10 research outputs found

    Ekonomski efekti navodnjavanja u biljnoj proizvodnji

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    Irrigation contributes to increased agricultural yields and production volume and intensified agricultural production. Field crops double their yields in irrigation. Production value of irrigated field crops is increased 2.06 times compared with dry farming. Profit per hectare of irrigated field crops is increased 2.01 times. The economy of field crop production increases from 1.03 in dry farming to 1.18 in irrigation. Profitability of field crop production increases from 3% in dry farming to 18.4% in irrigation. Productivity of production of irrigated field crops increases 1.6 times for wheat, 2.4 times for corn, 1.9 times for sugar beet, 2.4 times for sunflower and 2.7 times for soybean (yield/work hour). High economy of production is achieved in vegetable production, amounting to 2. Profitability is increased by 75%. Profit per hectare of irrigated vegetable crops exceeds that of irrigated field crops. Investments in irrigation result in higher volume and quality of food production, more economic and profitable production, and higher incomes and profits. Irrigation has a decisive impact on yield performance, production and economic results and further development of market-oriented, certified organic production of high quality produce.Navodnjavanje ima veliki uticaj na povećanje prinosa, proizvodnje i intenziviranje poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Pored povećanja prinosa u ratarskoj proizvodnji, posebno kod industrijskog bilja, intenzivira se poljoprivredna proizvodnja gajenjem povrća, semena i krmnog bilja i povećava profitabilnost u poslovanju. Prinosi ratarskih useva u sistemu navodnjavanja su dva puta veći u odnosu na prinose u suvom ratarenju. Prihod i profit u sistemu za navodnjavanje je za dva puta veći u odnosu na suvo ratarenje. Ekonomičnost proizvodnje u sistemu navodnjavanja je povećana sa 1,03 na 1,18, rentabilnost proizvodnje sa 3 na 18,4% , a produktivnost rada u proizvodnji ratarskih useva je veća za 2,2 puta. Znači, da je investiranje u navodnjavanje doprinosi proizvodnji kvalitetne, ekonomičnije rentabilnije i profitabilnije hrane

    Ekonomski efekti navodnjavanja i đubrenja u proizvodnji šećerne repe

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    The research of production and economic effects of irrigation to the sugarbeet and sugar growth per hectare was carried out on the carbonate humus of favourable water-physical and chemical characteristics on the location of Rimski Šančevi during the period from 2004 to 2006. The experiment was set according to the method of the Split-plot system being done in four repetitions with the usage of raindrop irrigation. During the experiment there were kept humidity soil treatments from 60 to 65% and the field water capacity (FWC) of 75-80% with a controlling variant being included. The realized profit per hectare during irrigation is 1607 /haanditisapproximatelygreaterof17,6/ha and it is approximately greater of 17,6% in comparison with the production in the controlling variant. Economy shows that to a unit of invented capital there is realized 1,49 unit of profit during irrigation or more than 4,2% comparing the production without irrigation. Profitability measured from the point of relationship between profit and incomes is 32,8% during irrigation and it is greater of 6,8% than the production in the controlling variant. The productivity indicator tells us that for one produced tone of sugar-beet during irrigation is approximately spent 1,28 hours of total working time or it is produced 0,783 t/working hour of sugar-beet.Ispitivanje proizvodnih i ekonomskih efekata navodnjavanja na prinos šećerne repe i šećera po hektaru u periodu 2004-2006.godine izvršeno je na karbonatnom černozemu poviljnih vodno-fizičkih i hemijskih osobina na Rimskim Šančevima. Ogled je postavljen po metodi Split-plot sistema u četiri ponavljanja uz primenu navodnjavanja kišenjem. U ogledu su održavani tretmani vlažnosti zemljišta od 60-65% i 75-80% poljskog vodnog kapaciteta (PVK) uz kontrolnu varijantu. U posmatranim kišnim godinama uticaj navodnjavanja na prinos šećerne repe u proseku je veći za 9,6%, pri čemu u tretmanu od 60-65% od (PVK) prinos je veći za 11,1%, a kod tretmana sa 75-80% od PVK prinos je veći za 7,8%. U trogodišnjem periodu navodnjavanje utiče na povećanje prinosa šećerne repe za 8,2 t/ha i na prinos šećera usled većih prinosa korena za 0,9 t/ha. Efekti navodnjavanja po sortama variraju od 5,7 t/ha kod Sare do 12,1 t/ha kod Drene. Nivoi đubrenja u proseku utiču na povećanje prinosa za 8,6 t/ha i variraju od 6,8 do 11,0 t/ha (r=0,960 ). Ocena je da suma godišnjih padavina i temperatura i njihov raspored utiču značajno na kretanje i variranje prinosa u posmatranim kišnim godinama. Ostvareni profit po hektaru u navodnjavanju iznosi 1607 /ha i veći je u proseku za 17,6% od proizvodnje u kontroli. Ekonomičnost pokazuje da se na jedinicu uloženog kapitala ostvauje u navodnjavanju 1, 49 jedinica prihoda ili više za 4,2% u odnosu na proizvodnju bez navodnjavanja. Rentabilnost merena iz odnosa profita i prihoda iznosi u navodnjavanju 32,8% i veća je za 6,8% od proizvodnje u kontroli. Pokazatelj produktivnosti govori da se za jednu proizvedenu tonu šećerne repe u navodnjavanju prosečno toši 1,28 časova ukupnog rada ili proizvodi šećerne repe 0,783 t/ času rada

    Economic effects in the production of sugar beet and sugar

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    The objective of the study is the labor productivity in the production of sugar beet and sugar in three agricultural enterprises on 4. 624 ha. The areas under sugar beet comprised in this study participate with 64 7% in the overall areas under this crop in the region of Srem. The annual production of sugar beet provides for the needs of sugar refineries in total. The basic factors affecting the productivity are: the level of technical equipment, natural factors, the selection of sugar varieties, applied modern technology, the organization of work, the qualification and motivation of the employees. The results can be used for the promotion of business, agro-economic analyses, planning, agro marketing needs and for the comparison of one`s own productivity with the presented results


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    We studied the factors that determine supply, demand and elasticity of consumption of fish in the world, EU and Serbia. The annual fish supply in the world is 145 million tons with a rate increase of 1.9%. World production per capita is 21.3 kg and the consumption is 17.2 kg. Production in the EU amounts to 12 million tons of fish and participates in the world`s production with 8.3%. Consumption per capita has stagnated at 22 kg. Fish production in Serbia is 12.5 thousand tons and records an increase rate of 20%. Production per capita is 1.7 kg, and the consumption is 5.7 kg. The income elasticity of consumption of fish in the EU is inelastic and is 0.423, and -0.311 in price. In Serbia, income elasticity of fish consumption is 0.549, and -0.402 in price. The elasticity of fish consumption compared to the prices of pork and chicken meat is positive, low and shows that these meat are substitutes. Regression parameters show that an increase in income causes a greater demand for fish, and increase in prices of fish has influenced decreased demand


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    Irrigation contributes to increased agricultural yields and production volume and intensified agricultural production. Field crops double their yields in irrigation. Production value of irrigated field crops is increased 2.06 times compared with dry farming. Profit per hectare of irrigated field crops is increased 2.01 times. The economy of field crop production increases from 1.03 in dry farming to 1.18 in irrigation. Profitability of field crop production increases from 3% in dry farming to 18.4% in irrigation. Productivity of production of irrigated field crops increases 1.6 times for wheat, 2.4 times for corn, 1.9 times for sugar beet, 2.4 times for sunflower and 2.7 times for soybean (yield/work hour). High economy of production is achieved in vegetable production, amounting to 2. Profitability is increased by 75%. Profit per hectare of irrigated vegetable crops exceeds that of irrigated field crops. Investments in irrigation result in higher volume and quality of food production, more economic and profitable production, and higher incomes and profits. Irrigation has a decisive impact on yield performance, production and economic results and further development of market-oriented, certified organic production of high quality produce


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    Benchmarking is a method of comparison between its own and the best possible organization that would contribute to the implementation of best practice solutions, new technologies, improvement of business processes and the quality of products, cost savings, increase of productivity, creativity, innovation and competitiveness on the market, and would lead to satisfying the needs and desires of consumers, as well as achieving efficiency in its own business. However, the concept of benchmarking affects the creation of new ideas and lucrative solutions to improve the existing organization, process and competitive products of high quality. It is, without doubt, the easiest way of applying and achieving best practice leader for the maximization of profit in business. There are several types of benchmarking, such as: the internal, external competitive, external functional, external generic, combined internal and external benchmarking. For a successful implementation of benchmarking, it is inevitable to choose a small number or a single leadership organization suitable for comparing and increasing of competitiveness and profitability in business


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    The research of production and economic effects of irrigation to the sugarbeet and sugar growth per hectare was carried out on the carbonate humus of favourable water-physical and chemical characteristics on the location of Rimski Šančevi during the period from 2004 to 2006. The experiment was set according to the method of the Split-plot system being done in four repetitions with the usage of raindrop irrigation. During the experiment there were kept humidity soil treatments from 60 to 65% and the field water capacity (FWC) of 75-80% with a controlling variant being included. The realized profit per hectare during irrigation is 1607 $/ha and it is approximately greater of 17,6% in comparison with the production in the controlling variant. Economy shows that to a unit of invented capital there is realized 1,49 unit of profit during irrigation or more than 4,2% comparing the production without irrigation. Profitability measured from the point of relationship between profit and incomes is 32,8% during irrigation and it is greater of 6,8% than the production in the controlling variant. The productivity indicator tells us that for one produced tone of sugar-beet during irrigation is approximately spent 1,28 hours of total working time or it is produced 0,783 t/working hour of sugar-beet

    Gestational Diabetes Mellitus and Antenatal Corticosteroid Therapy—A Narrative Review of Fetal and Neonatal Outcomes

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    Background: There, we review the pathogenesis of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), its influence on fetal physiology, and neonatal outcomes, as well as the usage of antenatal corticosteroid therapy (ACST) in pregnancies complicated by GDM. Methods: MEDLINE and PubMed search was performed for the years 1990–2022, using a combination of keywords on such topics. According to the aim of the investigation, appropriate articles were identified and included in this narrative review. Results: GDM is a multifactorial disease related to unwanted pregnancy course and outcomes. Although GDM has an influence on the fetal cardiovascular and nervous system, especially in preterm neonates, the usage of ACST in pregnancy must be considered taking into account maternal and fetal characteristics. Conclusions: GDM has no influence on neonatal outcomes after ACST introduction. The ACST usage must be personalized and considered according to its gestational age-specific effects on the developing fetus

    Economics of Agriculture - Ekonomika Poljoprivrede Vol.1, Issue 1, 2012

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