1,856 research outputs found


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    Prospective vision research project to influence decisions maker's aware in the strategic vision research to public and private sectors to fortification actions in aggregate value to vegetal and animal products to forestry, agricultural and livestock sector using to evaluation the 58 expert's judgment (Delphi method) to different dedicated to agricultural, livestock and forestry research by means of the answer of a structured questionnaire, the used statistical measurement was the median and the values scale at 1 to 10, where 1 means less importance and 10 maximum importance. The selected subjects was 13 and the panellist valued the subject actual and future importance, as well as the anticipate evolution to importance that gives the public and private institutions to value aggregation.Actual and future importance, agricultural, livestock and forestry research institution, Delphi method, public and private sectors., Agribusiness,

    Estudio de prefactibilidad para la instalación de una planta productora de conservas de trucha arcoíris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en dos líquidos de gobierno

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    Este proyecto tiene como finalidad determinar la viabilidad técnica, económica, financiera, social y de mercado de la instalación de una planta de conservas de trucha en presentaciones de aceite de oliva con ajo y perejil y rocoto y finas hierbas, en el Perú.This project aims to determine the technical, economic, financial, social and market viability for the installation of canned trout, seasoned with "Olive oil with garlic and parsley" and "Rocoto and fine herbs" in Peru

    Niveles de estrés laboral y síndrome de Burnout en trabajadores de la Municipalidad de Machupicchu, Cusco, 2020

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    El estudio tuvo la finalidad de determinar la relación entre los niveles de estrés laboral y síndrome de Burnout en trabajadores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Machupicchu Cusco, 2020. La muestra se conformó por 110 trabajadores, por lo que el tipo de investigación fue aplicada y el diseño no experimental de corte transversal. Los instrumentos empleados fueron; la Escala de Estrés Laboral de la OIT-OMS y el Inventario de Burnout (MBI). Los resultados evidencian que el estrés laboral se correlaciona de manera directa y significativa con el síndrome de Burnou

    Determinacion de los umbrales de dano por impacto y los factores que influyen en su susceptibilidad, utilizando el medidor electronico de impacto IS 100, en seis cultivares de manzana.

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    50 p.Buscando revalidar y generar datos con respecto al daño por impacto, en distintos cultivares (cvs.) de manzana, se buscó la forma de relacionar el medidor electrónico de impactos IS100 con la realidad de la fruta cuando se produce un daño mecánico, ya sea en la cosecha o en el embalaje de ésta. Se utilizaron seis cvs. (Royal Gala, Granny Smith, Red Chief, Braeburn, Fuji y Pink Lady), que en la actualidad son comercialmente atractivos y se les sometió a pruebas de caída libre desde tres alturas diferentes (2,5, 5 y 10 cm), para interactuar con tres superficies de impacto, las cuales son comúnmente usadas en el recorrido de la fruta desde la cosecha hasta el embalaje (madera de pino, acero y poliuretano), lo que conformó 9 tratamientos diferentes (3 alturas x 3 superficies). Las evaluaciones se realizaron con el fin de poder evidenciar la incidencia y severidad en cada uno de los tratamientos. La severidad, de gran importancia en este estudio, es expresada en área de fruto dañada, donde a su vez se realizó un contraste entre la fecha de cosecha (2 fechas en cada variedad) y la importancia del tiempo de almacenamiento en frío convencional (FC), 60 días después de haber cosechado la fruta. También se buscó determinar la importancia de las aplicaciones de Ca en precosecha sobre la incidencia y severidad del daño por impacto en el cv. Braeburn, determinando el efecto de este elemento en la calidad de la fruta en poscosecha, contrastando estos resultados con publicaciones anteriores. Se pudo relacionar el calibre de la fruta (peso), con la incidencia y severidad al daño efectuado en las pruebas de caída libre. En este caso se usó el cv. Fuji, con el fin de poder revalidar la anterior información vigente. Por último, se pudo establecer y relacionar el efecto de reabsorción al daño provocado por el machucón en los cvs. Granny Smith y Pink Lady en diferentes ensayos, conservando la misma metodología descrita anteriormente. El fin de ésta es poder comparar la información actual y generar alguna tendencia en Pink Lady, ya que no se tiene registro de su comportamiento al daño por impacto

    Parametric Investigation Using Computational Fluid Dynamics of the HVAC Air Distribution in a Railway Vehicle for Representative Weather and Operating Conditions

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue Engineering Fluid Dynamics. http://www.mdpi.com/journal/energies/special_issues/eng_fluid_dynA computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of air distribution in a representative railway vehicle equipped with a heating, ventilation, air conditioning (HVAC) system is presented in this paper. Air distribution in the passenger’s compartment is a very important factor to regulate temperature and air velocity in order to achieve thermal comfort. A complete CFD model, including the car’s geometry in detail, the passengers, the luminaires, and other the important features related to the HVAC system (air supply inlets, exhaust outlets, convectors, etc.) are developed to investigate eight different typical scenarios for Northern Europe climate conditions. The results, analyzed and discussed in terms of temperature and velocity fields in different sections of the tram, and also in terms of volumetric parameters representative of the whole tram volume, show an adequate behavior from the passengers’ comfort point of view, especially for summer climate condition

    Plasmonic/Magnetic Multifunctional nanoplatform for Cancer Theranostics

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    Cancer is the second leading disease which causes major mortality and morbidity worldwide1 . In cancer therapy, it is crucial to increase the drug specificity and drug efficacy to minimise or completely eradicate significant side-effects on patients2 . Cancer nanotherapeutics overcome many serious drawbacks of chemotherapy such as non-specific targeting, lower efficacy, insolubility of drug moieties in water and oral bioavailability3 . Accordingly, Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (SPIONs) are exploited as an important nanomaterial for cancer detection as well as therapeutics4 . Such magnetic nanoparticles (NPs) gained its momentum because of their single-domain ordering along with their large surface to volume ratio (providing large surface area for attachment of biological entities). Hence, this property makes them a suitable candidate as a contrast agent, drug-carrying cargo and hyperthermal agent5

    Depletion of thiols leads to redox deregulation, production of 4-hydroxinonenal and sperm senescence: a possible role for GSH regulation in spermatozoa

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    [EN] We hypothesized that thiols and particularly glutathione (GSH) are essential for the regulation of stallion sperm functionality. To test this hypothesis, we initially investigated the relationship between sperm function and GSH content, revealing highly significant correlations between GSH, sperm viability, motility, and velocity parameters (P < 0.001). Furthermore, the deleterious effects of GSH depletion using menadione and 1,3 dimethoxy 1,4, naphtoquinone (DMNQ) were able to be prevented by the addition of cysteine, but no other antioxidant. Pre-incubation with cysteine prevented menadione and DMNQ induced damage to sperm membranes after 1 h (P < 0.001; P < 0.05) and after 3 h of incubation (P < 0.001, P < 0.05). Pre-incubation with cysteine ameliorated both the menadione- and DMNQ-induced increase in 4-hydroxynonenal (P < 0.001). As cysteine is a precursor of GSH, we hypothesized that stallion spermatozoa are able to synthesize this tripeptide using exogenous cysteine. To test this hypothesis, we investigated the presence of two enzymes required to synthesize GSH (GSH and GCLC) and using western blotting and immunocytochemistry we detected both enzymes in stallion spermatozoa. The inhibition of GCLC reduced the recovery of GSH by addition of cysteine after depletion, suggesting that stallion spermatozoa may use exogenous cysteine to regulate GSH. Other findings supporting this hypothesis were changes in sperm functionality after BSO treatment and changes in GSH and GSSG validated using HPLC-MS, showing that BSO prevented the increase in GSH in the presence of cysteine, although important stallion to stallion variability occurred and suggested differences in expression of glutamate cysteine ligase. Mean concentration of GSH in stallion spermatozoa was 8.2 ± 2.1 μM/109 spermatozoa, well above the nanomolar ranges per billion spermatozoa reported for other mammals.SIThe authors received financial support for this study from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-FEDER, Madrid, Spain, grants AGL2013-43211-R, AGL2017-83149-R Junta de Extremadura-FEDER (European Regional Development Fund) (GR 18008 and IB16030). PMM is supported by a pre-doctoral grant from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, Madrid Spain FPU13/03991. COF is supported by a post-doctoral grant from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad “Juan de la Cierva” IJCI-2014-21671, JMO-R holds a PhD grant from Valhondo Calaaf Foundation, Cáceres Spain

    Overactive bladder-18 years - Part II

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    Traditionally, the treatment of overactive bladder syndrome has been based on the use of oral medications with the purpose of reestablishing the detrusor stability. The recent better understanding of the urothelial physiology fostered conceptual changes, and the oral anticholinergics - pillars of the overactive bladder pharmacotherapy - started to be not only recognized for their properties of inhibiting the detrusor contractile activity, but also their action on the bladder afference, and therefore, on the reduction of the symptoms that constitute the syndrome. Beta-adrenergic agonists, which were recently added to the list of drugs for the treatment of overactive bladder, still wait for a definitive positioning - as either a second-line therapy or an adjuvant to oral anticholinergics. Conservative treatment failure, whether due to unsatisfactory results or the presence of adverse side effects, define it as refractory overactive bladder. In this context, the intravesical injection of botulinum toxin type A emerged as an effective option for the existing gap between the primary measures and more complex procedures such as bladder augmentation. Sacral neuromodulation, described three decades ago, had its indication reinforced in this overactive bladder era. Likewise, the electric stimulation of the tibial nerve is now a minimally invasive alternative to treat those with refractory overactive bladder. The results of the systematic literature review on the oral pharmacological treatment and the treatment of refractory overactive bladder gave rise to this second part of the review article Overactive Bladder - 18 years, prepared during the 1st Latin-American Consultation on Overactive Bladder.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Urol, BR-05508 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Los Andes, Dept Urol, Bogota, ColombiaEscuela Med Mil, Dept Urol, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Clin Jose San Martin, Catedra Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaMae de Deus Ctr Hosp, Dept Urol, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Ciencias Saude Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilAC Camargo Hosp, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilHosp Clinico Fuerza Area Chile, Santiago, ChileInst Mexicano Seguro Social, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Souza Aguiar, Dept Urol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilComplejo Med Policial Churruca Visca, Serv Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaCtr Policlin Valencia Vina, Valencia, VenezuelaHosp Pablo Tobon Uribe, Medellin, ColombiaClin Indisa, Serv Urol, Providencia, ChileCtr Reabilitacao & Readaptacao Dr Henriqe Santill, Goiania, Go, BrazilHosp Univ Caracas, Serv Urol, Caracas, VenezuelaUniv Fed Ceara, Div Urol, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc

    Overactive bladder-18 years - Part I

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    Overactive bladder syndrome is one of the lower urinary tract dysfunctions with the highest number of scientific publications over the past two decades. This shows the growing interest in better understanding this syndrome, which gathers symptoms of urinary urgency and increased daytime and nighttime voiding frequency, with or without urinary incontinence and results in a negative impact on the quality of life of approximately one out of six individuals - including both genders and almost all age groups. The possibility of establishing the diagnosis just from clinical data made patients' access to specialized care easier. Physiotherapy resources have been incorporated into the urological daily practice. A number of more selective antimuscarinic drugs with consequent lower adverse event rates were released. Recently, a new class of oral drugs, beta-adrenergic agonists has become part of the armamentarium for Overactive Bladder. Botulinum toxin injections in the bladder and sacral neuromodulation are routine modalities of treatment for refractory cases. During the 1st Latin-American Consultation on Overactive Bladder, a comprehensive review of the literature related to the evolution of the concept, epidemiology, diagnosis, and management was conducted. This text corresponds to the first part of the review Overactive Bladder 18-years.Univ Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Rua Dr Oscar Monteiro Barros 617-141, BR-05641010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Sao Paulo, Dept Urol, BR-05508 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilFac Med ABC, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilUniv Los Andes, Dept Urol, Bogota, ColombiaEscuela Med, Dept Urol, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Clin Jose San Martin, Catedra Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaMae de Deus Ctr Hosp, Dept Urol, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilUniv Fed Ciencias Saude Porto Alegre, Porto Alegre, RS, BrazilAC Camargo Hosp, Dept Urol, Sao Paulo, BrazilHosp Clin Fuerza Area Chile, Santiago, ChileInst Mexicano Seguro Social, Mexico City, DF, MexicoHosp Souza Aguiar, Dept Urol, Rio De Janeiro, RJ, BrazilComplejo Med Policial Churruca Visca, Serv Urol, Buenos Aires, DF, ArgentinaCtr Policlin Valencia Vina, Valencia, VenezuelaHosp Pablo Tobon Uribe, Medellin, ColombiaClin Indisa, Serv Urol, Providencia, ChileCtr Reabilitacao & Readaptacao Dr Henriqe Santill, Goiania, Go, BrazilHosp Univ Caracas, Serv Urol, Caracas, VenezuelaUniv Fed Ceara, Div Urol, Fortaleza, Ceara, BrazilUniv Fed Sao Paulo, EPM, Rua Dr Oscar Monteiro Barros 617-141, BR-05641010 Sao Paulo, SP, BrazilWeb of Scienc