16 research outputs found

    A 600 kW power supply for particle accelerators insensitive to electrical network perturbations

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    The papers presents implementation of a 600 kW DC power converter resistant to electrical network perturbations on an 18 kV electrical network feeding the input of the power converter. The manuscript describes experimental assessment of converter output performance during both nominal electrical network conditions and transient grid voltage dips

    Recurring sources of premature beam dumps

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    While the fraction of premature beam dumps has considerable decreased during the 2016 Run in favour of programmed end of fill dumps, still 1 out of 2 beam aborts are non-programmed. The root causes of these are primarily equipment failures as well as UFOs and electrical perturbations. In this contribution we will analyse the premature beam dumps observed in 2016, with an emphasis on identifying recurring failures. An outlook on the planned mitigation strategies for the main contributors to the failure statistics will conclude this paper