213 research outputs found


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    Conflict Resolution in E-HRM Environments

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    There have been studies on conflict resolutions but many focused on regional inter-tribe and international conflicts between or among nations of the world. Only very few have written about industrial conflict recently, even these few did not touch the mechanism of resolving conflicts in the organization in depth. Therefore, this article will focus on various conflict resolution mechanisms and the three major models of conflict resolutions—namely distributive bargaining, integrated bargaining, and interactive problem solving as given by Cross, Susan, Rosenthal, and Robert (1999). To do this effectively, we will explore the available literature on the antecedents of conflicts in human resource systems. Varieties of views and notions held by individuals and groups in respect of the role and the consequences of conflicts in the functioning of humans in our modern complex organizations will be considered. The consequences of conflicts on interpersonal, inter-group, and inter-organizational processes, when conflict may empower, distress, or lubricate the wheels of human interaction in the context of human resource management will be traced. The views of experts, professionals and academicians on how and why conflicts should be handled to ensure a healthier and conducive environment to work will be traced

    Human Security, the Responsibility to Protect and the Crisis in Darfur

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    Since 2003, Sudan’s central government has used proxy forces to slaughter thousands of civilians belonging to ethnic groups associated with the conflict in Darfur in the western region of that country. Serious outside pressure would likely be required to change the regime preferences for repression, as Khartoum has concluded that, if unchecked, the uprising would threaten the regime’s survival. The war in Darfur has attracted reactions from the international community that even in some quarters; it has been labeled as genocide. The way Khartoum has handled Darfur’s alleged genocide has also not impressed the international community. The development compelled the International Criminal Court to issue a warrant of arrest on the president for allegedly using the janjaweed militias against the innocent citizens of Darfur. The current conflict is one of the most complex war situations which has defied attempts made by the international community to resolve it. The African Union has been admirably engaged in the Darfur crisis but has ultimately been ineffectual due to poor resources and weak political will. At the same time, Khartoum intransigence and diplomatic protection provided for it by China has blunted the ambitious steps taken by the United Nations Security Council. However, the crisis in Darfur presents the international community with the opportunity of testing its avowed commitment to human security. The introduction of the responsibility to protect principle into the debate on civilian protection gives an added impetus for the international community to act in protection of the Darfurians. This paper attempts to interrogate the applicability of this concept to the resolution of the conflict in Darfur

    Boko Haram Terrorism in the Lake Chad Basin Region: Implications for Subregional Security

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    Terrorist activities in the Lake Chad Basin region of Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon, have impacted negatively on the security, socio-political and economic situations in the region. This paper investigates the evolution of insurgency and the factors leading to its growth in the region. It also examines its socio-political, economic and security implications. Nigeria, in the centre of the imbroglio, has had no respite from terrorist activities for a long time. Boko Haram has carried out many gun attacks and bombings in many strategic places, including the United Nations building in Abuja, the federal capital city. There have been similar attacks in Cameroon, Chad and Niger, including a massive attack in Bosso in the Niger Republic with 26 soldiers killed in 2016. This article concludes that the wave of terrorism in the subregion has a connection to the wave of global terrorism. To stem the tide of insurgency in the subregion, this paper recommends that governments at all levels should create enabling environment for investment and industrial growth. It also suggests that security of lives and properties should be given utmost priority. This paper examines the evolution, manifestations, and course of the Boko Haram insurgency in the subregion, exploring the implications for national and international security, socioeconomic order, political stability, and sustainable development of the area. It will suggest ways to curtail the Boko Haram insurgency and probable future insurgencies in the subregion

    Empirical Investigation of the Validation of Peacock-Wiseman Hypothesis; Implication for Fiscal Discipline in Nigeria

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    This study attempted to examine the direction of causality between government expenditure and revenue in Nigeria. This was with a view to examining the validity of Peacock-Wiseman hypothesis and its implications on Nigerian economy. Times series data on variables (government expenditure, government revenue and inflation) covering the period (1961-2010) were used after a thorough investigation of the statistical properties of these variables. The data were sourced from CBN Statistical Bulletin 2010 edition, CBN Annual Reports (various years) and World Development Indicators of the World Bank CD-ROM. The study employed Johansen multivariate cointegration technique, Vector Error Correction Mechanism (VECM) and standard Granger causality tests. The result showed that variables converge to a long-run equilibrium. Also, the VECM results indicate that unidirectional causality running from expenditure to revenue was found supporting Peacock-Wiseman spend-revenue hypothesis. Standard Granger causality test was also carried out on the first difference of the two fiscal variables; the result showed that there existed a short-run unidirectional causality running from expenditure to revenue validating Peacock-Wiseman spend-revenue hypothesis. Hence, this hypothesis holds in Nigeria both in the short-run as well as in the long-run. This implies that government spending induced government revenue growth in Nigeria. Also, the result of the impulse response revealed that the evolution of government expenditure and revenue followed a different trend. The study concluded that government spending decision occurred prior the decision to raise revenue during the period under investigation. Keywords: causality, multivariate, converge, uni-directional, short-run, long-run

    Oil Resource as a Major Source of Insecurity in the Niger Delta of Nigeria

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    Resource conflict in the Niger Delta of Nigeria has become hydra-headed despite the amnesty granted by the Federal Government in 2009. Historically, the discovery of oil in commercial quantity and its exploitation rather than become a blessing to the local communities have become a source of worry, tension, and contestation over resource control, environmental degradation, and minority marginalization. The government and multi-national companies exploring the oil resource are pitched against the minority oil communities. While the minority oil communities see oil as God’s gift for their benefit, the Nigerian state sees it as a gift to the geo-political entity called Nigeria. These different perspectives have engendered low and high intensity conflicts with the state using state-centric security strategies to suppress rebellion or opposition to oil exploitation. In view of this state centric approach to security problems in the Niger Delta, this paper examines the various asymmetric methods used by the militants to counter government’s state centric measures. It is revealed that militants use sabotage, vandalism, kidnapping, oil-bunkering, hostage taking, killings, assaults and disruption of oil business as asymmetric methods. While these asymmetric methods have forced government to put in palliative measures, it is discovered that Niger Delta still remains largely militarized. It is, thus, argued in this paper that only proper legislation on resource management in a democratic setting can solve the problem of resource conflict and insecurity in the area. It is suggested that the New Petroleum Industry Bill should be given accelerated hearing by the legislators to enhance local communities’ participation in oil business in Nigeria. Government also needs to develop Niger Delta area and address environmental challenges. Keywords: Niger delta, Oil resource, Asymmetric method, Resource management, State-centric securit

    Vat Revenue and State Investment Spending in Nigeria, 1994-2010.

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    This study attempted to determine the long-run equilibrium relationship and direction of causality between VAT revenue and state investment spending in Nigeria between 1994 and 2010. This were with a view to examining the link between VAT revenue and state investment spending in Nigeria.. Times series data on variables (state investment expenditure and VAT revenue) covering the period (1994-2010) were used. The data were sourced from CBN Statistical Bulletin 2010 edition and CBN Annual Reports (various years). The unit root property of each of the variables was investigated using ADF and PP unit root tests.  The study also employed Johansen cointegration technique to find out if group of I(1) variables converge to a long-run equilibrium, Vector Error Correction Mechanism (VECM) was used to find out the causal link between the two variables.  The result showed that both variables were I(1) process. Also, the two I(1) variables were found to converge to a long-run equilibrium.  Also, the VECM results indicate that long-run bidirectional causality existed between VAT revenue and state investment spending. The result also revealed short-run causal evidence between VAT revenue and state investment spending. This implies that VAT revenue influenced state investment spending and state investment spending also influenced VAT revenue. The study concluded that both short-run and long-run bidirectional causality existed between VAT revenue and state investment spending in Nigeria during the period under investigation. Keywords: causality, cointegration, converge, bidirectional, short-run relation, long-run relatio

    The Impact of the Proliferation of Small Arms and Light Weapons on West African States: An Analysis of the Sierra Leone Civil War

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    The article is undertaken through the lenses of a documentary narrative that provides details of the history of political power challenges in Sierra Leone and its culmination in the destructive civil war from 1991 till the war was declared over in 2002. Furthermore, the central role of the illicit use of small arms and light weapons to prosecute the war, especially by the rebel Revolutionary United Front (RUF) is highlighted. Here, the proliferation of SALW and the negative implications of the ease with which it could be sought, obtained and deployed is interrogated. Also, the paper discusses the importance of regulating access to small arms and light weapons in the post-conflict area because of the consequences on future security concerns.In the final analysis, the article highlights the various regional initiatives aimed at curbing the menace of the proliferation of illicit small arms and light weapons. In conclusion, an all-encompassing approach is recommended to ensure the total elimination of illicit dealing in small arms and light weapons; there must be an articulated regulatory framework acceptable to all stakeholders, for there to exist a modicum of national security within West African states, and by extension, a secure sub-region


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    The study examined the impact of funding on the administration of tertiary institutions in Ekiti State, Nigeria. A descriptive research design of the correlational study was employed for the study. The population for the study consisted of four bursars, 24 Deans and 142 Heads of Departments. The sample consisted of four Bursars, 20 Deans and 60 Heads of Departments. Two sets of validated instruments, Administration of Tertiary Institutions Questionnaire (ATIQ) and Funding of Tertiary Institutions Questionnaire (FTIQ) were used to collect data from a sample of 80 respondents. A purposive sampling technique was used to select four Bursars while a simple random sampling technique was used to select 80 Deans and Heads of Departments. Percentage and Pearson product-moment correlation statistics were used for the study. The study revealed that the level of administration of tertiary institutions in Ekiti State was moderate; the extent of funding in tertiary institutions was moderate; there was a significant relationship between funding and administration of tertiary institutions; there was no significant relationship between grants, internally generated revenue and administration of tertiary institutions. It was recommended that administrators of tertiary institutions should not relent on their efforts at improving upon the level of administration and ensuring that they look inward and outward to source for revenue; source for regular grants; and endeavour to increase investment on some viable projects that can improve internally generated revenue.  Article visualizations

    Lack of Maintenance Culture in Nigeria: The Bane of National Development

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    Lackadaisical attitude of Nigerians on maintenance culture has negatively affected infrastructural development which is critical and essential to a Nation’s development. Achieving vision 2020 goals would be attainable if existing structures and facilities are constantly maintained. Poor maintenance culture has drawn the nation a thousand steps backward and one of the stride actions that could salvage the country from the total mess of infrastructural decay is maintenance. This paper aimed at examining lack of maintenance culture through review of archival materials and participative observations. Poor leadership, corruption, attitudinal problem and lack of maintenance policy were identified as major causes of the menace. In conclusion, the paper recommends the inclusion of maintenance culture in national educational curriculum, maintenance policy formulation and appointment of facility managers among others as necessary steps towards making the country among the comity of developed nations. Keywords: Culture, Infrastructure, Maintenance, Maintenance Policy and National Developmen
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