4,316 research outputs found

    Self modulated dynamics of a relativistic charged particle beam in plasma wake field excitation

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    Self modulated dynamics of a relativistic charged particle beam is reviewed within the context of the theory of plasma wake field excitation. The self-consistent description of the beam dynamics is provided by coupling the Vlasov equation with a Poisson-type equation relating the plasma wake potential to the beam density. An analysis of the beam envelope self-modulation is then carried out and the criteria for the occurrence of the instability are discussed thereby.Comment: This is a 10 pages manuscript which contain 4 figures. This manuscript is recently submitted in 'Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A' as a proceeding of the conference 'EAAC 2015

    Nanosecond-timescale spin transfer using individual electrons in a quadruple-quantum-dot device

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    The ability to coherently transport electron-spin states between different sites of gate-defined semiconductor quantum dots is an essential ingredient for a quantum-dot-based quantum computer. Previous shuttles using electrostatic gating were too slow to move an electron within the spin dephasing time across an array. Here we report a nanosecond-timescale spin transfer of individual electrons across a quadruple-quantum-dot device. Utilizing enhanced relaxation rates at a so-called `hot spot', we can upper bound the shuttle time to at most 150 ns. While actual shuttle times are likely shorter, 150 ns is already fast enough to preserve spin coherence in e.g. silicon based quantum dots. This work therefore realizes an important prerequisite for coherent spin transfer in quantum dot arrays.Comment: 7 pages including 2 pages of supplementary materia

    In-plane user positioning indoors

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    Indoor positioning is a service required by many smart environment applications for various purposes, such as activity classification, indoor navigation and context awareness. In this paper, we present a novel approach to the user positioning problem based on in-plane detection enabled by a set of infrared light emitters and sensors placed horizontally along the walls. The simulation results show that the proposed system is able to determine locations of multiple users inside the room with high precision and accuracy

    GABA(A) receptor phospho-dependent modulation is regulated by phospholipase C-related inactive protein type 1, a novel protein phosphatase 1 anchoring protein

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    GABA(A) receptors are critical in controlling neuronal activity. Here, we examined the role for phospholipase C-related inactive protein type 1 (PRIP-1), which binds and inactivates protein phosphatase 1alpha (PP1alpha) in facilitating GABA(A) receptor phospho-dependent regulation using PRIP-1(-/-) mice. In wild-type animals, robust phosphorylation and functional modulation of GABA(A) receptors containing beta3 subunits by cAMP-dependent protein kinase was evident, which was diminished in PRIP-1(-/-) mice. PRIP-1(-/-) mice exhibited enhanced PP1alpha activity compared with controls. Furthermore, PRIP-1 was able to interact directly with GABA(A) receptor beta subunits, and moreover, these proteins were found to be PP1alpha substrates. Finally, phosphorylation of PRIP-1 on threonine 94 facilitated the dissociation of PP1alpha-PRIP-1 complexes, providing a local mechanism for the activation of PP1alpha. Together, these results suggest an essential role for PRIP-1 in controlling GABA(A) receptor activity via regulating subunit phosphorylation and thereby the efficacy of neuronal inhibition mediated by these receptors

    Knockdown of LRP/LR Induces Apoptosis in breast and oesophageal cancer cells.

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    Cancer is a global burden due to high incidence and mortality rates and is ranked the second most diagnosed disease amongst non-communicable diseases in South Africa. A high expression level of the 37kDa/67kDa laminin receptor (LRP/LR) is one characteristic of cancer cells. This receptor is implicated in the pathogenesis of cancer cells by supporting tumor angiogenesis, metastasis and especially for this study, the evasion of apoptosis. In the current study, the role of LRP/LR on cellular viability of breast MCF-7, MDA-MB 231 and WHCO1 oesophageal cancer cells was investigated. Western blot analysis revealed that total LRP expression levels of MCF-7, MDA-MB 231 and WHCO1 were significantly downregulated by targeting LRP mRNA using siRNA-LAMR1. This knockdown of LRP/LR resulted in a significant decrease of viability in the breast and oesophageal cancer cells as determined by an MTT assay. Transfection of MDA-MB 231 cells with esiRNA-RPSA directed against a different region of the LRP mRNA had similar effects on LRP/LR expression and cell viability compared to siRNA-LAMR1, excluding an off-target effect of siRNALAMR1. This reduction in cellular viability is as a consequence of apoptosis induction as indicated by the exposure of the phosphatidylserine protein on the surface of breast MCF-7, MDA-MB 231 and oesophageal WHCO1 cancer cells, respectively, detected by an Annexin-V/FITC assay as well as nuclear morphological changes observed post-staining with Hoechst. These observations indicate that LRP/LR is crucial for the maintenance of cellular viability of breast and oesophageal cancer cells and recommend siRNA technology targeting LRP expression as a possible novel alternative technique for breast and oesophageal cancer treatment.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation, the Republic of South Africa, the Republic of South Africa.NCS201

    PTSD co-morbid with HIV: Separate but equal, or two parts of a whole?

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    AbstractApproximately 30 million people currently live with HIV worldwide and the incidence of stress-related disorders, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is elevated among people living with HIV as compared to those living without the virus. PTSD is a severely debilitating, stress-related psychiatric illness associated with trauma exposure. Patients with PTSD experience intrusive and fearful memories as well as flashbacks and nightmares of the traumatic event(s) for much of their lives, may avoid other people, and may be constantly on guard for new negative experiences. This review will delineate the information available to date regarding the comorbidity of PTSD and HIV and discuss the biological mechanisms which may contribute to the co-existence, and potential interaction of, these two disorders. Both HIV and PTSD are linked to altered neurobiology within areas of the brain involved in the startle response and altered function of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Collectively, the data highlighted suggest that PTSD and HIV are more likely to actively interact than to simply co-exist within the same individual. Multi-faceted interactions between PTSD and HIV have the potential to alter response to treatment for either independent disorder. Therefore, it is of great importance to advance the understanding of the neurobiological substrates that are altered in comorbid PTSD and HIV such that the most efficacious treatments can be administered to improve both mental and physical health and reduce the spread of HIV

    Tainted ores and the rise of tin bronzes in Eurasia, c. 6500 years ago

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    The earliest tin bronze artefacts in Eurasia are generally believed to have appeared in the Near East in the early third millennium BC. Here we present tin bronze artefacts that occur far from the Near East, and in a significantly earlier period. Excavations at PloÄŤnik, a VinÄŤa culture site in Serbia, recovered a piece of tin bronze foil from an occupation layer dated to the mid fifth millennium BC. The discovery prompted a reassessment of 14 insufficiently contextualised early tin bronze artefacts from the Balkans. They too were found to derive from the smelting of copper-tin ores. These tin bronzes extend the record of bronze making by c. 1500 years, and challenge the conventional narrative of Eurasian metallurgical development
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