6 research outputs found

    Patient Safety Section Editor: Sorin J. Brull Residual Neuromuscular Blockade and Critical Respiratory Events in the Postanesthesia Care Unit

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    BACKGROUND: Incomplete recovery of neuromuscular function may impair pulmo-nary and upper airway function and contribute to adverse respiratory events in the postanesthesia care unit (PACU). The aim of this investigation was to assess and quantify the severity of neuromuscular blockade in patients with signs or symp-toms of critical respiratory events (CREs) in the PACU. METHODS: We collected data over a 1-yr period. PACU nurses identified patients with evidence of a predefined CRE during the first 15 min of PACU admission. Train-of-four (TOF) ratios were immediately quantified in these patients using acceleromyography (cases). TOF data were also collected in a control group that consisted of patients undergoing a general anesthetic during the same period who were matched with the cases by age, sex, and surgical procedure. RESULTS: A total of 7459 patients received a general anesthetic during the 1-yr period, of whom 61 developed a CRE. Forty-two of these cases were matched with controls and constituted the study group for statistical analysis. The most common CREs among matched cases were severe hypoxemia (22 of 42 patients; 52.4%) an

    A multisociety organizational consensus process to define guiding principles for acute perioperative pain management

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    The US Health and Human Services Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force initiated a public-private partnership which led to the publication of its report in 2019. The report emphasized the need for individualized, multimodal, and multidisciplinary approaches to pain management that decrease the over-reliance on opioids, increase access to care, and promote widespread education on pain and substance use disorders. The Task Force specifically called on specialty organizations to work together to develop evidence-based guidelines. In response to this report\u27s recommendations, a consortium of 14 professional healthcare societies committed to a 2-year project to advance pain management for the surgical patient and improve opioid safety. The modified Delphi process included two rounds of electronic voting and culminated in a live virtual event in February 2021, during which seven common guiding principles were established for acute perioperative pain management. These principles should help to inform local action and future development of clinical practice recommendations

    Multiorganizational consensus to define guiding principles for perioperative pain management in patients with chronic pain, preoperative opioid tolerance, or substance use disorder

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    Significant knowledge gaps exist in the perioperative pain management of patients with a history of chronic pain, substance use disorder, and/or opioid tolerance as highlighted in the US Health and Human Services Pain Management Best Practices Inter-Agency Task Force 2019 report. The report emphasized the challenges of caring for these populations and the need for multidisciplinary care and a comprehensive approach. Such care requires stakeholder alignment across multiple specialties and care settings. With the intention of codifying this alignment into a reliable and efficient processes, a consortium of 15 professional healthcare societies was convened in a year-long modified Delphi consensus process and summit. This process produced seven guiding principles for the perioperative care of patients with chronic pain, substance use disorder, and/or preoperative opioid tolerance. These principles provide a framework and direction for future improvement in the optimization and care of \u27complex\u27 patients as they undergo surgical procedures