14 research outputs found

    Study of drug utilization, morbidity pattern and cost of hypolipidemic agents in a tertiary care hospital

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    Background: Data on the extent of use and costs of lipid-lowering agents are not widely available. Our aim was to study the drug utilization and morbidity pattern, cost of different hypolipidemic drugs along with the risk assessment for coronary heart disease.Methods: After approval of protocol by the Institutional Review Board, an observational, prospective study was carried out in 300 patients using NCEP and ATP III Guidelines-2002 for evaluation of presence or absence of risk factors for coronary heart diseases. Data were analysed using SPSS software version 16.0and WHO Core Drug Prescribing Indicators.Results: Patient’s morbidity pattern revealed that 62%, 49.3%, 28% suffered from ischemic heart disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes mellitus respectively. On risk assessment, 48%, 13.3% patients had borderline and high level of total cholesterol respectively; 42%, 22.7% had borderline and high triglyceride levels respectively; 71.1% men and 62% women had low HDL cholesterol levels while 17.3%, 6% and 2.7% patients had borderline high, high and very high level of LDL cholesterol levels respectively. Frequency of prescriptions was atorvastatin (82%), rosuvastatin (9.3%) and simvastatin (4.7%) among the most frequently prescribed statins drug group. The mean number of drugs per prescription was 7.34. Drugs prescribed by generic name and from essential drugs list was 24.96% and 71.81% respectively. Mean cost of hypolipidemic agents/prescription/day was 10.74 (±1.96) Indian Rupees with rosuvastatin being the costliest.Conclusion: Rational use of hypolipidemic agents with an increasing trend of statins prescriptions will significantly reduce the morbidity and mortality from coronary heart diseases.

    Modeling Meets Metabolomics-The WormJam Consensus Model as Basis for Metabolic Studies in the Model Organism Caenorhabditis elegans.

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    Metabolism is one of the attributes of life and supplies energy and building blocks to organisms. Therefore, understanding metabolism is crucial for the understanding of complex biological phenomena. Despite having been in the focus of research for centuries, our picture of metabolism is still incomplete. Metabolomics, the systematic analysis of all small molecules in a biological system, aims to close this gap. In order to facilitate such investigations a blueprint of the metabolic network is required. Recently, several metabolic network reconstructions for the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans have been published, each having unique features. We have established the WormJam Community to merge and reconcile these (and other unpublished models) into a single consensus metabolic reconstruction. In a series of workshops and annotation seminars this model was refined with manual correction of incorrect assignments, metabolite structure and identifier curation as well as addition of new pathways. The WormJam consensus metabolic reconstruction represents a rich data source not only for in silico network-based approaches like flux balance analysis, but also for metabolomics, as it includes a database of metabolites present in C. elegans, which can be used for annotation. Here we present the process of model merging, correction and curation and give a detailed overview of the model. In the future it is intended to expand the model toward different tissues and put special emphasizes on lipid metabolism and secondary metabolism including ascaroside metabolism in accordance to their central role in C. elegans physiology

    What are housekeeping genes?

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    What are housekeeping genes?

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    The concept of "housekeeping gene" has been used for four decades but remains loosely defined. Housekeeping genes are commonly described as "essential for cellular existence regardless of their specific function in the tissue or organism", and "stably expressed irrespective of tissue type, developmental stage, cell cycle state, or external signal". However, experimental support for the tenet that gene essentiality is linked to stable expression across cell types, conditions, and organisms has been limited. Here we use genome-scale functional genomic screens together with bulk and single-cell sequencing technologies to test this link and optimize a quantitative and experimentally validated definition of housekeeping gene. Using the optimized definition, we identify, characterize, and provide as resources, housekeeping gene lists extracted from several human datasets, and 10 other animal species that include primates, chicken, and C. elegans. We find that stably expressed genes are not necessarily essential, and that the individual genes that are essential and stably expressed can considerably differ across organisms; yet the pathways enriched among these genes are conserved. Further, the level of conservation of housekeeping genes across the analyzed organisms captures their taxonomic groups, showing evolutionary relevance for our definition. Therefore, we present a quantitative and experimentally supported definition of housekeeping genes that can contribute to better understanding of their unique biological and evolutionary characteristics

    Inferring a spatial code of cell-cell interactions across a whole animal body.

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    Cell-cell interactions shape cellular function and ultimately organismal phenotype. Interacting cells can sense their mutual distance using combinations of ligand-receptor pairs, suggesting the existence of a spatial code, i.e., signals encoding spatial properties of cellular organization. However, this code driving and sustaining the spatial organization of cells remains to be elucidated. Here we present a computational framework to infer the spatial code underlying cell-cell interactions from the transcriptomes of the cell types across the whole body of a multicellular organism. As core of this framework, we introduce our tool cell2cell, which uses the coexpression of ligand-receptor pairs to compute the potential for intercellular interactions, and we test it across the Caenorhabditis elegans' body. Leveraging a 3D atlas of C. elegans' cells, we also implement a genetic algorithm to identify the ligand-receptor pairs most informative of the spatial organization of cells across the whole body. Validating the spatial code extracted with this strategy, the resulting intercellular distances are negatively correlated with the inferred cell-cell interactions. Furthermore, for selected cell-cell and ligand-receptor pairs, we experimentally confirm the communicatory behavior inferred with cell2cell and the genetic algorithm. Thus, our framework helps identify a code that predicts the spatial organization of cells across a whole-animal body