392 research outputs found

    Addressing the missing matter problem in galaxies through a new fundamental gravitational radius

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    We demonstrate that the existence of a Noether symmetry in f(R)f(R) theories of gravity gives rise to a further gravitational radius, besides the standard Schwarzschild one, determining the dynamics at galactic scales. By this feature, it is possible to explain the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation and the rotation curve of gas-rich galaxies without the dark matter hypothesis.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, to be published in JCA

    Recovering the fundamental plane of galaxies by f(R)f(R) gravity

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    The fundamental plane (FP) of galaxies can be recovered in the framework of f(R)f(R) gravity avoiding the issues related to dark matter to fit the observations. In particular, the power-law version f(R)Rnf(R)\propto R^n, resulting from the existence of Noether symmetries for f(R)f(R), is sufficient to implement the approach. In fact, relations between the FP parameters and the corrected Newtonian potential, coming from RnR^n, can be found and justified from a physical point of view. Specifically, we analyze the velocity distribution of elliptical galaxies and obtain that rcr_c, the scale-length depending on the gravitational system properties, is proportional to rer_e, the galaxy effective radius. This fact points out that the gravitational corrections induced by f(R)f(R) can lead photometry and dynamics of the system. Furthermore, the main byproduct of such an approach is that gravity could work in different ways depending on the scales of self-gravitating systems.Comment: 18 pages, 3 tables, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Dark Univers

    Constraining Extended Gravity Models by S2 star orbits around the Galactic Centre

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    We investigate the possibility to explain theoretically the observed deviations of S2 star orbit around the Galactic Centre using gravitational potentials derived from modified gravity models in absence of dark matter. To this aim, an analytic fourth-order theory of gravity, non-minimally coupled with a massive scalar field is considered. Specifically, the interaction term is given by analytic functions f(R)f(R) and f(R,ϕ)f(R,\phi) where RR is the Ricci scalar and ϕ\phi is a scalar field whose meaning can be related to further gravitational degrees of freedom. We simulate the orbit of S2 star around the Galactic Centre in f(R)f(R) (Yukawa-like) and f(R,ϕ)f(R,\phi) (Sanders-like) gravity potentials and compare it with NTT/VLT observations. Our simulations result in strong constraints on the range of gravity interaction. In the case of analytic functions f(R)f(R), we are not able to obtain reliable constraints on the derivative constants f1f_1 and f2f_2, because the current observations of S2 star indicated that they may be highly mutually correlated. In the case of analytic functions f(R,ϕ)f(R,\phi), we are able to obtain reliable constraints on the derivative constants f0f_0, fRf_R, fRRf_{RR}, fϕf_{\phi}, fϕϕf_{\phi\phi} and fϕRf_{\phi R}. The approach we are proposing seems to be sufficiently reliable to constrain the modified gravity models from stellar orbits around Galactic Centre.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Constraining the range of Yukawa gravity interaction from S2 star orbits

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    We consider possible signatures for Yukawa gravity within the Galactic Central Parsec, based on our analysis of the S2 star orbital precession around the massive compact dark object at the Galactic Centre, and on the comparisons between the simulated orbits in Yukawa gravity and two independent sets of observations. Our simulations resulted in strong constraints on the range of Yukawa interaction Λ\Lambda and showed that its most probable value in the case of S2 star is around 5000 - 7000 AU. At the same time, we were not able to obtain reliable constrains on the universal constant δ\delta of Yukawa gravity, because the current observations of S2 star indicated that it may be highly correlated with parameter Λ\Lambda in the range (0<δ<1)(0 <\delta < 1). For δ>2\delta > 2 they are not correlated. However, the same universal constant which was successfully applied to clusters of galaxies and rotation curves of spiral galaxies (δ=1/3\delta=1/3) also gives a satisfactory agreement with the observed orbital precession of the S2 star, and in that case the most probable value for the scale parameter is Λ3000±1500\Lambda \approx 3000 \pm 1500 AU. Also, the Yukawa gravity potential induces precession of S2 star orbit in the same direction as General Relativity for δ>0\delta > 0 and for δ<1\delta < -1, and in the opposite direction for 1<δ<0-1 <\delta < 0. The future observations with advanced facilities, such as GRAVITY or/and European Extremely Large Telescope, are needed in order to verify these claims.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in JCA

    Constraints on RnR^n gravity from precession of orbits of S2-like stars

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    We study some possible observational signatures of RnR^n gravity at Galactic scales and how these signatures could be used for constraining this type of f(R)f(R) gravity. For that purpose, we performed two-body simulations in RnR^n gravity potential and analyzed the obtained trajectories of S2-like stars around Galactic center, as well as resulting parameter space of RnR^n gravity potential. Here, we discuss the constraints on the RnR^n gravity which can be obtained from the observations of orbits of S2-like stars with the present and next generations of large telescopes. We make comparison between the theoretical results and observations. Our results show that the most probable value for the parameter rcr_c in RnR^n gravity potential in the case of S2-like stars is \sim100 AU, while the universal parameter β\beta is close to 0.01. Also, the RnR^n gravity potential induces the precession of S2-like stars orbit in opposite direction with respect to General Relativity, therefore, such a behavior of orbits qualitatively is similar to a behavior of Newtonian orbits with a bulk distribution of matter (including a stellar cluster and dark matter distributions).Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Line shifts in accretion disks - the case of Fe Kα\alpha

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    Here we present a short overview and main results of our investigations of several effects which can induce shifts in the broad Fe Kα\alpha line emitted from relativistic accretion disks around single and binary supermassive black holes. We used numerical simulations based on ray-tracing method in the Kerr metric to study the role of classical Doppler shift, special relativistic transverse Doppler shift and Doppler beaming, general relativistic gravitational redshift, and perturbations of the disk emissivity in the formation of the observed Fe Kα\alpha line profiles. Besides, we also investigated whether the observed line profiles from the binary systems of supermassive black holes could be affected by the Doppler shifts due to dynamics of such systems. The presented results demonstrate that all these effects could have a significant influence on the observed profiles of the broad Fe Kα\alpha line emitted from relativistic accretion disks around single and binary supermassive black holes.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Masses of constituent quarks confined in open bottom hadrons

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    We apply color-spin and flavor-spin quark-quark interactions to the meson and baryon constituent quarks, and calculate constituent quark masses, as well as the coupling constants of these interactions. The main goal of this paper was to determine constituent quark masses from light and open bottom hadron masses, using the fitting method we have developed and clustering of hadron groups. We use color-spin Fermi-Breit (FB) and flavor-spin Glozman-Riska (GR) hyperfine interaction (HFI) to determine constituent quark masses (especially bb quark mass). Another aim was to discern between the FB and GR HFI because our previous findings had indicated that both interactions were satisfactory. Our improved fitting procedure of constituent quark masses showed that on average color-spin (Fermi-Breit) hyperfine interaction yields better fits. The method also shows the way how the constituent quark masses and the strength of the interaction constants appear in different hadron environments.Comment: 15 pages, 6 tables, 1 figure. Accepted for publication in Mod. Phys. Lett.

    Constraining Non-local Gravity by S2 star orbits

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    Non-local theories of gravity have recently gained a lot of interest because they can suitably represent the behavior of gravitational interaction in the ultraviolet regime. Furthermore, at infrared scales, they give rise to notable cosmological effects which could be important to describe the dark energy behavior. In particular, exponential forms of the distortion function seem particularly useful for this purpose. Using Noether Symmetries, it can be shown that the only non-trivial form of the distortion function is the exponential one, which is working not only for cosmological mini-superspaces, but also in a spherically symmetric spacetime. Taking this result into account, we study the weak field approximation of this type of non-local gravity, and comparing with the orbits of S2 stars around the Galactic center (NTT/VLT data), we set constraints on the parameters of the theory. Non-local effects do not play a significant role on the orbits of S2 stars around Sgr A*, but give richer phenomenology at cosmological scales than the Λ\LambdaCDM model. Also, we show that non-local gravity model gives better agreement between theory and astronomical observations than Keplerian orbits.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Study of spectral index of giant radio galaxy from Leahy's Atlas: DA 240

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    Here we investigate the giant radio galaxy DA 240, which is a FR II source. Specifically, we investigate its flux density, as well as the spectral index distribution. For that purpose, we used publicly available data for the source: Leahy's atlas of double radio-sources and NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database (NED). We used observations at 326 MHz (92 cm) and at 608 MHz (49 cm) and obtained spectral index distributions between 326 and 608 MHz. For the first time we give spectral index map for these frequencies. We found that the synchrotron radiation is the dominant radiation mechanism over most of the area of DA 240, and also investigated the mechanism of radiation at some characteristic points, namely its core and the hotspots. The results of this study will be helpful for understanding the evolutionary process of the DA 240 radio source.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in Contrib. Astron. Obs. Skalnate Pleso (Invited lecture at V Meeting on Astrophysical Spectroscopy - A&M DATA 2023

    Anisotropy of the in-plane angular magnetoresistance of electron-doed Sr1-xLaxCuO2 thin films

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    Signatures of antiferromagnetism (AF) in the underdoped Ln2-xCexCuO4 (Ln = Nd, Pr,...) family are observed even for doping levels for which superconductivity exists. We have looked for a similar property in a different electron-doped cuprate family, Sr1-xLaxCuO2, which consists of CuO2 planes separated by Sr/La atoms, and is exempt of the possible influence of magnetic rare earth ions. We report in-plane magnetoresistance measurements in the normal state of underdoped, superconducting, c-axis oriented, epitaxial Sr1-xLaxCuO2 thin films. This probe is sensitive to spin arrangement and we find that the in-plane magnetoresistance, which is negative and does not saturate for T, exhibits an angular dependence when measured upon rotating a magnetic field within the CuO2 planes. The analysis reveals a superposition of fourfold and twofold angular oscillations. Both of these increase in amplitude with increasing field and decreasing and appear below a temperature, which gets higher with decreasing doping levels. Our results demonstrate that these magnetoresistance oscillations, also observed for the Ln2-xCexCuO4 (Ln = Nd, Pr,...) family and attributed to an AF signature, are, without ambiguity, a property of CuO2 planes. Besides, these oscillations vary with doping in an unusual way compared to previous results: fourfold oscillations are essentially present in the more underdoped samples while only twofold oscillations are visible in the less underdoped ones. This intriguing observation appears to be a consequence of spin dilution with increasing doping level.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure