10 research outputs found

    The Effect Of Consolidation On Employees In The U.S. Banking Industry

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    This paper examines the effect of the continuing consolidation on employees in the U.S. banking industry between 1992 and 2004. It documents the decreasing number of banking institutions, the number of employees, and level of salaries and benefits.  The data indicates that while the number of banks has continued to decrease, the levels of employment and compensation have, in fact, increased during this period

    Asset Size Distribution Of U.S. Banks Since Riegle-Neal

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    Previous research considered the immediate impact of the Riegle-Neal Act on the asset size distribution within the U.S. banking industry. That research discovered a decrease in the number of banking institutions in the smallest asset size categories and growth in the number at large and intermediate asset size categories. This paper will extend that previous research to determine whether these changes in the asset size distribution among U.S. banks which occurred during the time and immediately after Riegle-Neal became fully effective have continued in the longer term. Therefore, it will examine the asset size distribution among U.S. banks from 1998 to the present

    Wage Determination In The Public Sector

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    As the economy continues to recover from the recent recession of 2008-2009, there has been much discussion of the related issues of increases in federal, state, and local budget deficits and debt. A major element of that discussion concerns public employee salaries and benefits, including under-funded pension benefits. This paper involves the development of a theoretical model for the determination of wages and salaries in the public sector which has implications for these current issues

    Consolidation And Profitability In The U.S. Banking Industry

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    This paper examines the changes in profitability in the U.S. banking industry during the continuing consolidation since Riegle-Neal became fully effective.  It presents information on the changes in profitability in the U.S. banking industry to determine whether or not the trends observed in the immediate aftermath of Riegle-Neal have continued

    Consolidation In The U.S. Banking Industry Since Riegle-Neal

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    The Riegle-Neal Banking and Branching Efficiency Act of 1994 eliminated previous restrictions on interstate banking and branching in the U.S. banking industry. It was expected that this deregulation would accelerate the consolidation already underway among U.S. banks. Previous research examined the initial impact of Riegle-Neal on the number of banking institutions and branches by analyzing data from immediately before the act was passed in 1994 to immediately after it became fully effective in 1997. That research found an increase in the rate of consolidation among U.S. banks, with an increase in the number of mergers, an increase in the number of newly chartered banks, a decrease in the number of bank failures, and an increase in the number of new bank branches. This paper considers whether these immediate effects of Riegle-Neal have persisted into the longer term or have moderated in the years since the act became fully effective. The analysis of data since 1998 presented here indicates that the initial effects of the act have moderated. The rate at which the number of banking institutions is decreasing has slowed. The rate of merger and acquisition activity has decreased. Bank failures are very low. There has been a slow down in the increase of new bank branches

    Can State & Local Government Consolidation Really Save Money?

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    The recent economic crisis was especially damaging to state and local governments’ financial situations. One suggested solution to these difficulties is to consolidate smaller political jurisdictions into larger ones to reduce costs. This paper presents a theoretical model for the determination of wages and salaries in the public sector with implications for the variation of public sector salaries across jurisdictions of different sizes. Data is presented for public school teachers’ salaries in Illinois by district size which shows that salaries are higher in larger districts. This would seem to suggest that consolidating smaller school districts into larger ones will result in higher salaries, leading to the question: Will political consolidation really save money

    Consolidation, Asset Size Distribution, And Employment In The U.S. Banking Industry

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    This paper will extend previous research which studied the initial impact of the Riegle-Neal Act on consolidation, asset size distribution, and employment in the U.S. banking industry by examining the period of time since this deregulation became fully effective to see if the immediate effects set in motion by the passage of the act have continued or moderated

    Consensus Paper: Towards a Systems-Level View of Cerebellar Function: the Interplay Between Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and Cortex

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