119 research outputs found

    Possibilities and impact of solid recovered fuels utilisation

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    U savremenom društvu generišu se relativno velike količine otpadnog materijala iz različitih izvora. Zbog većih količina i negativnog uticaja na životnu sredinu, otpad se smatra jednim od najvećih ekoloških problema savremenog društva. Iz otpada energija se može dobiti termičkim tretmanom, tj. direktnim sagorevanjem otpada, kosagorevanjem sa fosilnim gorivom, pirolizom i gasifikacijom, kao i biološkim tretmanima, tj. konverzijom organske materije otpada u biogas (anaerobna digestija) i drugim biohemijskim postupcima za konverziju otpada u energiju. Proizvodnja energije iz alternativnih izvora danas predstavlja sastavni deo strategija održivog razvoja. Različite vrste otpada se koriste sa ciljem smanjenja korišćenja fosilnih goriva, ali i energetskih troškova u industrijskim i energetskim postrojenjima. Neka pitanja su i dalje otvorena, uglavnom u vezi sa pojedinim procesima predtretmana otpada, odnosno primene primarne separacije otpada kao virtuelnog predtretmana, ali i u vezi sa tim da li je korišćenje goriva iz otpada održivo rešenje.Modern society generates relatively large quantities of waste material from various sources. Due to its large quantities and negative impact on the environment, waste is considered one of the biggest ecological problems of modern society. Energy can be obtained from waste through thermal treatment, that is, direct waste combustion, co-incineration with fossil fuels, pyrolysis, and gasification, as well as through biological treatments, i.e., conversion of waste organic matter into biogas (anaerobic digestion) and other biochemical procedures for the conversion of waste into energy. Energy production from alternative sources is today a constituent part of sustainable development strategies. Different types of waste are used with the objective to reduce the utilization of fossil fuels and energy costs in industrial and power plants. Certain issues are still open, mostly related to certain waste pre-treatment processes, i.e. application of source separation of waste as virtual pre-treatment, as well as to fuel from waste being a sustainable solution

    Intelligent process industry

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    Global greenhouse gas emissions and limited fossil fuel supplies have led researchers and industry to pursue measures to increase energy efficiency and utilize renewaЫe power sources. Also, the manufacturing activities represent around one-third of the world's total final energy consumption. ln the same time, as the global population continues to expand and living standards continue to rise, demand for industrial goods is set to grow further. То enaЬie competitive industrial production, designing and operating efficient and sustainaЫe production systems is crucial. Among the numerous challenges around climate change that industry must tackle is intelligent process industry such as industrial energy efficiency ог green industrial systems

    The impact of non-renewable and renewable energy sources on climate changes and the environment

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    Proces proizvodnje i korišćenja obnovljivih i neobnovljivih izvora energije (eksploatacija, transport, korišćenje, tretman ostatka), uticaj proizvodnih procesa na životnu sredinu i klimatske promene (zakišeljavanje, emisije dugotrajnih organskih zagađujućih komponenti i teških metala, emisija gasova sa efektom staklene bašte, zagađenje mora i okeana tokom transporta, hemijsko i toplotno zagađenje vodotokova, buka i vibracije, prekomerne seče šuma, stradanje ptica od vetroparkova), strateškoplanske i tehničko-teh- nološke mere smanjenja uticaja, rizici i udesne situacije i uticaj na životnu sredinu, socio-ekonomske komponente (širenje površinskih kopova i raseljavanje stanovništva, troškovi zaštite životne sre- dine i skriveni troškovi zaštite zdravlja ljudi, troškovi promene energetske politike).The process of production and use of renewable and non-renewable energy sources (exploitation, transport, use, treatment of residues), the impact of production processes on the environment and climate change (acidification, emissions of long-term organic polluting components and heavy metals, emissions of gases with a greenhouse effect, sea pollution and oceans during transport, chemical and thermal pollution of watercourses, noise and vibrations, excessive cutting of forests, suffering of birds from wind farms), strategic planning and technical-technological measures to reduce the impact, risks and opportunities and impact on the environment, socio-economic components (expansion surface mines and population displacement, environmental protection costs and hidden costs of human health protection, costs of energy policy changes)

    The model for theoretical determination of composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions: C + H2O lt = gt CO + H2 and C + 2H2 lt = gt CH4

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    Rad predstavlja nov način izračunavanja sastava heterogene ravnotežne mešavine hemijskih reakcija važnih u inženjerskoj praksi: proizvodnji čađi gasifikaciji ugljeva, pirolizi otpada, prečišćavanju dimnih gasova suvim i polusuvim postupcima. Rad opisuje tri načina izračunavanja i to: zasnovana na broju kilomolova, sumi broja kilomolova i izračunavanju sastava samo homogene mešavine.The work presents a new way of calculation of the composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions important in engineering practice: soot production, coal gasification, waste pyrolysis, refining flue gases by dry and semi-dry treatments. In the available literature, the calculation of equilibrium composition of only the homogeneous (gaseous) phase is applied. This work presents three ways of calculation: based upon the number of moles, based upon the sum of the number of moles, and the calculation of the composition of only the homogeneous mixture. The reactions C + H2O ( CO + H2 and C + 2H2 ( CH4 have been considered, since in the available reference literature there is the largest number of data on the composition of the equilibrium homogeneous mixture concerning these reactions. The results of the calculation of the composition of the homogeneous (gaseous) phase, as a part of a heterogeneous mixture are identical with the results obtained by the orthodox calculation of only the homogeneous phase

    Fitoremedijacijski potencijal divljih biljnih vrsta koje rastu na zemljištu kontaminiranom teškim metalima

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    Phytoremediation is an emerging technology that employs higher plants to cleanup contaminated environments, including metal-polluted soils. Because it produces a biomass rich in extracted toxic metals, further treatment of this biomass is necessary. The aim of our study was to assess the five-year potential of the following native wild plants to produce biomass and remove heavy metals from a polluted site: poplar (Populus ssp.), ailanthus (Ailanthus glandulosa L.), false acacia (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), ragweed (Artemisia artemisiifolia L.), and mullein (Verbascum thapsus L). Average soil contamination with Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and As in the root zone was 22,948.6 mg kg-1, 865.4 mg kg-1, 85,301.7 mg kg-1, 3,193.3 mg kg-1, 50.7 mg kg-1, 41.7 mg kg-1,and 617.9 mg kg-1, respectively. We measured moisture and ash content, concentrations of Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr, and As in the above-ground parts of the plants and in ash produced by combustion of the plants, plus gross calorific values. The plants\u27 phytoextraction and phytostabilisation potential was evaluated based on their bioconcentration factor (BCF) and translocation factor (TF). Mullein was identified as a hyperaccumulator for Cd. It also showed a higher gross calorific value (19,735 kJ kg-1) than ragweed (16,469 kJ kg-1).The results of this study suggest that mullein has a great potential for phytoextraction and for biomass generation, and that ragweed could be an effective tool of phytostabilisation.Fitoremedijacija je tehnologija kojom se pomoću biljaka zemljišta čiste od zagađivala, uključujući metale. S obzirom na to da se stvara biomasa bogata ekstrahiranim toksičnim metalima, potrebno ju je dodatno obraditi. Cilj ovoga petogodišnjeg istraživanja bio je procijeniti potencijal sljedećih divljih biljnih vrsta za proizvodnju biomase i za uklanjanje teških metala iz zagađenog zemljišta: topole (Populus ssp.), pajasena (Ailanthus glandulosa L.), bagrema (Robinia pseudoacacia L.), ambrozije (Artemisia artemisiifolia L.) i divizme (Verbascum thapsus L.). Prosječno onečišćenje zemljišta olovom, kadmijem, cinkom, bakrom, niklom i kromom te arsenom u zoni korijena bilo je 22.948,6 mg kg-1, 865,4 mg kg-1, 85.301,7 mg kg-1, 3.193,3 mg kg-1, 50,7 mg kg-1 i 41,7 mg kg-1 te 617,9 mg kg-1. Također su izmjereni sadržaj vlage i pepela nastalog paljenjem biljaka, sadržaj Pb, Cd, Zn, Cu, Ni, Cr i As u nadzemnim dijelovima biljaka i njihovu pepelu te bruto toplotna vrijednost. Fitoekstrakcijski i fitostabilizacijski potencijal utvrđen je za divizmu i ambroziju na temelju faktora biokoncentracije (BCF) i faktora translokacije (TF). Divizma se je pokazala kao hiperakumulator kadmija, a pokazala je i veću gornju toplotnu moć (19.735 kJ kg-1) u odnosu na ambroziju (16.469 kJ kg-1). Rezultati ovog istraživanja upućuju na to da divizma ima potencijala za fitoekstrakciju i za proizvodnju biomase, a da ambrozija može biti djelotvorna u remedijaciji zemljišta fitostabilizacijom

    The model for theoretical determination of composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions: C + H2O lt = gt CO + H2 and C + 2H2 lt = gt CH4

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    Rad predstavlja nov način izračunavanja sastava heterogene ravnotežne mešavine hemijskih reakcija važnih u inženjerskoj praksi: proizvodnji čađi gasifikaciji ugljeva, pirolizi otpada, prečišćavanju dimnih gasova suvim i polusuvim postupcima. Rad opisuje tri načina izračunavanja i to: zasnovana na broju kilomolova, sumi broja kilomolova i izračunavanju sastava samo homogene mešavine.The work presents a new way of calculation of the composition of a heterogeneous equilibrium mixture in the course of chemical reactions important in engineering practice: soot production, coal gasification, waste pyrolysis, refining flue gases by dry and semi-dry treatments. In the available literature, the calculation of equilibrium composition of only the homogeneous (gaseous) phase is applied. This work presents three ways of calculation: based upon the number of moles, based upon the sum of the number of moles, and the calculation of the composition of only the homogeneous mixture. The reactions C + H2O ( CO + H2 and C + 2H2 ( CH4 have been considered, since in the available reference literature there is the largest number of data on the composition of the equilibrium homogeneous mixture concerning these reactions. The results of the calculation of the composition of the homogeneous (gaseous) phase, as a part of a heterogeneous mixture are identical with the results obtained by the orthodox calculation of only the homogeneous phase

    Thermal treatment as a one solution for sustainable waste management

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    Implementation of EU regulations during the construction of new and maintenance of existing waste dumps, coupled with difficulties associated with the expansion of existing disposal sites and selection of new disposal locations, impose the need for different waste treatment technologies to be used and applied as one of the measures in complex waste management chain. Solid waste management comprises integrated systems for the management of wastes, including waste reduction, collection, transport, recycling, energy recovery, treatment, and disposal in the most economical way consistent with the protection of public health and the natural environment. Waste-to-energy plants, based on their technical features, are very similar to thermal power and district-heated plants. Now, the number of thermal waste treatment facilities is growing having in mind that thermal treatment is officially recognized as one of the efficient climate change mitigation measures. It goes without saying that only modern, highly efficient facilities are qualified to be considered proper global CO2 emission reduction technology. However, waste is today rarely incinerated without appropriate pre‐treatment, where particular attention is given to solid recovery fuels – SRF. These fuels represent a dry fraction of municipal and industrial solid waste, with commonly added synthetic materials and removal of any form of chlorine. Production and quality of SRF are fully defined by related technical standards. The use of SRF is highly important in cement and energy generation industries, where SRFs are used as additional fuels. The following are some representative examples: • TPP RWE Gerstein (brown and bituminous coal-fired plant), 220 kt/a • TPP Vattenfall Jänschwalde (lignite-fired plant), 400 kt/a • TPP RWE Berrenrath (lignite-fired plant) 70 kt/a • Large number of cement kilns in Germany, 900 ‐ 1200 kt/a per kiln • CHP plant, Neumünster, 150 kt/a. In developed countries, cement and lime furnaces are commonly used for the co‐combustion of waste or are fully reconstructed to be used for hazardous waste treatment. A large number of thermal treatment facilities built to date and quite a considerable number of those are planned to be constructed in the near future, as well as positive experiences related to the use of certain waste types in cement plants indicate that considered waste removal technology is financially and environmentally acceptable. It is therefore concluded that thermal treatment facilities and their possible implementation in urban areas should be given more attention. However, the following should be kept in mind: • It is necessary to facilitate the development and proper regulation of the national waste market in a manner that will encourage legal flows of waste and prevent illegal waste trade and traffic; • Heaving in mind the absence of clearly defined procedures that would address and regulate waste utilization, treatment, and end‐of‐waste issues, it is necessary to make the best efforts to further develop related national legislation; • It is necessary to improve awareness and participation of the broader population in all phases of waste management decision-making processes, primarily through greater engagement of professional organizations (ISWA, national WM associations, engineering chambers, standardization offices, and similar), academia, the non‐governmental sector, etc

    Thermal treatment of waste – good praxis example and possibilities of use in Serbia

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    Iako se vrlo često o tome ne razmišlja, 98,5% ukupnog otpada potiče iz: rudarstva, prerade nafte i gasa, poljoprivrede, tretmana muljeva (kanalizacionog uglavnom), industrije, dok samo oko 1,5% predstavlja čvrsti komunalni otpad (MSW). Usaglašavanje nacionalnih i EU propisa, ali i njihovo stvarno sprovodjenje, u oblasti gradjenja i održavanja uredjenih deponija, kao i teškoće pri proširenju postojećih i izboru novih lokacija, nameću korišćenje različitih vrsta tretmana, a time i termičkih procesa u sklopu kompleksnog lanca postupaka u sistemu upravljanja otpadom. Energija otpada se može koristiti na više načina. Osnovne karakteristike termičkih tretmana otpada su: pogodni su za organske otpade, obuhvataju različite procese i tehnička rešenja, ali sva zahtevaju visoka ulaganja, procesi su u svim fazama regulisani vrlo strogim propisima, za rad im je neophodan obrazovan kadar, imaju srednje do visoke troškovi održavanja, generišu iskoristljivu energiju, ali i nusprodukte sa kojima se mora rukovati pod posebnim uslovima, i kao veoma važno vrlo su loše prihvaćeni od strane javnosti zbog grešaka u prošlosti. Ipak, po svojim tehničkim karakteristikama veoma slična termoelektranama i toplanama. Ložišta za sagorevanje otpada mogu biti rotacione peći, ložišta sa rešetkama, ložišta sa fluidizovanim slojem i dr., pri čemu se za održavanje temperature iznad 850 0C, koristi dodatno tečno ili gasovito gorivo ili tehnički kiseonik. U zemljama EU danas se termički iskorišćava oko 1-3 komunalnog otpada, pri čemu kapaciteti rastu, s obzirom da je termički tretman i zvanično prepoznat kao jedan od efikasnijih načina u borbi protiv klimatskih promena. Naravno, samo moderna, visoko energetski efikasna postrojenja imaju potencijal smanjenja uticaja CO2. Medjutim, danas se otpad veoma retko sagoreva bez prethodnog tretmana, a posebno se ističe proizvodnja SRF (Solid Recovered Fuels), koji predstavlja suvu frakciju komunalnog i industrijskog otpada, i uvek sa sadržajem veštačkih materijala bez prisustva hlora. Proizvodnja SRF i njegov kvalitet potpuno su definisani tehničkim standardima. Korišćenje SRF je veoma značajno u cementnoj industriji i energetskom sektoru, kao dodatno gorivo, o čemu svedoče i sledeći primeri: • Termoelektrana (mrki i kameni ugalj) RWE Gerstein, 220 kt/god • Termoelektrana Vattenfall Jänschwalde (lignitni ugalj), 400 kt/god • Termoelektrana RWE Berrenrath (lignitni ugalj), 70 kt/god • Veliki broj cementnih peći u Nemačkoj, 900 - 1200 kt/god po peći • CHP postrojenje, Neumünster, 150 kt/a U razvijenim zemljama čest je slučaj i korišćenja peći za proizvodnju kreča ili cementa koje se mogu koristiti za ko-sagorevanje otpada ili se mogu adaptirati za tretman opasnog otpada. Time izbegava potreba za novim postrojenjem, a u slučaju ko-sagorevanja značajno se smanjuje cena goriva za proizvodnju cementa. Ovakve peći su pogodne za tečne organske otpade, ali ne i za otpade sa visokim udelom vlage/vode, sumpora, hlora, teških metala, uz stalnu kontrolu osnovnog proizvoda i otpadnih gasova. Veliki broj do sada izgradjenih postrojenja u svetu i planiranje novih, kao i pozitivna iskustva sa korišćenjem pojedinih otpada u domaćim cementarama, ukazuju da je ovaj način uklanjanja otpada, prihvatljiv sa ekonomskog stanovišta i stanovišta zaštite životne sredine, te bi se mogao značajnije uzeti u razmatranje i u pojedinim gradskim sredinama u Republici Srbiji. Pri tome bi trebalo imati na umu sledeće: • neophodno je omogućiti razvoj i uređenje tržišta otpadom na način koji će omogućiti legalne tokove otpada i sprečavanje ilegalne trgovine i prometa otpadom • s obzirom na urušen sistem finansiranja reciklažne industrije neophodno je hitno kreiranje finansijskog instrumenta za sistemsku podršku • potrebno je obratiti posebnu pažnju na neiskorišćenost pojedinih vrsta industrijskog otpada u gradjevinarstvu, industriji, i sl. • s obzirom na nedostatak jasnih procedura koje definišu korišćenje otpada, prerade otpada i pojma end-of-waste, ubrzano raditi na daljem razvoju nacionalnih propisa • unaprediti obaveštenost i uključenost stanovništva u sve faze donošenja odluka u oblasti upravljanja otpadom, većim uključivanjem profesionalnih udruženja (npr. SeSWA, PKZS i sl.), akademije, nevladinog sektora i sl. Sve ovo medjutim nije moguće bez jasne političke volje koja u oblasti zaštite životne sredine i upravljanja otpadom, danas, na žalost, u Republici Srbiji, ne postoji.Although not commonly addressed, 98.5% of overall waste quantities originate from mining, oil and gas treatment, agriculture, sludge treatment (mainly municipal sewage sludge), and industry, while only the remaining 1.5% represent municipal solid waste (MSW). Harmonization of national and EU regulations and their proper implementation during the construction of new and maintenance of existing waste dumps, coupled with difficulties associated with the expansion of existing disposal sites and selection of new disposal locations, impose the need for different waste treatment technologies, including those denoted as thermal treatments, to be used and applied as one of the measures in complex waste management chain. Energy from waste may be utilized in many different ways. Thermal treatment processes are characterised by the following: they are convenient for organic waste, they include different processes and technical solutions which are unfortunately all associated with high investment costs, their implementation is regulated by quite stringent regulatory rules, they require educated and trained personnel, they are associated with medium to high maintenance costs, they generate useful energy but also different by-products that require special handling, and finally, they are usually poorly received by the public due to well-publicized mistakes made in the pasts. Still, based on their technical features, these processes are very similar to those used in thermal power and heat plants. Waste incineration furnaces may be designed as rotating furnaces, grate-fired furnaces, fluidized bed furnaces, and similar, where combustion temperatures are maintained above 850 0C through the use of additional liquid or gas fuel or technical oxygen. In EU countries, approximately 1/3 of municipal waste is currently being thermally treated. However, a number of thermal waste treatment facilities is growing having in mind that thermal treatment is officially recognized as one of the efficient climate change mitigation measures. It goes without saying that only modern, highly efficient facilities are qualified to be considered as proper global CO2 emission reduction technology. However, waste is today rarely incinerated without appropriate pre-treatment, where particular attention is given to solid recovery fuels – SRF. These fuels represent a dry fraction of municipal and industrial solid waste, with commonly added synthetic materials and the removal of any form of chlorine. Production and quality of SRF are fully defined by related technical standards. The use of SRF is highly important in cement and energy generation industries, where SRFs are used as additional fuels. The following are some representative examples: • Thermal power plant RWE Gerstein (brown and bituminous coal-fired plant), 220 kt/a • Thermal power plant Vattenfall Jänschwalde (lignite-fired plant), 400 kt/a • Thermal power plant RWE Berrenrath (lignite-fired plant) 70 kt/a • Large number of cement kilns in Germany, 900 - 1200 kt/a per kiln • CHP plant, Neumünster, 150 kt/a. In developed countries, furnaces used in cement or lime production processes are often utilized for the co-combustion of waste or are fully reconstructed to be used for hazardous waste treatment. In that manner, the need for new waste treatment facilities is eliminated, while in the case of co-incineration applied in the cement industry, additional benefit reflects through the reduced price of primary fuel. With continuous control of the product quality and composition of flue gas emissions, the considered type of kilns is suitable for the treatment of organic liquid wastes, but not for waste varieties with high moisture, sulfur, and heavy metals content. A large number of thermal treatment facilities built to date and quite a considerable number of those planned to be constructed in the near future, as well as positive experiences related to the use of certain waste types in Serbian cement factories, indicate that considered waste removal technology is financially and environmentally acceptable. It is therefore concluded that thermal treatment facilities and their possible implementation in urban areas in the Republic of Serbia should be given more attention. However, the following should be kept in mind: • It is necessary to facilitate the development and proper regulation of the national waste market in a manner that will encourage legal flows of waste and prevent illegal waste trade and traffic; • Bearing in mind the undermined viability of recycling financing mechanisms, it is necessary to establish a new financial instrument that will provide systematic support for the activities considered; • It is necessary to pay special attention to the unused potential of certain types of industrial wastes generated in construction and other industries; • Heaving in mind the absence of clearly defined procedures that would address and regulate waste utilization, treatment, and end-of-waste issues, it is necessary to make the best efforts to further develop related national legislation; • It is necessary to improve awareness and participation of the broader population in all phases of waste management decision-making processes, primarily through greater engagement of professional organizations (SeSWA, PKZS, and similar), Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, non-governmental sector etc. However, all of this will not be possible without strong political support, particularly in waste management and environmental sectors. Unfortunately, this kind of support does not exist in today’s political climate in Serbia

    Strategija komunikacije za oblast klimatskih promena

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    Ovaj dokument predstavlja okvir za nacionalnu komuni- kaciju za oblast klimatskih promena osmišljenu sa ci- ljem da se građanima Srbije i posebnim ciljnim javnosti- ma približe tema i značaj oblasti klimatskih promena. Strategija komunikacije za oblast klimatskih promena (u daljem tekstu: Strategija komunikacije) jeste dokument na- pisan za potrebe Ministarstva zaštite životne sredine (u daljem tekstu: Ministarstvo)

    The study on the effect of fractional composition and ash particle diameter on the ash collection efficiency at the electrostatic precipitator

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    Cilj eksperimentalnih istraživanja prikazanih u ovom radu jeste da se proceni stepen efikasnosti rada elektrostatičkog filtra na realnom industrijskom postrojenju (termoelektrana 'Gacko' električne snage od 310 MW, Bosna i Hercegovina) i dobijeni rezultati iskoriste za projektovanje periodičnog ili neprekidnog merenja i uporede sa rezultatima istraživanja drugih istraživača. Istraživanje performansi elektrostatičkog filtra je izvršeno u skladu sa BAS ISO 9096:2003. Efikasnost elektrostatičkog filtra je procenjena tokom uklanjanja čestica pepela u širokom opsegu veličina čestica od 1 do 250 μm. Eksploataciona iskustva ukazuju da su elektrostatički filtri efikasni za ugljeve različitog kvaliteta (prečnik čestica pepela veći od 1 ìm) i da se mogu optimizovati, kako u toku samog rada, tako i za neke naredne procese, kao što je odsumporavanje dimnih gasova. U mernim ravnima, merenja su vršena na 20 tačaka po preseku. Primećeno je da stepen uklanjanja pepela dobijen eksperimentalno (3 ispitivanja) ima približno jednake vrednosti (95,93-97,78%). Najbolje slaganje sa rezultatima eksperimentalnih ispitivanja pokazuje jednačina Deutsch-a, dok teorijski modeli Zhibin-Guoquan i Nobrega-Falaguasta-Coury ne aproksimiraju najbolje rezultate eksperimentalnih ispitivanja. Za čestice pepela prečnika manjeg od 17,5 μm ne postoji dobra korelacija između ispitivanih teorijskih modela. Najveće odstupanje modela za čestice pepela prečnika manjih od 17,5 μm je primećeno u slučaju upotrebe jednačine Deutsch-a.The goal of experimental investigations shown in this paper is to estimate the operating efficiency degree of the electrostatic precipitator on a real industrial plant (a the thermal power plant 'Gacko' with the electric power of 310 MW, Bosnia & Herzegovina) and to use the obtained results as a base of periodical engineering or continual measurement and compare them with the investigations of other investigators. The investigation of the electrostatic precipitator performance was done according to BAS ISO 9096:2003. In this paper, the electrostatic precipitator efficiency during the ash particle removal with a wide range of particle sizes from 1 to 250 μm is evaluated. The exploitational experience points out that electrostatic precipitators are efficient for the coals of different quality (coal particles with diameters bigger than 1 μm) and that they could be optimized during the exploitation itself and for some following processes (e.g., flue gas desulphurization). Within the measurement plane, the measurements were made on 20 points per section. It has been noticed that ash removal degrees obtained experimentally (3 investigations) have approximately equal value (95.93 to 97.78%). The best concordance with the results of experimental investigation shows the Deutsch equation, while theoretical models of Zhibin-Guoquan and Nobrega-Falaguasta-Coury do not correspond well to the results of experimental investigations. For the ash particles with the diameters less than 17.5 μm there is no good correlation between investigated theoretical models. The highest deviation of the model for ash particles with diameters less than 17.5 μm is notable in the case of using the Deutsch equation