2 research outputs found

    Investigations of the Influence of Chlorine Contained Aromatic and Maleimide Compounds on the Structure of the Vulcanizates Net on the Base of Polyblend and the Creation Technology of Heat and Radiation Durable Materials

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    Abstract The structural parameters (m芯l械cul邪r m邪ss, plasticity, number 芯f chains' n械t and cross-linked molecules) of thermal vulcanizers on the basis of butadiene-nitrile rubber and polyvinyl chloride blends were studied by viscosity and s芯l-g械l 邪n邪l褍sis methods. 袗n alteration 芯f pol邪r groups content (-小鈮, 小=袨, 小-小l) and unsaturation 芯f thermal and thermal irradiated vulcanizers were investigated. According to alterations of residual deformation's accumulation, relaxation of tension and equilibrium modulus in air and in fuel, the properties 芯f elastomers were established at temperature (373-473K) and radiation (1000-2000 kGy) aging

    Study of Influence of Copolymer Vinyl Chloride and Vinyl Acetate on the Properties of Butadiene Nitrile Rubber

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    Abstract Influence of a copolymer of v inyl chloride and vinyl acetate to the properties of butadiene nitrile rubber has been studied. It is shown that the growth of the molecu lar weight of BNR by mixing latex rubber and copolymer in a ratio 80:20, 75:25, 65:35 leads to obtaining micro heterogeneous systems. Copoly mer in itially acts as an interstructural amp lifier and then depending on their ratio p lays the role of the dispersed phase in the plasticization. By the method of rheological analysis it was found out that increase of mo lecular weight was observed in the interval time (0-90 min), characteristic viscosity increases with the ratio of 75:25 copoly mer fro m 0.6 to 1.4. A sol-gel analysis showed that with increase in the concentration of the copoly mer in BNR the nu mber o f chains grid (1/Ms) in the rubber decreases. It was found out that consumption of cross linked molecules (1/Mn) for the cross-linking is reduced, it beco mes constant at a ratio of 100:65:25. Co mparison of the kinetics of thermo metallic o xide vulcanization o f BNR with the accelerator disulphide chloride benzene (DSCB) increases the yield concentration of the effective cross-links (n `c) in the molecule BNR. Experiment showed that in the presence of the accelerator DSCB and zinc o xide the structuring main ly goes by the double bond