV-C radiation negatively affect the sensory properties of grape juices. This effect was more pronounced in grape juices treated with SO2. The smell and taste were significantly negatively changed. Exposure of grape juice treated with sulphur dioxide to UV-C radiation can probably lead to arising the sulphur compounds, which affects the smell and taste of grape juices. Also, it is very likely that the negative change in taste and smell may affect the quality of produced wines. For this purpose, we do not recommend to use UV-C treatment for the grape juice treatment. It will be interesting to conduct a detailed analysis of the grape juices composition before and after UV-C radiation treatment

    Comparison of phytoestrogens dietary intake from vegetables and fruit in selected population in Slovakia

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    Phytoestrogens are compounds that are naturally present in almost all plant foods to a varying degree. They include several different classes of chemical compounds known as isoflavones, coumestans and lignans. In our work we analyzed intake of phytoestrogens is based upon our answer questionaries' in different ages. Evaluating health effects of phytoestrogens is difficult and depends on numerous factors, including the kind and dose (amount) of phytoestrogens eaten and the age, gender, and health of the person. We are exposed daily to highly variable amounts of phytoestrogens. While adults are eating a vegetarian diet or those taking dietary supplements containing phytoestrogens have high levels of exposure, infants drinking soy-based formula have the highest exposure levels by far. Accurate information about dietary phytoestrogens is therefore important but there is very limited data concerning food contents. In this study, we analyzed the phytoestrogen content in fresh and processed fruits and vegetables. The comprehensive database of phytoestrogen content determined simultaneously in vegetables and fruits foods has been developed. The important source of phytoestrogens in Slovak men and women is garlic. Phytoestrogen intake of fruits in men as an in woman is very low. Slovak populations consume a lot of fruits but the total intake is low due to the lower content of phytoestrogens