8 research outputs found
A Statistical Analysis of Teacher Effectiveness Dimensions on Students Satisfaction in Kenyan Public Schools
This study aims to investigate the differential effects of teaching practices on students’ satisfaction. Their level of satisfaction based primarily on data collected through six principles of 21st century effective teaching and learning using questionnaire method randomly submitted to 600 Form Four students in Voi sub-county, Kenya. The differential effects of the six teaching practices on students’ satisfaction were analyzed using the multiple regression model technique. The results show that students’ satisfaction was positive and statistically influenced by subject mastery, innovative learning environment, commitment to teach, communicating high standards and professional development. The mean score results demonstrate that subject mastery wasthe most effective teaching practice while non-cognitive issues was the least effective teaching practice. The study provides very useful information to help policymakers in secondary school administration to evaluate the level of teacher quality dimensions in their institutions and the 21st century effective teacher practices on students’ satisfaction. Furthermore, the conceptual relationships model can give deeper understanding of the effective teaching practices that needs prioritization by school management. Social change implications are that teachers may begin to use practices that more effectively engage learners, leading to greater satisfaction and a likely increase in the students’ success
The Role of Strategic Plan Implementation on Internal Efficiency of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa County, Kenya
Strategic plan implementation is a concept that has been embraced across sectors of the global world due to its effect on internal efficiency. Therefore, the study sought to determine the role of strategic plan implementation on the internal efficiency of public secondary schools in Mombasa County. It was addressed by the following objectives: to analyze the role of education mission and vision on strategic plan implementation and strategic resource mobilization on the internal efficiency of public secondary schools in Mombasa County. The Resource-Based theory guided the study. The study adopted a Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods design where data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Stratified systematic random sampling techniques were used in the study. Principals, teachers and BOM chairpersons formed the population with 134 respondents forming the sample. The instruments were validated as reliability was determined. Tests such as t-tests, correlation, ANOVA and regression analyses. Descriptive statistics in the form of mean, variability such as standard deviation and variance were applied. The data was then presented in tables, graphs, pie charts and percentages. The study findings indicated that although most of schools had developed strategic plans, some were partially implemented as others not implemented at all. The results obtained through correlation and regression show that mission and vision and also strategic resource mobilization had a significant correlation with internal efficiency. Therefore, when other factors are held constant, for every unit change in the independent variables, the internal efficiency increases. This indicated that there are strong relationships established. As a recommendation, the study provides a base for policymakers to inform and formulate policies on applying strategic planning in improving the internal efficiencies of public secondary schools in Kenya.Keywords: Academic performance, Completion rate, Government Policy, Educational mission and vision, Strategic resource mobilization DOI: 10.7176/JEP/13-36-01 Publication date: December 31st 202
Odnos između resursa visokih učilišta i rezultata učenja: razmatranje posredničkog učinka studentske angažiranosti
The purpose of this study was to examine the relation between college resources and learning outcomes through the mediation of student engagement. Based on data collected from 430 college students and 122 faculties spread across the Coastal Region of Kenya, we used the structural equation model approach to test a model that hypothesised the relation between college resources and learning outcomes. Using student engagement as a parameter, statistical analyses demonstrated that college resources have a significant and indirect effect on student learning outcomes. The regression coefficient of college resources on student learning outcomes is reduced from 0.62 to 0.01 and is insignificant when student engagement is added to the model. The results reveal that the effects of college resources should be evaluated in terms of the degree to which they increase student engagement. Implications for practice and further research directions are also discussed.Cilj ovog rada jest istražiti odnos između resursa visokih učilišta i rezultata učenja posredovanjem studentske angažiranosti. Oslanjajući se na podatke prikupljene od 430 studenata i 122 obrazovne ustanove diljem obalne regije Kenije, koristili smo se statističkim modelom utemeljenim na strukturnim jednadžbama sa svrhom ispitivanja modela koji upućuje na odnos između resursa učilišta i rezultata učenja. Uzimajući studentski angažman kao parametar, rezultati statističke analize pokazali su da resursi obrazovnih ustanova imaju značajan i neizravan učinak na rezultate učenja studenata. Koeficijent regresije resursa učilišta u odnosu na rezultate učenja smanjen je s 0.62 na 0.01, te postaje beznačajan kad se modelu pridoda studentska angažiranost. Rezultati pokazuju da učinke resursa učilišta treba ocijeniti u kontekstu njihova utjecaja na uvećanje angažmana studenata. U radu se raspravlja i o implikacijama za praksu, kao i o daljnjim pravcima istraživanja
The Role of Stakeholder Engagement in Strategic Plan Implementation on Internal Efficiency of Public Secondary Schools in Mombasa County, Kenya
Strategic plan implementation is paramount in ensuring that internal efficiency is achieved in the education sector worldwide through engagement of key stakeholders. The study was addressed by the objectives; to determine the level of stakeholder engagement and to assess the role of meaningful stakeholder engagement in strategic plan implementation on internal efficiency of public secondary schools in Mombasa County. The Resource-Based theory guided the study. The study adopted a Convergent Parallel Mixed Methods design where data was analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Stratified systematic random sampling techniques were used in the study. Principals, teachers and BOM chairpersons formed the population with 134 respondents forming the sample. The instruments were validated through expert reviews as Factor analyses, tests and pilots were conducted. Three schools were stratified into category with 12 respondents participating in the pilot study. Reliability in this research was determined through tests such as t-tests, correlation, ANOVA, and regression analyses. Descriptive statistics in the form of mean, variability such as standard deviation and variance were applied. The data was then presented in tables, graphs, pie charts and percentages. The study findings indicated that meaningful engagement of stakeholders formed an integral part in ensuring strategic plan implementation and the realization of internal efficiency. The results obtained through correlation and regression show that stakeholder engagement significantly affect the internal efficiency. Stakeholder engagement in strategic plan implementation contributed the most to achieving internal efficiency. Therefore, when other factors are held constant, for every unit change in the independent variables, the internal efficiency increases. This indicated that a strong relationship established. The study provides a useful information that may make it easy for education stakeholders to address challenges of strategic plan implementation through meaningful engagement of key stakeholders for the realization of internal efficiency. Therefore, as a recommendation, the study provides a base for policymakers to inform and formulate policies on applying strategic planning in improving the internal efficiencies of public secondary schools in Kenya.Keywords: Academic performance, Completion rate, Monitoring and Evaluation, Meaningful Stakeholder Engagement DOI: 10.7176/JEP/14-2-01 Publication date: January 31st 202
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) policy on Rural Public Day Secondary Schools (RPDSS) Standardized Test Mean Score in Kilifi County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and a sample of 375 subjects was considered sufficient. Structured questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data from principals, teachers, and educational director. Data on performance and enrolment were collected through document analysis. Reliability of the instruments was ascertained through test and retest method that yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.83 meaning data from the instruments were reliable. The study found out that there was a decrease in test mean score between 2003-2007 and 2013-2017. There was a strong positive correlation (r = 0.93) between enrollment and poor performance. Further, learning resource and students finance were inadequate. The study recommends class size of 40:1, timely disbursement and increased student’s capitation
Effects of Free Day Secondary Education Policy on Academic Performance of Rural Public Day Secondary Schools in Kilifi County, Kenya
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) policy on academic Performance of Rural Public Day Secondary Schools (RPDSS) in Kilifi County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and a sample of 375 subjects was considered sufficient. Structured questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data from principals, teachers, and education directors. Data on performance and enrolment were collected through document analysis. Reliability of the instruments was ascertained through test and retest method that yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.83, an indication of reliable instruments. The study found out that there was a decrease in school mean score between 2003-2007 and 2013-2017. There was a strong positive correlation (r = 0.93) between enrollment and poor performance. Further, learning resources and student finances were inadequate. The study recommends a reduction in class size, timely disbursement and increased students’ capitation
Effects of Free Day Secondary Education Policy on Academic Performance of Rural Public Day Secondary Schools in Kilifi County, Kenya
The purpose of the study was to investigate the influence of Free Day Secondary Education (FDSE) policy on academic Performance of Rural Public Day Secondary Schools (RPDSS) in Kilifi County, Kenya. The study adopted descriptive survey research design and a sample of 375 subjects was considered sufficient. Structured questionnaires and interview schedules were used to collect data from principals, teachers, and education directors. Data on performance and enrolment were collected through document analysis. Reliability of the instruments was ascertained through test and retest method that yielded a correlation coefficient of 0.83, an indication of reliable instruments. The study found out that there was a decrease in school mean score between 2003-2007 and 2013-2017. There was a strong positive correlation (r = 0.93) between enrollment and poor performance. Further, learning resources and student finances were inadequate. The study recommends a reduction in class size, timely disbursement and increased students’ capitation