197 research outputs found

    Sulfur-bound biomarkers of a Monterey shale and a Greenland lake sediment

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    Seeking to reconstruct the biogeochemical processes that produced organic sulfur compounds in two unique depositional environments, we used the nickel boride desulfurization reaction to release hydrocarbons from sulfur-bound macromolecules not otherwise amenable to chromatographic analysis. We desulfurized two geochemical extracts: one sample is a Monterey shale of late Miocene age, and the other sample is a surface sediment from the Greenland lake Brayasø. Both samples contained organic sulfur compounds, but the Monterey shale was biologically and thermally modified after deposition. A comparison of the free and sulfur-bound hydrocarbons from each sample revealed a precursor-product relationship between tocopherol and pristane, for Monterey. Greenland’s composition may indicate that photochemical sulfurization occurs in the Brayasø oxic zone. We found that sulfurization may proceed at different rates for different compound families; for example, we did not see any sulfurized alkenones in Brayasø, but we found an abundance of sulfurized isoprenoids. Greenland’s relatively high overall desulfurization yield suggests that sulfurization in Brayasø occurs in under 40 years. Our Greenland findings suggest that photochemical sulfurization may be more widespread than previously thought, and that sulfurization might not interfere with alkenone paleotemperature reconstructions

    Constraints on Pluto’s H and CH₄ profiles from New Horizons Alice Lyα observations

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    The Alice spectrograph on New Horizons performed several far-ultraviolet (FUV) airglow observations during the July 2015 flyby of Pluto. One of these observations, named PColor2, was a short (226 s) scan across the dayside disk of Pluto from a range of ∼34,000 km, at about 40 minutes prior to closest approach. The brightest observed FUV airglow signal at Pluto is the Lyman alpha (Lyα) emission line of atomic hydrogen, which arises primarily through the resonant scattering of solar Lyα by H atoms in the upper atmosphere, with a brightness of about 30 Rayleighs. Pluto appears dark against the much brighter (∼100 Rayleigh) sky background; this sky background is likewise the result of resonantly scattered solar Lyα, in this case by H atoms in the interplanetary medium (IPM). Here we use an updated photochemical model and a resonance line radiative transfer model to perform detailed simulations of the Lyα emissions observed in the Alice PColor2 scan. The photochemical models show that H and CH₄ abundances in Pluto’s upper atmosphere are a very strong function of the near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄, and could provide a useful way to remotely monitor seasonal climate variations in Pluto’s lower atmosphere. The morphology of the PColor2 Lyα emissions provides constraints on the current abundance profiles of H atoms and CH₄ molecules in Pluto’s atmosphere, and indicate that the globally averaged near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄ is currently close to 0.4%. This new result thus provides independent confirmation of one of the primary results from the solar occultation, also observed with the New Horizons Alice ultraviolet spectrograph

    Constraints on Pluto’s H and CH₄ profiles from New Horizons Alice Lyα observations

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    The Alice spectrograph on New Horizons performed several far-ultraviolet (FUV) airglow observations during the July 2015 flyby of Pluto. One of these observations, named PColor2, was a short (226 s) scan across the dayside disk of Pluto from a range of ∼34,000 km, at about 40 minutes prior to closest approach. The brightest observed FUV airglow signal at Pluto is the Lyman alpha (Lyα) emission line of atomic hydrogen, which arises primarily through the resonant scattering of solar Lyα by H atoms in the upper atmosphere, with a brightness of about 30 Rayleighs. Pluto appears dark against the much brighter (∼100 Rayleigh) sky background; this sky background is likewise the result of resonantly scattered solar Lyα, in this case by H atoms in the interplanetary medium (IPM). Here we use an updated photochemical model and a resonance line radiative transfer model to perform detailed simulations of the Lyα emissions observed in the Alice PColor2 scan. The photochemical models show that H and CH₄ abundances in Pluto’s upper atmosphere are a very strong function of the near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄, and could provide a useful way to remotely monitor seasonal climate variations in Pluto’s lower atmosphere. The morphology of the PColor2 Lyα emissions provides constraints on the current abundance profiles of H atoms and CH₄ molecules in Pluto’s atmosphere, and indicate that the globally averaged near-surface mixing ratio of CH₄ is currently close to 0.4%. This new result thus provides independent confirmation of one of the primary results from the solar occultation, also observed with the New Horizons Alice ultraviolet spectrograph

    A Cationic Peptide, TAT-Cd 0 , Inhibits Herpes Simplex Virus Type 1 Ocular Infection In Vivo

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    PURPOSE. To test the in vivo activity of a peptide derived from the protein transducing domain of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) Tat protein, TAT-Cd 0 , in a murine herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) keratitis model. METHODS. The efficacy of TAT-Cd 0 was assessed in a postinfection treatment model with different concentrations (1 mg/mL, 0.1 mg/mL, 0.01 mg/mL) of the peptide in one of four delivery vehicles: artificial tears, PBS, methylcellulose, and aquaphor cream. Treatment began within 4 or 24 hours postinfection. Viral titers in the tear film were determined by plaque assay. RESULTS. TAT-Cd 0 reduced the severity of keratitis in all of the delivery vehicles tested when treatment started, 4 hours postinfection. Peptide in the tears or PBS delivery vehicle had the most significant reduction in disease severity and delayed the onset of vascularization and stromal keratitis. The percentage of mice presenting with disease was also significantly reduced and viral titers were reduced by 1 log at 24 hours postinfection in mice treated with 1 mg/mL TAT-Cd 0 , suggesting that inhibiting replication early is sufficient to achieve clinical effects. Lower concentrations were not effective and delaying treatment by 24 hours was also not effective. CONCLUSIONS. This study shows that TAT-Cd 0 is an effective antiviral against HSV-1 strain KOS when applied shortly postinfection and that aqueous-based formulations are more suitable. (Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci

    Constraints on the microphysics of Pluto's photochemical haze from New Horizons observations

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    The New Horizons flyby of Pluto confirmed the existence of hazes in its atmosphere. Observations of a large high- to low- phase brightness ratio, combined with the blue color of the haze (indicative of Rayleigh scattering), suggest that the haze particles are fractal aggregates, perhaps analogous to the photochemical hazes on Titan. Therefore, studying the Pluto hazes can shed light on the similarities and differences between the Pluto and Titan atmospheres. We model the haze distribution using the Community Aerosol and Radiation Model for Atmospheres assuming that the distribution is shaped by downward transport and coagulation of particles originating from photochemistry. Hazes composed of both purely spherical and purely fractal aggregate particles are considered. General agreement between model results and solar occultation observations is obtained with aggregate particles when the downward mass flux of photochemical products is equal to the column-integrated methane destruction rate ∼1.2 × 10^(−14) g cm^(−2) s^(−1), while for spherical particles the mass flux must be 2–3 times greater. This flux is nearly identical to the haze production flux of Titan previously obtained by comparing microphysical model results to Cassini observations. The aggregate particle radius is sensitive to particle charging effects, and a particle charge to radius ratio of 30 e − /µm is necessary to produce ∼0.1–0.2 µm aggregates near Pluto's surface, in accordance with forward scattering measurements. Such a particle charge to radius ratio is 2–4 times higher than those previously obtained for Titan. Hazes composed of spheres with the same particle charge to radius ratio have particles that are 4 times smaller at Pluto's surface. These results further suggest that the haze particles are fractal aggregates. We also consider the effect of condensation of HCN, C_2H_2, C_2H_4, and C_2H_6 on the haze particles, which may play an important role in shaping their altitude and size distributions
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