169 research outputs found

    Van oude en nieuwe iconen

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    De huidige jongeren worden wel aangeduid als de digitale generatie omdat ze van jongs af aan zijn opgegroeid met computers en met groot gemak hun weg in de virtuele wereld weten te vinden. Vrijwel alle jongeren beschikken tegenwoordig over e-mail, internet en een mobiele telefoon. Niet het bezit van de technologie onderscheidt hen van hun ouders, maar hoe ze die gebruiken. Jongeren richten zich vooral op commuRede, uitgesproken bij de aanvaarding van het ambt van Buitengewoon Hoogleraar 'ICT, Cultuur en Kennissamenleving' aan de Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, Faculteit der Historische en Kunstwetenschappen, op 21 september 2007. De socioloog Jos de Haan is sinds 1994 werkzaam voor het Sociaal en Cultureel Planbureau

    Digitalne vještine: Kritičko razmatranje istraživanja i politika

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    In this article we will reflect on the evolving focus of research on digital skills over the past 15 years and discuss the outcomes of this research and their implications for policy. Policy issues regarding digital skills have shifted over time. The present focus on media literacy ties digital skills to the broader theme of citizenship and calls for a wide agenda to improve skills, knowledge of media systems and attitudes towards the media. It reaches into policy domains such as education, work and social participation. We will also reflect on the question as to just how far research is able to feed these policy discussions. The argument is organized in four sections, following more or less chronologically the stages of research on digital skills. We begin with the largely descriptive research on digital skills in the context of the digital divide. The second and third sections follow the theoretical turn in the research agenda with a focus on the causes and consequences of differences in digital skills. In the fourth section we discuss a more recent development, where digital skills are included in a broader research agenda of media literacy.U ovom radu autori prikazuju istraživanja o digitalnim vještinama, rezultate tih istraživanja te primjenu rezultata istraživanja u stvaranju politike u posljednjih petnaest godina. Tijekom vremena promijenile su se teme rasprava o digitalnim vještinama. Sadašnja povezanost s medijskom pismenošću veže digitalne vještine sa širim temama koje se tiču građanstva te poziva na proširenu istraživačku agendu koja uključuje unapređenje vještina, znanja o medijskim sustavima i stavove prema medijima. To utječe i na politike koje se tiču obrazovanja, rada i socijalnog uključivanja. Autori razmatraju i do kojega stupnja istraživanja mogu pomoći u raspravama o tim politikama. Rasprava je organizirana u četiri dijela, pri čemu se prati kronologija razvitka istraživanja digitalnih vještina. Autori prvo prikazuju deskriptivno istraživanje digitalnih vještina u kontekstu digitalne podjele. Drugi i treći dio slijede teoretski zaokret u istraživačkoj agendi s fokusom na uzroke i posljedice razlika u posjedovanju digitalnih vještina. U četvrtom dijelu autori raspravljaju o suvremenom razvoju, odnosno o uključivanju digitalnih vještina u šire područje istraživačke agende o medijskoj pismenosti

    Guiding young children’s internet use at home

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    Using an online questionnaire among 785 parents (children 0-7 years) in the Netherlands we investigated a) whether parents experience problems when guiding children’s digital media usage, b) whether they feel competent in dealing with these problems, c) whether they need parenting support, and d) how these problems, competences and need for support are related to the characteristics of the parents, the family and the child. The analyses reveal that the parents’ experiences of problems is associated with negative views on media effects, the presence of older siblings living at home and occur especially when their child is active on social media. Parents’ feelings of competence are enhanced by positive views on media effects, older children being present in the home, and the involvement of the young child in educational games and media skill level. Parents feel less confident if their child is active on social media. Support is primarily dependent on the level of problems at hand. Moreover, professionals are consulted especially when parents feel less competent, their child is active on social media and no older siblings are present at home. Parents ask family or friends for advice when they have a negative view on media effects

    Digitalne vještine: Kritičko razmatranje istraživanja i politika

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    In this article we will reflect on the evolving focus of research on digital skills over the past 15 years and discuss the outcomes of this research and their implications for policy. Policy issues regarding digital skills have shifted over time. The present focus on media literacy ties digital skills to the broader theme of citizenship and calls for a wide agenda to improve skills, knowledge of media systems and attitudes towards the media. It reaches into policy domains such as education, work and social participation. We will also reflect on the question as to just how far research is able to feed these policy discussions. The argument is organized in four sections, following more or less chronologically the stages of research on digital skills. We begin with the largely descriptive research on digital skills in the context of the digital divide. The second and third sections follow the theoretical turn in the research agenda with a focus on the causes and consequences of differences in digital skills. In the fourth section we discuss a more recent development, where digital skills are included in a broader research agenda of media literacy.U ovom radu autori prikazuju istraživanja o digitalnim vještinama, rezultate tih istraživanja te primjenu rezultata istraživanja u stvaranju politike u posljednjih petnaest godina. Tijekom vremena promijenile su se teme rasprava o digitalnim vještinama. Sadašnja povezanost s medijskom pismenošću veže digitalne vještine sa širim temama koje se tiču građanstva te poziva na proširenu istraživačku agendu koja uključuje unapređenje vještina, znanja o medijskim sustavima i stavove prema medijima. To utječe i na politike koje se tiču obrazovanja, rada i socijalnog uključivanja. Autori razmatraju i do kojega stupnja istraživanja mogu pomoći u raspravama o tim politikama. Rasprava je organizirana u četiri dijela, pri čemu se prati kronologija razvitka istraživanja digitalnih vještina. Autori prvo prikazuju deskriptivno istraživanje digitalnih vještina u kontekstu digitalne podjele. Drugi i treći dio slijede teoretski zaokret u istraživačkoj agendi s fokusom na uzroke i posljedice razlika u posjedovanju digitalnih vještina. U četvrtom dijelu autori raspravljaju o suvremenom razvoju, odnosno o uključivanju digitalnih vještina u šire područje istraživačke agende o medijskoj pismenosti

    Teens @ Culture: The Online Communications of Dutch High School Teenagers on Popular and Highbrow Culture

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    Teenagers’ interest in highbrow culture like classical music, museums and plays is somewhat low, but this group’s extensive Internet use may heighten this interest and increase their cultural participation online. In contrast to previous research, we examined teenagers’ online involvement in both popular and highbrow culture. An investigation among 892 high school teenagers indicated that explanations from the fields of cultural participation and media use account for differences in online cultural involvement. Teenagers with parents who are more highly educated and culturally active, and those with culturally interested friend are in turn more interested in culture, and communicate online more about both highbrow and popular culture. In addition to interest and socialization, there appears to be a minor mobilization effect of Internet use, as those with better digital skills and spending more time online engage more in online cultural communications

    Hoe cultureel is de digitale generatie?

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    Over the past decade, young people in the Netherlands have developed into fervent Internet users. At the same time, cultural institutions have digitised a great deal of their content and made it accessible online. This was seen as a challenging combination, or a new opportunity to reach this target audience, since most young people are online. It is however unclear how much use the digital generation actually makes of the online opportunities for cultural purposes. This report describes how culturally active teenagers are on the Internet and to what extent their cultural activities are related to the extent of their Internet use, their digital skills, the cultural activities of their family and friends, and the (cultural and digital) activities at their school. For this study, 1592 Dutch secondary school students were interviewed in 2008, with questionnaires being completed by students in 167 classes at 32 schools distributed across five large cities, 11 medium-sized cities and three small municipalities. The students varied in age from 12 to 18 years and were attending courses at pre-vocational secondary, senior general secondary or pre-university level (students in final examination classes were not interviewed). In order to investigate the digital cultural participation of 12-18 year-olds, a distinction was made between three types of Internet use. These can be summarised using three ‘C’s: − content (using the Internet to search for various kinds of information, such as text, images and sound); − contact (personal communication or interaction in peer-to-peer networks); − creation (production of text, images or sound and uploading these to the Internet, as well as responding online to contributions from others and posting tags).In het afgelopen decennium hebben jongeren zich geprofileerd als fervente internetgebruikers. Tegelijkertijd hebben culturele instellingen veel aanbod gedigitaliseerd en online toegankelijk gemaakt. Dit werd als een uitdagende combinatie of een nieuwe kans gezien, aangezien de meeste jongeren online zijn. Het is echter de vraag in hoeverre de digitale generatie de online mogelijkheden inderdaad benut voor culturele doeleinden. In dit rapport is beschreven hoe cultureel actief tieners op internet zijn en in hoeverre die activiteiten samenhangen met de omvang van hun internetgebruik, hun digitale vaardigheden, de culturele activiteiten in hun gezin en van hun vrienden, en de (culturele en digitale) activiteiten op hun school. Voor het onderzoek zijn leerlingen in het voortgezet onderwijs geïnterviewd. In 2008 vulden 1592 leerlingen uit 167 klassen van 32 scholen in de klas een vragenlijst in. De scholen zijn verdeeld over vijf grote steden, elf middelgrote steden en drie kleine gemeenten. De leerlingen varieerden in leeftijd tussen de 12 en 18 jaar en zaten op een vmbo-, havo- of vwo-opleiding (leerlingen in eindexamenklassen zijn niet ondervraagd). Om de digitale cultuurparticipatie van 12-18-jarige scholieren te onderzoeken is een onderscheid gemaakt in drie rollen bij het internetgebruik. Deze drie rollen kunnen samengevat worden met drie C’s: − content (gebruik internet voor verschillende soorten informatie zoals tekst, beeld als geluid); − contact (persoonlijke communicatie of interactie in peer-to-peer-netwerken); − creatie (het zelf produceren van tekst, beeld of geluid en deze uploaden op internetalsmede het online reageren op bijdragen van anderen en het plaatsen van tags)

    NWP calibration applied to Aeolus Mie channel winds

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    Aeolus is the first Doppler wind lidar (DWL) to measure wind profiles from space. Aeolus is an ESA (European Space Agency) explorer mission with the objective to retrieve winds from the collected atmospheric return signal which is the result of Mie and Rayleigh scattering of laser-emitted light by atmospheric molecules and particulates. The focus of this paper is on winds retrieved from instrument Mie channel collected data, that is, originating from Mie scattering by atmospheric aerosols and clouds. The use of simulated data from numerical weather prediction (NWP) models is a widely accepted and proven concept for the monitoring of the performance of many meteorological instruments, including Aeolus. Continuous monitoring of Aeolus Mie channel winds against model winds from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) has revealed systematic errors in retrieved Mie winds. Following a reverse engineering approach, the systematic errors could be traced back to imperfections of the data in the calibration tables which serve as input for the on-ground wind processing algorithms. A new algorithm, denoted NWP calibration, makes use of NWP model winds to generate an updated calibration table. It is shown that Mie winds retrieved by making use of the NWP-based calibration tables show reduced systematic errors, not only when compared to NWP model winds but also when compared to an independent dataset of very-high-resolution aircraft wind data. The latter gives high confidence that the NWP-based calibration algorithm does not introduce model-related errors into retrieved Aeolus Mie winds. Based on the presented results in this paper, the NWP-based calibration table, as part of the level-2B wind processing, has become part of the operational processing chain since 01 July 2021

    Math saves the forest

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    Wireless sensor networks are decentralised networks consisting of sensors that can detect events and transmit data to neighbouring sensors. Ideally, this data is eventually gathered in a central base station. Wireless sensor networks have many possible applications. For example, they can be used to detect gas leaks in houses or fires in a forest.\ud In this report, we study data gathering in wireless sensor networks with the objective of minimising the time to send event data to the base station. We focus on sensors with a limited cache and take into account both node and transmission failures. We present two cache strategies and analyse the performance of these strategies for specific networks. For the case without node failures we give the expected arrival time of event data at the base station for both a line and a 2D grid network. For the case with node failures we study the expected arrival time on two-dimensional networks through simulation, as well as the influence of the broadcast range