202 research outputs found

    Expediente Nº 02513-2003-0-1801-JR-CI-59 Proceso de Otorgamiento de Escritura Pública y Expediente Nº 2005-14904- 0-1801-JR-P-91 Proceso Constitucional – Hábeas Corpus

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    El señor Sergio Wilder Malpartida Sagastegui interpuso demanda de Otorgamiento de Escritura Pública contra la empresa Constructora Inmobiliaria Buenaventura S.R.L., a fin que cumpla con otorgar documento de escritura pública tanto del departamento Nº102, así como del estacionamiento Nº 8, por considerar su derecho a mérito de los contratos de compraventa celebrado entre las partes y, más aún, cuando los precios de los bienes se encuentran íntegramente cancelados. Al respecto los órganos jurisdiccionales en sus dos instancias se pronunciaron con sentencias contradictorias, en vista que, amparada la demanda por el órgano jurisdiccional de primera instancia, el órgano superior, en fundamento contradictorio, declaró nula la sentencia emitida por el A quo, ordenando emitir una nueva resolución. Esta última decisión judicial, originó la interposición del recurso extraordinario de casación, la cual fue declarada fundada por el supremo órgano jurisdiccional, ordenando que la sala de su procedencia vuelva a expedir nueva resolución con arreglo a derecho. Finalmente, la Primera Sala Civil de la Corte Superior de Justicia de Lima, en segundo pronunciamiento, confirmó la sentencia emitida por el A quo, por la que se declaró fundada la demanda de Otorgamiento de escritura pública.El señor Eduardo Enrique Vargas Otero interpuso demanda de Hábeas Corpus ante el Décimo Octavo Juzgado Penal de Turno Permanente de la ciudad de Lima, contra el Director de la Clínica Instituto Oncológico Miraflores S.A., a fin de que se disponga la inmediata libertad de la Sra. Consuelo Sifuentes Mata, quien estaría siendo víctima de una indebida e injustificada restricción de su libertad individual, al no permitírsele abandonar la clínica en razón de la falta de pago en la que incurrió la beneficiada, producto de los gastos generados por su internamiento médico. Al respecto el órgano jurisdiccional de primera instancia, decidió declarar fundada la demanda de Hábeas Corpus, por considerar que sí se estaba produciendo una grave afectación a la libertad individual de la beneficiada, en vista que, encontrándose con orden de alta médica, se le prohibió su salida de referida clínica, hasta que no cumpliera con cancelar el integro de la deuda generada por su internamiento. La Sexta Sala Superior Especializada en lo Penal para procesos con Reos Libres, en un pronunciamiento contradictorio, revocó la sentencia de primera instancia y reformándola, la declaró Infundada; al considerar que no se habría producido afectación alguna a la libertad individual de la beneficiada. La parte afectada presentó el Recurso de Agravio Constitucional, y el Tribunal Constitucional finalmente, declaró fundada la demanda de Hábeas Corpus, disponiendo que la demandada no vuelva a incurrir en la conducta cuestionada, bajo apercibimiento de aplicársele las medidas correctivas previstas en el artículo 22° del código procesal constitucional

    PLAGUE. A visual editor for PDDL

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    Plague es un editor de archivos escritos en lenguajes de planificación como STRIPS y PDDL, que permite lanzar el algoritmo GrahPlan a partir de los archivos de dominio y problema editados y encontrar una solución al problema planteado. El objetivo del editor es eminentemente pedagógico: su uso es muy simple y viene con variados ejemplos de ambos lenguajes de planificación, de modo que el usuario pueda aprenderlos de forma paulatina. Además, la salida de la ejecución permite ir viendo paso a paso el desarrollo del algoritmo GraphPlan: los operadores que se van ejecutando, los no-ops que se han seguido, los mutex que se han aplicado en cada nivel y el tiempo empleado, además de la solución final al problema si se alcanza. El programa hace uso de dos utilidades que permiten compilar el código STRIPS o PDDL que son JavaGP y PDDL4J. Una vez ejecutado el problema de planificación, se obtiene la salida en pantalla y también se puede imprimir el problema completo incluida la solución. El objetivo ha sido crear un programa que permita al usuario editar rápidamente archivos STRIPS y PDDL, los pueda compilar velozmente y obtener el resultado en un solo sitio, con una salida mucho más clara, organizada y entendible y se evite el problema de tener que usar editores externos y una ventana de línea de comando para ejecutar GraphPlan. Plague is a text editor for files written in action languages, such as STRIPS and PDDL, which allows running the GraphPlan algorithm from the domain archives and edited problems, and finding a solution to the proposed problem. The goal of the editor is primarily for pedagogical purposes: it is simple to use and comes equipped with a variety of examples in both action languages, so that the user can gradually learn. In addition, as the editor runs it allows the user to observe the step by step development of the GraphPlan algorithm: the operators being executed, the no-ops that have been followed, the mutex applied at each level and the time spent, as well as the final answer to the problem, if reached. The program uses two utilities allowing the STRIPS or PDDL code to be compiled: JavaGP and PDDL4J. Once the planning problem has been executed, the result is shown on screen and the complete problem can also be printed, including the solution. The objective has been to create a program that allows the user to quickly edit STRIPS and PDDL archives, to compile them swiftly and obtain the solution in a single place, with a result that is clear, organised and understandable, thus avoiding the problem of having to use external editors and command prompts to execute GraphPlan

    Gestión comercial y las ventas en Mibanco . Banco de la Microempresa S.A. Agencia Andahuaylas, 2022

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    La presente investigación titulada “Gestión comercial y las ventas en Mibanco de la Microempresa S.A., Agencia Andahuaylas – 2022” tuvo como objetivo determinar la relación de la gestión comercial y las ventas en Mibanco Microempresa S.A., agencia Andahuaylas – 2022. Metodológicamente se desarrolló bajo el enfoque cuantitativo, tipo aplicada, nivel correlacional, y diseño no experimental de corte transversal. La muestra fueron 50 trabajadores de Mibanco Microempresa S.A., agencia Andahuaylas, y 50 clientes de dicha sede, siendo la técnica de recolección de datos la encuesta, y el instrumento de recolección de datos el cuestionario. Los resultados indicaron que la gestión comercial en Mibanco Microempresa S.A., agencia Andahuaylas se encontraba en un nivel bueno (48%), y las ventas se encontraban en un nivel alto (52%). Concluyendo: Existe relación significativa entre la gestión comercial y las ventas en Mibanco Microempresa S.A., agencia Andahuaylas – 2022, conforme con el valor Chi-Cuadrado igual a 70,000 y un valor de significancia de 0.000. Es decir, ello indica que una mejor gestión comercial lograría incrementar el nivel de venta de los productos financieros de Mibanco Microempresa S.A., agencia Andahuaylas-2022

    A combination of invasive and non-invasive techniques for the study of the palette and painting structure of a copy of Raphael’s Transfguration of Christ

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    We thank the owner of the painting Mr. F. Fernandez Fábregas and the research group FQM-338 (University of Granada) for letting us use its facilities. We also thank Maria José Campos for the preparation of the cross-section samplesAll the authors belong to the research team Unit of Non-Invasive Analytical Techniques Unit (University of Granada, Spain) funded by EQC2018-004952-P and A‐HUM‐164‐UGR18 Projects, currently active. All the authors read and approved the fnal manuscript. EM: Professor of Analytical Chemistry applied under Cultural heritage at the Department of Analytical chemistry of the University of Granada, Spain. The author contributed to the examination of the Transfguration of Christ, using photography, SEM–EDX, and performed the µRS and µATR-FTIR analyses; and contributed to the interpretation of the datasets, contextualization of data, and writing of the manuscript. RB: Full Professor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Analytical chemistry of the University of Granada, Spain. The author contributed to the examination of the painting, sampling, contextualization of the painting, elaboration of tables and fgures, contextualization of data, and participated in the interpretation of the datasets. The author read and approved the fnal manuscript. JDM-R: Professor of Mineralogy at the Department of Mineralogy and Petrology of the University of Granada, Spain. The author provided the interpretation of the mineralogical data. GCh: Professor of Mineralogy Applied under Cultural Herit‑ age at the Department of Earth Sciences of the University of Torino, Italy, Chief Scientist at the Getty Conservation Institute in Los Angeles, CA (director of the Science department for 11 years). The author works now as a freelance con‑ sultant in the feld of Conservation of Cultural heritage. The author read and approved the fnal manuscript. PS: Scientist at the SETI Institute and founder of eXaminart LLC. The author develops miniature X-ray analytical instruments for Space exploration ((e.g. the NASA CheMin XRD instrument inside the Curiosity Mars rover) and portable instruments dedicated to cultural heritage. The author contributed to the examination of the Transfguration of Christ, using pXRD. The author read and approved the fnal manuscript. JLV: Full Profes‑ sor of Analytical Chemistry at the Department of Analytical chemistry of the University of Granada, Spain. The author contributed to the Transfguration of Christ, using photography, SEM–EDX; contributed to the interpretation of the datasets, the contextualization and revision of data. All authors read and approved the fnal manuscript.The main objective of this study is to establish an appropriate method for the characterization of the pigments, materials and structure of the paint layers in a copy of the painting the Transfiguration of Christ by Raffaello Sanzio. A multi-technique approach that combines elemental, molecular and structural analyses and involves optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (SEM-EDX), mu-Attenuated Total Reflection-Fourier Transform InfraRed (mu ATR-FTIR), mu-Raman spectrometry (mu RS) and non-invasive portable diffractometer (pXRD) was used. Our results revealed that this copy of the Transfiguration was executed with a palette, which includes white lead (cerussite and hydrocerussite), lazurite from lapis lazuli pigment, red and yellow earths (goethite, hematite and lepidocrocite), lead tin yellow, cinnabar, red lake, smalt and bone black, and fillers such as calcite, baryte (an impurity associated to some pigments), and traces of colorless powdered glass. A secondary objective of this research was the application of non-invasive in situ pXRD measurements, which do not require painting sampling and helped to confirm some inconclusive results obtained with other techniques regarding the artist's palette. The results showed the crystalline nature of all the pigments identified, which were known from ancient times and available during the 16th and 17th. Lastly, the used of C-14 accelerator mass spectrometry determined that the canvas date was 1451-1633 AD (with a 95% confidence level). Although the main focus of the work was to improve the analytical methodology to better understand the artist's palette, our results will further help us to explore the authorship of the copy or the school that executed it.Non-Invasive Analytical Techniques Unit EQC2018-004952-PProyecto de investigación FEDER / Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento / A ‐ HUM ‐ 164 ‐ UGR18

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (2)

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    Sumario : Investigación: La misión Envisat.-- Una década de investigación con el telescopio espacial Hubble.-- Ventana Abierta: ¿Ciencias o letras?...Jose Carlos del Toro Iniesta.-- Charlas con...John Huchra.-- Especial: 25 años del IAA.-- Actualidad Científica: Plano a gran escala, tal vez, pero no euclídeo.-- Detección óptica de impactos en la cara oscura de la Luna.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.N

    Non-Invasive Study of the Pigments of a Painting on Copper with the Inscription “Boceto di Pablo Veronese” on the Back

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    The palette used on a small painting on copper support, with the inscription “Boceto di Pablo Veronese” on the back, was characterized. Non-invasive techniques such as X-ray diffraction (XRD) and hand-held X-ray fluorescence (XRF) were proven to be highly effective for this. The objectives of the proposed work were twofold. On the one hand, the objective was the study, in situ, of the pigments of a painting on a copper support. On the other hand, it was to enrich the literature related to the study of paintings on metal supports, since few related studies are available despite the relatively large number of such 16th and 17th century paintings from Italy and Northern Europe. The results of the analysis showed a copper support with a base layer of gypsum mixed with ochre earths. Atop this layer is a sketch with lead white in the lighter areas and bone black in the darker shadow areas, suggesting that the artist performed a preliminary study of the luminosity of the scene. Finally, the upper or pictorial layer consists of a mix of pigments with some lead white to lower saturation and increase lightness, particularly evident in the flesh tones. The resulting palette thus includes lead white, vermilion, bone black, Naples yellow, and lazurite pigments. These results are compared to Veronese’s other paintings, as well as to those of certain contemporary artists, and the use of the resulting pigments in 16th and 17th century Italian painting techniques is discussedProject FEDER/Junta de Andalucía-Consejería de Economía y Conocimiento/A-HUM-164-UGR18Research group FQM-338Analytical Techniques Unit EQC2018-004952-

    Effect of Melatonin Plus Zinc Supplementation on Fatigue Perception in Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Trial

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    Síndrome de fatiga crònica; Melatonina; Encefalomielitis miàlgicaSíndrome de fatiga crónica; Melatonina; Encefalomielitis miálgicaChronic fatigue syndrome; Melatonin; Myalgic encephalomyelitisMyalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex, multisystem, and profoundly debilitating condition, probably of multifactorial etiology. No effective approved drugs are currently available for its treatment. Several studies have proposed symptomatic treatment with melatonin and zinc supplementation in chronic illnesses; however, little is known about the synergistic effect of this treatment on fatigue-related symptoms in ME/CFS. The primary endpoint of the study was to assess the effect of oral melatonin plus zinc supplementation on fatigue in ME/CFS. Secondary measures included participants’ sleep disturbances, anxiety/depression and health-related quality of life. A proof-of-concept, 16-week, randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial was conducted in 50 ME/CFS patients assigned to receive either oral melatonin (1 mg) plus zinc (10 mg) supplementation (n = 24) or matching placebo (n = 26) once daily. Endpoint outcomes were evaluated at baseline, and then reassessed at 8 and 16 weeks of treatment and 4 weeks after treatment cessation, using self-reported outcome measures. The most relevant results were the significant reduction in the perception of physical fatigue in the Mel-Zinc group at the final treatment follow-up versus placebo (p < 0.05), and the significant improvement in the physical component summary at all follow-up visits in the experimental group. Urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin levels were significantly elevated though the treatment in experimental group vs. placebo (p < 0.0001); however, no significantly differences were observed for zinc concentration among participants. Our findings suggest that oral melatonin plus zinc supplementation for 16 weeks is safe and potentially effective in reducing fatigue and improving the quality of life in ME/CFS. This clinical study was registered on ClinicalTrials.gov (NCT03000777)J.C.-M. received financial support from the Laboratorios Viñas, S.A. (Barcelona, Spain). This study was supported by the Vall d’Hebron University Hospital (Barcelona, Spain). The Laboratorios Viñas, S.A. supplied both treatments (melatonin plus zinc supplement and placebo)

    SLOC, como um novo esporte inclusivo: uma proposta didática

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    Introducción: El SLOC es un Sistema de Luchas Orientales en Competición, moderno, de última generación, con tecnología aplicada propia, de uso importante para el buen desarrollo de sus combates que garantiza la fiabilidad de las acciones de punto. Su elemento-objetivo y eje principal de la competición, es el Bastón Corto llamado SLOC. Está diseñado y creado como elemento de combate no lesivo, minimizando el impacto del golpe en las acciones de punto (independientemente del uso de protecciones).El principal objetivo de este trabajo es que los alumnos conozcan este nuevo deporte e interioricen y aprendan sus bases y disfruten con la actividad física. Se propone una sesión a modo de ejemplo donde se utilizará una metodología vivencial, innovadora y cooperativa, basada en el respeto y el compañerismo para que ninguno de los sujetos se sienta apartado del grupo y las relaciones interpersonales. A través de ello se trabaja el desarrollo integral del alumno, tanto físico como emocional y académico, siempre desde un ambiente motivador y activo. Como conclusión principal, estas nuevas tecnologías, nos introducen en una competición más justa, eficaz, certera en temas de puntuación respecto al ojo humano, con protecciones (peto y casco) cuya misión es transmitir información de las acciones de punto, proteger, cubrir zonas de impacto o posibles golpes fortuitos.Introduction: The SLOC is a System of Oriental Wrestling in Competition, modern, of last generation, with own applied technology, of important use for the good development of its combats that guarantees the reliability of the actions of point. Its objective element and main axis of the competition is the Short Cane called SLOC. It is designed and created as a non-injurious combat element, minimizing the impact of the blow on the knitting actions (regardless of the use of protections) The main objective of this work is for students to get to know this new sport and to internalize and learn its bases and enjoy physical activity. A session is proposed as an example where an experiential, innovative and cooperative methodology will be used, based on respect and companionship so that none of the subjects feel separated from the group and interpersonal relationships. Through this we work on the integral development of the student, both physical and emotional and academic, always from a motivating and active environment. As a main conclusion, these new technologies introduce us into a fairer, more effective, accurate competition in matters of punctuation with respect to the human eye, with protections (breastplate and helmet) whose mission is to transmit information about knitted actions, protect, cover impact areas or possible fortuitous blows.Introdução: O SLOC é um Sistema de Luta Oriental em Competição, moderno, de última geração, com tecnologia própria aplicada, de uso importante para o bom desenvolvimento de seus combates que garante a confiabilidade das ações de ponto. Seu elemento objetivo e eixo principal da competição é o Short Cane chamado SLOC. Ele é projetado e criado como um elemento de combate não prejudicial, minimizando o impacto do golpe sobre as ações de tricô (independente do uso de proteções). O objetivo principal deste trabalho é que os alunos conheçam este novo esporte e interiorizem e aprendam suas bases e desfrutem da atividade física. Uma sessão é proposta como um exemplo onde uma metodologia experiencial, inovadora e cooperativa será usada, baseada no respeito e companheirismo para que nenhum dos sujeitos se sinta separado do grupo e das relações interpessoais. Através disso, trabalhamos no desenvolvimento integral do aluno, tanto físico e emocional e acadêmico, sempre a partir de um ambiente motivador e ativo. Como principal conclusão, essas novas tecnologias nos introduzem em uma competição mais justa, eficaz e precisa em matéria de pontuação em relação ao olho humano, com proteções (peitoral e capacete) cuja missão é transmitir informações sobre ações tricotadas, proteger, cobrir áreas de impacto ou possíveis golpes fortuitos

    IAA : Información y actualidad astronómica (10)

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    Sumario : Investigación: Chorros relativistas en núcleos activos de galaxias.-- Materia oscura: a tientas por el Universo.-- Ventana Abierta: Físico teórico autónomo se ofrece para.-- Charlas con… Robert Haberle.-- Actualidad Científica: La búsqueda de las estrellas más viejas de la Galaxia.-- Un superbólido más brillante que la Luna llena surcó el cielo argelino.-- Actividades IAA.-- Agenda.Esta revista se publica con la ayuda de la Acción Especial DIF 2001-4284-E del Programa Nacional de Difusión de la Ciencia y la Tecnología, del Ministerio de Ciencia y TecnologíaN