27 research outputs found

    An analysis of a large scale habitat monitoring application

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    Habitat and environmental monitoring is a driving application for wireless sensor networks. We present an analysis of data from a second generation sensor networks deployed during the summer and autumn of 2003. During a 4 month deployment, these networks, consisting of 150 devices, produced unique datasets for both systems and biological analysis. This paper focuses on nodal and network performance, with an emphasis on lifetime, reliability, and the the static and dynamic aspects of single and multi-hop networks. We compare the results collected to expectations set during the design phase: we were able to accurately predict lifetime of the single-hop network, but we underestimated the impact of multihop traffic overhearing and the nuances of power source selection. While initial packet loss data was commensurate with lab experiments, over the duration of the deployment, reliability of the backend infrastructure and the transit network had a dominant impact on overall network performance. Finally, we evaluate the physical design of the sensor node based on deployment experience and a post mortem analysis. The results shed light on a number of design issues from network deployment, through selection of power sources to optimizations of routing decisions

    Versatile Low Power Media Access for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    We propose B-MAC, a carrier sense media access protocol for wireless sensor networks that provides a flexible interface to obtain ultra low power operation, effective collision avoidance, and high channel utilization. To achieve low power operation, B-MAC employs an adaptive preamble sampling scheme to reduce duty cycle and minimize idle listening. B-MAC supports on-the-fly reconfiguration and provides bidirectional interfaces for system services to optimize performance, whether it be for throughput, latency, or power conservation. We build an analytical model of a class of sensor network applications. We use the model to show the effect of changing B-MAC’s parameters and predict the behavior of sensor network applications. By comparing B-MAC to conventional 802.11inspired protocols, specifically S-MAC, we develop an experimental characterization of B-MAC over a wide range of network conditions. We show that B-MAC’s flexibility results in better packet delivery rates, throughput, latency, and energy consumption than S-MAC. By deploying a real world monitoring application with multihop networking, we validate our protocol design and model. Our results illustrate the need for flexible protocols to effectively realize energy efficient sensor network applications

    Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring

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    We examine the requirements of environmental monitoring in the context of two wildlife habitats: Great Duck Island and James Reserve. Based on the requirements from the researchers studying these habitats, we propose a sensor network architecture for this class of applications, discuss the hardware design: sensor platform, enclosure design, and sensor calibration. Available energy emerges as the resource dictating performance characteristics of various services: data collection, communication, sensor network retasking. We evaluate the tradeoffs between different approaches to implementing several sensor network services. The ultimate goal of our work is to provide life scientists with a reliable and predictable sensor network kit

    Wireless Sensor Networks for Habitat Monitoring

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    We provide an in-depth study of applying wireless sensor networks to real-world habitat monitoring. A set of system design requirements are developed that cover the hardware design of the nodes, the design of the sensor network, and the capabilities for remote data access and management. A system architecture is proposed to address these requirements for habitat monitoring in general, and an instance of the architecture for monitoring seabird nesting environment and behavior is presented. The currently deployed network consists of 32 nodes on a small island o# the coast of Maine streaming useful live data onto the web. The applicationdriven design exercise serves to identify important areas of further work in data sampling, communications, network retasking, and health monitoring