68 research outputs found

    Instrumentos y políticas de medidas en África

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    Instruments of measures are more and more central in the government of contemporary Africa. They have become central in the rise of economic performance as a tool for reforming development aid and states. New ways of intervening and of producing public action in Africa emerge : quantification, experimentation, knowledge production are central in shaping contemporary states. These tools mobilize specific knowledges and experts, and put states in an ambiguous position. They are at the same time constrained by the technical infrastructure of the international interventions, and yet, they are able to manƓuvre to affirm their positions, in particular on their population. These instruments create the condition of an ‘infiltration’ : international donors, rather than impose conditions from the outside, now prefer to act from the inside through techniques, measures, standards, evaluation tools and a specific vocabulary

    Measurement instruments and policies in Africa

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    Measurement instruments are increasingly important in the contemporary government of African. They are central to the rise of economic performance as a tool for reforming development aid and states. This has led to the emergence of new intervention methods (including experimentation and quantification) and generated political reconfigurations. These tools mobilise specific knowledge and experts, and put states in ambiguous positions. States must respect the technical infrastructure of international interventions, but they are also able to manoeuvre into favourable positions, especially with respect to their populations. Instruments also make “infiltration” possible: international donors no longer impose conditions from the outside, but prefer to act from within African states through techniques, measurements, standards, evaluation tools and specific terminology

    Instruments et politiques des mesures en Afrique

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    Instruments of measures are more and more central in the government of contemporary Africa. They have become central in the rise of economic performance as a tool for reforming development aid and states. New ways of intervening and of producing public action in Africa emerge : quantification, experimentation, knowledge production are central in shaping contemporary states. These tools mobilize specific knowledges and experts, and put states in an ambiguous position. They are at the same time constrained by the technical infrastructure of the international interventions, and yet, they are able to manƓuvre to affirm their positions, in particular on their population. These instruments create the condition of an ‘infiltration’ : international donors, rather than impose conditions from the outside, now prefer to act from the inside through techniques, measures, standards, evaluation tools and a specific vocabulary

    B. Dujardin, Politiques de santé et attentes des patients. Vers un nouveau dialogue

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    MĂ©decin de santĂ© publique, Bruno Dujardin est co‑directeur du dĂ©partement  "Politiques et systĂšme de santĂ©" Ă  l’Ecole de santĂ© publique et professeur Ă  l’UniversitĂ© libre de Bruxelles. ImpliquĂ© depuis plus de 25 ans dans les projets de dĂ©veloppement et les recherches en systĂšmes de santĂ©, l’auteur nous fait un compte rendu de son expĂ©rience dans le dĂ©veloppement et notamment les raisons profondes qui sous‑tendent les Ă©checs rĂ©pĂ©tĂ©s des diverses politiques de dĂ©veloppement. L’ouvrage est nĂ© d..

    Public health and tropical modernity: the combat against sleeping sickness in Portuguese Guinea, 1945-1974

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    Rapport intermédiaire à la Fondation de France

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    Le « sujet ùgé » = indiscipliné ?

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    Par Josiane Tantchou Anthropologue, chargĂ©e de recherche - CNRS Centre Jacques Berque, Rabat [email protected] Introduction[1] Les maladies non transmissibles sont de plus en plus ciblĂ©es par les politiques internationales de santĂ© (WHO, 2014). Parmi elles, les maladies cardiovasculaires, dont l’hypertension, sont les principales causes de mortalitĂ© chez les adultes dans les pays dĂ©veloppĂ©s et dans les pays Ă©mergents (Lim, Vos et al., 2012), comme le Maroc. L’hypertension artĂ©rielle (H..
