173 research outputs found

    Impact of pellet raw material on the energy and environmental characteristic of low power domestic stoves

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnih ispitivanja energetskih i ekoloÅ”kih karakteristika peći male snage (8,5 kW) za sagorevanje drvenih peleta koja se koristi za zagrevanje domaćinstava. Celokupni postupak ispitivanja kao i projektovanje i izrada ispitne instalacije izvrÅ”ena su u skladu sa zahtevima važećeg Evropskog propisa EN 14785 za ovu vrstu peći. Eksperimentalna instalacija je projektovana i izvedena u Laboratoriji za goriva i sagorevanje MaÅ”inskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ispitivanja su obavljena za tri toplotna opterećenja peći (minimalno, srednje i maksimalno) i sa tri vrste ispitnog goriva. Kao ispitna goriva koriŔćeni su peleti proizvedeni od bukovog drveta, čamovine i njihove meÅ”avine, čime je omogućeno određivanje uticaja sirovine za proizvodnju peleta na proces sagorevanja. Obradom rezultata ispitivanja u skladu sa zahtevima standarda omogućeno je određivanje energetskih i ekoloÅ”kih karakteristika ispitivane peći i njena klasifikacija prema kriterijumima definisanim standardom EN 14758.The results of experimental tests for determine thermal and environmental characteristics of low power pellet stove (8.5 kW) for combustion of wood pellets used for house hold heating are presented in this paper. Test procedure as well as design and manufacturing of test installation were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the applicable European regulation EN 14785 for ovens of this type. Test installation was de signed and assembled in the Laboratory for Fuel and Combustion at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Tests were conducted for three thermal loads of the stove (minimum, medium and maximum) and three types of test fuel. Used test fuels were produced from beech wood, fir wood and their mixture, which allowed determining impact of pellet raw material on combustion process. Recalculation of test results in accordance with the requirements of a standard provided determination of energy and environmental characteristics of the tested stove and its classification according to the criteria defined by standard EN 14785

    Impact of pellet raw material on the energy and environmental characteristic of low power domestic stoves

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    U radu su prikazani rezultati eksperimentalnih ispitivanja energetskih i ekoloÅ”kih karakteristika peći male snage (8,5 kW) za sagorevanje drvenih peleta koja se koristi za zagrevanje domaćinstava. Celokupni postupak ispitivanja kao i projektovanje i izrada ispitne instalacije izvrÅ”ena su u skladu sa zahtevima važećeg Evropskog propisa EN 14785 za ovu vrstu peći. Eksperimentalna instalacija je projektovana i izvedena u Laboratoriji za goriva i sagorevanje MaÅ”inskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Ispitivanja su obavljena za tri toplotna opterećenja peći (minimalno, srednje i maksimalno) i sa tri vrste ispitnog goriva. Kao ispitna goriva koriŔćeni su peleti proizvedeni od bukovog drveta, čamovine i njihove meÅ”avine, čime je omogućeno određivanje uticaja sirovine za proizvodnju peleta na proces sagorevanja. Obradom rezultata ispitivanja u skladu sa zahtevima standarda omogućeno je određivanje energetskih i ekoloÅ”kih karakteristika ispitivane peći i njena klasifikacija prema kriterijumima definisanim standardom EN 14758.The results of experimental tests for determine thermal and environmental characteristics of low power pellet stove (8.5 kW) for combustion of wood pellets used for house hold heating are presented in this paper. Test procedure as well as design and manufacturing of test installation were carried out in accordance with the requirements of the applicable European regulation EN 14785 for ovens of this type. Test installation was de signed and assembled in the Laboratory for Fuel and Combustion at the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Tests were conducted for three thermal loads of the stove (minimum, medium and maximum) and three types of test fuel. Used test fuels were produced from beech wood, fir wood and their mixture, which allowed determining impact of pellet raw material on combustion process. Recalculation of test results in accordance with the requirements of a standard provided determination of energy and environmental characteristics of the tested stove and its classification according to the criteria defined by standard EN 14785

    Engine and road tests of blends of biodiesel and diesel fuel

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    KoriŔćenje alternativnih goriva u saobraćaju je veoma važno zbog zavisnosti od nafte, velikog porasta broja vozila i kao posledica toga, visoke emisije CO2. Istraživanja biodizela kao alternativnog goriva obuhvataju sirovine, proizvodnju, kvalitet (čisto ili u meÅ”avini sa dizelom), motorska i vozilska ispitivanja i određivanje usklađenosti sa kriterijumima održivosti. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja obavljenih sa biodizelom pripremljenim od oÅ”tećenih semenki suncokreta i otpadnog ulja za kuvanje koriŔćenjem najnovije tehnologije za prečiŔćavanje biodizela od metanola zasnovane na principu jonske razmene. Glavni cilj je bio da se ispita mogućnost koriŔćenja različitih meÅ”avina biodizela i dizela u dizel motorima i njihov uticaj na snagu motora, obrtni moment, potroÅ”nju goriva i izduvnu emisiju. Prikazani su rezultati standardnih i nestandardnih motorskih i vozilskih ispitivanja meÅ”avina biodizela i dizela.The utilization of alternative fuels in transport is very important due to dependence on petroleum, increaseasing in number of vehicles and as consequence high CO2 emission. The investigations of biodiesel as an alternative fuels include raw materials, production, quality (pure or in mixture with diesel), engine and vehicle tests and determining compliance with sustainability criteria. In this paper, the investigations were performed with the biodiesel prepared from damaged sunflower seed and used cooking oils using the latest technology for the purification of biodiesel from methanol based on ion exchange principle. The main target was to examine the possibility of utilisation of different biodiesel and diesel blends in Compression Ignition (CI) engines and their influence on engine power, torque, fuel consumption and exhaust emission. The results of standard and non-standard investigations and engine and vehicle tests of biodiesel and diesel blends are presented

    Model of Forensic Hydrography

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    Forensic science plays a vital role in the work of judicial bodies. The contents, knowledge, and specialized expertise permit the identification of facts essential to law enforcement and judicial disputes. Hydrography is an applied science that concerns the physical description, measurement, mapping, and predictions of marine and terrestrial water features (ocean, seas, rivers, lakes, and coastal areas). A variety of economic and other activities take place in water resources. In order to reduce incidents and losses, it is extremely important to operate with accurate hydrographic data. In addition to its standard analytical role, forensics may serve in the prevention of adverse events and /or conditions. This paper aims at contributing towards the development of the new multidisciplinary field of forensic hydrography. The specific objectives are to provide a framework for the establishment of a model of forensic hydrography. A model of forensic hydrography is developed based on eleven modules (elements) relevant to fields in the marine, terrestrial, and coastal water domains. Forensic hydrography should serve the analysis and prevention of unwanted and other events and conditions to increase safety of navigation and security of water resources and in support of all other marine activities, including economic development, defence, safety and security, scientific research, social cohesion, as well as environmental management and conservation

    Engine and road tests of blends of biodiesel and diesel fuel

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    KoriŔćenje alternativnih goriva u saobraćaju je veoma važno zbog zavisnosti od nafte, velikog porasta broja vozila i kao posledica toga, visoke emisije CO2. Istraživanja biodizela kao alternativnog goriva obuhvataju sirovine, proizvodnju, kvalitet (čisto ili u meÅ”avini sa dizelom), motorska i vozilska ispitivanja i određivanje usklađenosti sa kriterijumima održivosti. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja obavljenih sa biodizelom pripremljenim od oÅ”tećenih semenki suncokreta i otpadnog ulja za kuvanje koriŔćenjem najnovije tehnologije za prečiŔćavanje biodizela od metanola zasnovane na principu jonske razmene. Glavni cilj je bio da se ispita mogućnost koriŔćenja različitih meÅ”avina biodizela i dizela u dizel motorima i njihov uticaj na snagu motora, obrtni moment, potroÅ”nju goriva i izduvnu emisiju. Prikazani su rezultati standardnih i nestandardnih motorskih i vozilskih ispitivanja meÅ”avina biodizela i dizela.The utilization of alternative fuels in transport is very important due to dependence on petroleum, increaseasing in number of vehicles and as consequence high CO2 emission. The investigations of biodiesel as an alternative fuels include raw materials, production, quality (pure or in mixture with diesel), engine and vehicle tests and determining compliance with sustainability criteria. In this paper, the investigations were performed with the biodiesel prepared from damaged sunflower seed and used cooking oils using the latest technology for the purification of biodiesel from methanol based on ion exchange principle. The main target was to examine the possibility of utilisation of different biodiesel and diesel blends in Compression Ignition (CI) engines and their influence on engine power, torque, fuel consumption and exhaust emission. The results of standard and non-standard investigations and engine and vehicle tests of biodiesel and diesel blends are presented
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