778 research outputs found

    »Majstor koljanskog pluteja« u stilskom razvrstavanju predromaničke skulpture iz Galovca kod Zadra

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    U članku se raspravlja o ulomcima predromaničkih reljefa pronađenim u razdoblju od 1979. do 1991. godine na lokalitetu Crkvina u selu Galovcu pokraj Zadra, kao i o onim fragmentima koji su s tog lokaliteta već prije dospjeli u muzeje u Kninu (Splitu) i Biogradu. Osvrćući se na dosadašnju znanstvenu analizu i interpretaciju skulpture nastale tijekom dviju ranosrednjovjekovnih faza opremanja unutrašnjosti crkve sv. Bartolomeja, autor ih preispituje te djelomično ispravlja i reinterpretira. Ključna metoda za novu preraspodjelu kamene plastike po kronološkorazvojnim fazama bila je njezino svrstavanje u radioničke opuse temeljem likovno-stilske analize. Tako se posebna pozornost usmjerava na ostvarenja »Majstora koljanskog pluteja«, čije je djelovanje u Galovcu već prepoznato, ali nije iskorišteno za rješavanje nekih drugih, prije svega stilsko-kronoloških pitanja vezanih uz predromaničku skulpturu i vrijeme njezina nastanka. Naime, upravo će prepoznatljivost klesarskih ostvarenja te radionice, koja je bila aktivna tijekom druge razvojne faze, olakšati identifikaciju preostalih ranosrednjovjekovnih reljefa nastalih u prvoj fazi opremanja galovačke crkve. Na kraju, iako bez nepobitnih dokaza, autor obje faze datira u 9. stoljeće te prvu okvirno smješta na njegov početak, a drugu u sredinu ili čak prema kraju stoljeća

    Uloga dubinskih filtera u izučavanju fonološke interferencije

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    Interference of Croatian in the pronunciation of English is looked at in the light of Filter Theory, proposed by Calabrese (1988). It is arguedthat the notions of FilterTheoiy are useful in accounting for several phenomena observed in English spoken with a Croatian accent. The difficulties that Croatian speakers have in realizing such English phonemes as ml, /v/, /æ/, / /,/ / and the so-called centring diphthongs are accounted for by means of the Filter Theory notions of fission and delinking. It is also argued that in addition to the existing notions of Filter Theory, the study of foreign accent also requires the introduction of some syntagmatic restrictions on feature cooccurrence, as well as the repair strategy of fusion

    Dostupnost i uporaba različitih biofeedback uređaja za dozirano opterećenje

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    Introduction: Physiotherapists use different methods such as tactile feedback, scales and biofeedback to teach patients applying the partial weight bearing instructions. Biofeedback systems are more effective and objective method than usage of conventional bathroom scales in training patients to comply with weight-bearing limitations. Aim: The current review will focus on the availability and clinical use of biofeedback in-shoe device in patients with prescribed PWB. Methods: A literature search was performed using the following keywords: partial weight bearing, biofeedback in-shoe device and surgery. Five databases were searched appropriate for screening (PubMed, PEDro, Google Scholar, Clinicaltrials.gov and ScienceDirect). Results: Filtration strategy was used in a literature search. 15 sources were selected for final analysis. Qualitative analytical approach was used in data processing. Conclusion: Biofeedback systems have been more effective than conventional bathroom scales in training patients to comply with weight-bearing limitations. With additional randomised controlled trials, biofeedback devices may very well become a part of the mainstay of clinical practice in orthopaedic partial weight-bearing patients.Uvod: Fizioterapeuti primjenjuju različite metode kao što su taktilna sprega, uporaba vage i uporaba uređaja za biofeedback u učenju pacijenata pravilnom doziranom opterećenju nakon operacijskih zahvata. Učenje ortopedskih pacijenata pravilnom doziranom opterećenju ekstremiteta s pomoću uređaja za biofeedback objektivnija je i učinkovitija metoda fizioterapijskog tretmana od metode primjene vage. Cilj: Sistematični pregledni članak fokusirat će se na problematiku dostupnosti i kliničke uporabe uređaja za biofeedback kod pacijenata kojima su fizioterapeut i liječnik propisali dozirano opterećenje. Metode: U pretrazi su upotrijebljene sljedeće ključne riječi: dozirano opterećenje, uređaj za povratnu spregu u cipeli, uređaji za biofeedback, operacija. Pretraga je provedena u pet bibliografskih baza podataka (PubMed, PEDro, Google Scholar, ClinicalTrials.gov i ScienceDirect). Rezultati: U pretrazi literature primijenjena je strategija filtracije izvora prema određenim parametrima. U obradi podataka primijenjen je kvalitativni analitični pristup. Za konačnu analizu odabrano je 15 prikladnih izvora. Zaključak: Sustavi za biofeedback učinkovitiji su od konvencionalnih vaga u podučavanju pacijenata pravilnom doziranom opterećenju oštećenih ekstremiteta. Daljnjim znanstvenim, randomiziranim i kliničkim istraživanjima, sustavi za biofeedback mogu postati važan dio kliničke prakse u tretmanu ortopedskih pacijenata s propisanim doziranim opterećenjem

    The European Prosecutor: A Big Step for the EU, a Small Step for Justice

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    This presentation provides a framework of only the most important legal and political issues concerning the European Public Prosecutor. These issues, just like the general position of the European Public Prosecutor in European and national legal systems, are the result of compromise where the quality of coherence and the consistency of profiling the institution of the European Prosecutor have given way to the prospect of introducing the legally and politically very important institution of European Public Prosecutor

    Hrvatski ili srpski akcent u izgovoru engleskoga u svjetlu teorije monitora

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    This paper presents the results of research in which some basic notions of the Monitor Theory of adult second language performance were applied to the study of the Serbo-Croatian accent in the pronunciatíon of English. A methodology was devised for the numerical expression of the degree of monitoring in foreign language performance, and a corrclation was established between this degree of monitoring and the subjects\u27 success in particular phonostylistic registers. The greater the degree of monitoring, the greater the difference in the success of English pronunciation turned out to be between formal and informal Styles in favour of the former. \u27lhus subjects with a greater inclination towards monitoring pronounced English much better when reading a test passage than they did in an informal interview. Conversely, subjects with a low degree of monitoring pronounced English considerably better in informal style

    Combining different types of data in studying attitudes to English as a Lingua Franca

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    This paper deals with the attitudes of Croatian speakers to ELF, in particular to its pronunciation. Four methods were combined to reach conclusions about the status of ELF in Croatia: diary study, teacher interviews, a preliminary focus group interview and a survey. Whilst the first three methods revealed that the subjects regularly disfavour ‘bad pronunciation’, the survey showed that when it actually comes to talking to either native or non-native speakers, the subjects turned out to be tolerant to a slight accent. This clearly suggests a case of what is known as linguistic schizophrenia (B.B. Kachru 1977; Seidlhofer 2001). However, there are notable differences among groups of participants depending on variables such as professional profile, gender, degree of ease and success in learning pronunciation, and national pride. In any case, the combination of these methods proved to be a very good way to deal with the topic. The diary study is a valuable method to look into everyday practices and can feed nicely into survey questions. The preliminary survey highlighted the importance of different groups of participants and the need for groups of questions focusing around different factors. The preliminary focus group interview showed that it is crucial to have a single homogenous group of participants, as well as a trained facilitator. Finally, teacher interviews pointed to the possibility of similar attitudes being held by university teachers and the students they teach, which suggests that attitudes may be perpetuated. Overall, triangulation across methods and participants in the way proposed in the present paper provided a wealth of data, allowing a bottom-up view and a top-down view on the state of ELF in Croatia

    Odnos komunističkog režima prema Katoličkoj crkvi u Hrvatskoj od 1945. do 1952. godine

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    Based on historical facts, published and unpublished archival materials, this work provides concise analysis of relations between the Church and the state in Croatia between 1945 and 1952, that is from the period when the Communist Party of Yugoslavia became the ruling party until the break-up of diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Since this was a quite dynamic period in terms of socio-political changes, as well as Church-state relations, the article emphasizes only those aspects that constitute the foundation of the conflict between the Catholic Church and the communist regime such as religious education in schools and catholic clergy’s class associations. Moreover, in the introductory part of the work ideological and political causes of the conflict are briefly explained, as well as relations of the Church and the state in the post-war period with a view to better understanding of the position of the Catholic Church and the overall context of the catholic religious life in time to come. Based on historical facts, published and unpublished archival materials, this work provides concise analysis of relations between the Church and the state in Croatia between 1945 and 1952, that is from the period when the Communist Party of Yugoslavia became the ruling party until the break-up of diplomatic relations with the Holy See. Since this was a quite dynamic period in terms of socio-political changes, as well as Church-state relations, the article emphasizes only those aspects that constitute the foundation of the conflict between the Catholic Church and the communist regime such as religious education in schools and catholic clergy’s class associations. Moreover, in the introductory part of the work ideological and political causes of the conflict are briefly explained, as well as relations of the Church and the state in the post-war period with a view to better understanding of the position of the Catholic Church and the overall context of the catholic religious life in time to come


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    Autori u navedenom radu analiziraju metode i mjere koje su poduzimale jugoslavenske vlasti u prvim godinama nakon svršetka Drugoga svjetskoga rata kako bi otežale školovanje novih svećeničkih naraštaja i tako otežale ukupnu djelatnost Katoličke crkve koja je zbog ratnih i poratnih prilika ostala bez znatnog broja svojih svećenika.The authors of this article analyze the methods and measures undertaken by Yugoslavian authorities in the first years following the end of the Second World War in order to obstruct the education of new generations of priests and thus impede the efforts of the Catholic Church, which as a consequence of wartime and postwar conditions was left without a significant number of its priests

    Trostruka kombinacija, dvije bolesti i jedna tableta

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    SUMMARY Undiagnosed or inadequately controlled arterial hypertension (AH) is the leading independent factor of cardiovascular (CV) morbidity and mortality. In addition, the grouping of multiple risk factors in patients with AH contributes to the severity of this “silent but deadly” disease. Assessment of the total CV risk and treatment of each possible risk factor are extremely important in reducing the total CV risk. The use of fixed-dose combinations of medicinal products with good pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetic, metabolic, and safety profiles has been proven to simplify the treatment and improve the outcomes and adherence of patients, which must be lifelong. One such combination that contains a long-acting ACE inhibitor – perindopril, a metabolically neutral long-acting diuretic from the thiazide class – indapamide, and a potent statin – rosuvastatin, is the fixed-dose combination Roxiper® – a triple combination for two diseases in a single tablet.SAŽETAK Nedijagnosticirana ili nedovoljno kontrolirana arterijska hipertenzija (AH) vodeći je neovisni čimbenik kardiovaskularnog (KV) morbiditeta i mortaliteta. Osim toga, grupiranje višestrukih čimbenika rizika u bolesnika s AH-om dodatno pridonosi težini ove „tihe, ali ubojite“ bolesti. Procjena ukupnoga KV rizika te liječenje svakoga mogućega rizičnog čimbenika od iznimne je važnosti u smanjenju ukupnoga KV rizika. Primjena fiksnih kombinacija lijekova s dobrim farmakodinamskim, farmakokinetskim, metaboličkim i sigurnosnim profilom dokazano pojednostavnjuje liječenje, a poboljšava ishode i adherenciju bolesnika koja mora biti cjeloživotna. Jedna od takvih kombinacija koja sadržava dugodjelujući ACE inhibitor perindopril, metabolički neutralan dugodjelujući diuretik iz skupine tijazida indapamid, te potentni statin rosuvastatin jest fiksna kombinacija Roxiper® – trostruka kombinacija za dvije bolesti u jednoj tableti