1 research outputs found
E-health: Knowledge generation, value intangibles, and intellectual capital
- Author
- Abdolmohammadi MJ
- AMA (American Medical Association)
- Berg B
- Bloom D
- Bordens K
- Brüggen A
- Chaminade C
- Demiris G
- Dewey J
- Doupi P
- Doupi P
- Drucker P
- Drucker P
- Drucker P
- Edvinsson Leif
- Elg M
- EU Task Force on Health
- Europe 2020 Strategy: Finland's National Program
- Farcaş D
- FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board)
- Franzosi R
- Ghiţiu-Brătesc A
- Guthrie J
- Guthrie J
- Guthrie J
- Halkes R
- Hariharan S
- Holsti OR
- Høyrup S
- Informational Society and Media
- Joshhi M
- Jääskeläinen A
- Kaplin R
- Krippendorf K
- Krippendorf K
- McKee M
- Mihalas G
- Myllärniemi J
- Nash H.
- Nielson C
- Niven P
- Saluse J
- Seeman N
- Sepper R
- Sheffield S
- Sveiby K
- Sveiby K.
- The European Health Policy Forum
- Van Beveren J
- Watson G
- Weber R
- Zigan K
- Publication venue
- 'Maney Publishing'
- Publication date
- Field of study