8 research outputs found

    Analysis of Traffic Infrastructure in the Town of Kutina

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    The analysis of the current condition regarding the trafficinfrastructure of the town of Kutina it is possible to concludethat in some elements it fully satisfies the needs of its users,whereas in some other elements there are certain divergences. Itis specially emphasised that a significant part of the trafficproblems of Kutina cannot be solved in a good and permanentmanner unless the basic guidelines in the urban planning areadopted and the facilities for public purposes are built, meaningfirst of all the market and similar facilities for public use.The good location of such facilities changes the whole conceptof the urban traffic flows and the co-ordinated planning resultsin permanent and good traffic solution of the whole traffic networkof Kutina.In order to harmonise the existing condition of the trafficinfrastructure with the current and planned needs of the citizensof Kutina, the social community should cany out detailed traffie research and insure adequate financial means for this purposefrom the budget

    Oil Market in 2007

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    Tijekom 2007. godine ekonomska slika svijeta mijenjala se kako zbog kretanja cijena nafte tako i zbog kretanja cijena hrane, Å”to je naÅ”lo odražaja u ukupnom svjetskom gospodarstvu, prije svega u promjeni postignutih vrijednosti a zatim i u deprecijaciji vrijednosti valuta. Pri takvim situacijama vijesti o cijenama nafte i pogotovo kasnije o cijenama naftnih derivata vrlo često nisu imale realan pristup, pa u prikazu koji slijedi, koji je u krajnjoj liniji nastavak prikaza iz proÅ”le godine, posebno se razmatra situacija na tržiÅ”tu nafte.During 2007, the economic picture of the world has been changing due to oil price increase and food price increase, which both reflected on the overall world economy, primarily in the change of accomplished values and then in the value depreciation of certain currencies. Due to such situations the news on oil prices and especially later on oil derivates prices were often unrealistic, thus in the following review which is actually the sequel of last yearā€™s review, the situation on oil market shall be elaborated

    Road Infrastructure Financing Models

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    Already in its early phase, starting with initial general needsof people to survive and find food, traffic and traffic se1viceturned into a modern system which increased the complexityand interdependence within the traffic system, and then withthe environment as well. The financing problem is especially expressedduring the creation of new roads and road networksand achieving of better transport service. High investmentmeans required for the road construction require also systemicforecasting of financial sources. Financing of road infrastructureconstruction opens up the basic dilemma: whether totransfer the costs directly to the state budget and the cunĀ·entgeneration or to transfer this burden to the future generations.These considerations require also a certain organizational approach.High investments in road infrastructure require a rationalselection before the decision itself on the selection of thetraffic system. Such selection has to be done based on adequatetraffic plans, which assumes classification of all the needs regardingtheir level so that every investment would be rationallyallocated

    Road Network as the Basic Factor of Integrating Croatia Into the Traffic System of 21st Century Europe

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    Transportation of cargo and people, i.e. freight and passengerflows, belongs to the inevitable destiny of the humanity. Inmodem life and overall economic international integration, therole and significance of transportation branch is multiply complex,because free circulation of goods, people, capital and information,etc. are no longer a phenomenon which only followsthe found needs, but it represents a hypothesis of the overall developmentof a certain area. In the presence of the tendency towardsglobalisation of the humanity, increasing emphasis is puton the concentration of the transportation efficiency at certaintraffic corridors defined by favourable geographic and otherconditions for creating optima/traffic system. Defining of certaintraffic corridors is mainly carried out on the basis of trafficand transit conditions of the considered region (usually a country),as well as its physical infrastructure connections with theneighbouring communities.This logically leads to the following questions: Will croatia,when, in which way and to what extent, succeed in securing herplace in the traffic network of the 21st century europe?!The discussion regarding possible answers to these questionsis in fact the main topic of this paper

    Possibilities of Using Hydrogen as Motor Vehicle Fuel

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    Hydrogen is the fuel of the future, since it is the element ofwater (H20) whichsunĀ·ounds us and the resources of which areunlimited. First water is divided into hydrogen and oxygen. Thepaper presents the laboratory and industrial methods of obtainĀ·ing hydrogen, types of fuel cells for various purposes, hydrogen-propelled motor vehicles, as well as advantages and drawbacksof hydrogen used as fuel under the conditions that haveto be met in order to use it as propulsion energy for motor vehicles

    Tourist Assessment of Croatian Roads

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    As environmentally clean industry and as the most significantworld industry regarding the number of employees and theimpact on the social and economic development of a countTy,tourism represents an extremely important social and economicbranch for Croatia.As a functional unit of the mutually interweaving socialand economic relations, tourism is a complex phenomenonwhose development depends on a number of compatible factorsout of which the transport infrastructure is considered to bethe most obvious and almost the most significant one, i.e. thefirst among the equal. This is primarily true for road traffic infrastructure,since road trai!Sportation of tourists by passengercars, buses and motorcycles accounts for more than 90 percentof the overall tourist journeys in Croatia.The topic of this paper is precisely, among other things, thetourist assessment of the Croatian road network by means ofthe so-called econometric model regarding the contribution ofa certain road route to the overall tourist traffic.Practical implementation of the elaborated problematicshould result in the improvement of road infrastructure eitherby constructing new motonvays and/or roads, or by reconstructionand/or modernisation of the existing traffic routes