5 research outputs found

    On the Relationship Between the Strike as Social Conflict and Self-Management as Social System

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    In the first part of his work the author analyzes the system of contradictory circumstances that basically influence upon the phenomenon of strikes in (Yugoslav) socialist society. Herby, he particularly insists upon the actual neglecting of working class in the decision-making centers of various levels — from enterprises to the highest state bodies. The author reveals the discrepancy between such conditions and the proclaimed principles of working class as ruling social stratum. He also refers to an inadequate goal-orientation of work in Communist Party and Trade Union. The second part of the article deals with the analysis of some more significant features of the strikes that took place in Yugoslavia in the period between 1958 and 1969. Jovanov indicates that the strikes first appeared (and they still occur more often) in more developed industrial parts of Yugoslavia, but also, as a rule, in unprivileged economic branches and in the enterprises with low wages. Data on both duration of some strikes, and the number and the social structure of the participants are also dealt with in this article. On he basis of the interview he author speaks about causes and motives of strikes; resolving the main conflict in strike; the efficacy of strikes, and also about relation of Trade Union Management to the actual phenomena of strikes. Finally, in the third part, the author summarizes his analysis claiming that the general causes of strikes in Yugoslavia are the following: varying power affecting the decisions on the question essential for the position of particular social groups; inadequate criteria for participation in income distribution, and finally, the portion of the participation, i. e. the amount of income. The author’s final conclusion is that the more consistent accomplishment of self-management will abolish the phenomenon of strike as class conflict

    Les grèves de l’autogestion (interview)

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    Jovanov Neca. Les grèves de l’autogestion (interview). In: Autogestions, NS N°6, 1981. Les habits neufs du président Tito. Critique sociale, répression politique et luttes ouvrières en Yougoslavie. pp. 245-254

    La grève et le projet autogestionnaire en Yougoslavie

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    In Yugoslavia the strike has no legal existence, still many workers did strike in many places. Why and how a strike is conducted and settled when the workers leaders have to discuss with executives or authorities who are their co-members in the Ligue des Communistes, are the questions under review in this short and synthetic paper. A sentiment of frustration, or relative deprivation seems flourishing among manual workers.La grève en Yougoslavie n'est pas légalement reconnue, elle est pourtant fréquente, elle est locale et elle oppose des travailleurs qui, ouvriers d'un côté, responsables élus de l'autre, participent pourtant aux mêmes organisations politiques, notamment à la Ligue des communistes et aux conseils locaux. Comment expliquer pareille situation sans analyser les raisons qui font que les ouvriers peuvent être ou se sentir défavorisés ?Jovanov Neca. La grève et le projet autogestionnaire en Yougoslavie. In: Sociologie du travail, 22ᵉ année n°4, Octobre-décembre 1980. pp. 408-414

    Un démenti de N. Jovanov

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    Jovanov Neca. Un démenti de N. Jovanov. In: Autogestions, NS N°8-9, 1982. Un travail sans emploi. p. 208