2,553 research outputs found

    Critical exponents from parallel plate geometries subject to periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions

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    We introduce a renormalized 1PI vertex part scalar field theory setting in momentum space to computing the critical exponents ν\nu and η\eta, at least at two-loop order, for a layered parallel plate geometry separated by a distance L, with periodic as well as antiperiodic boundary conditions on the plates. We utilize massive and massless fields in order to extract the exponents in independent ultraviolet and infrared scaling analysis, respectively, which are required in a complete description of the scaling regions for finite size systems. We prove that fixed points and other critical amounts either in the ultraviolet or in the infrared regime dependent on the plates boundary condition are a general feature of normalization conditions. We introduce a new description of typical crossover regimes occurring in finite size systems. Avoiding these crossovers, the three regions of finite size scaling present for each of these boundary conditions are shown to be indistinguishable in the results of the exponents in periodic and antiperiodic conditions, which coincide with those from the (bulk) infinite system.Comment: Modified introduction and some references; new crossover regimes discussion improved; Appendixes expanded. 48 pages, no figure

    Dynamical evolution of unstable self-gravitating scalar solitons

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    Recently, static and spherically symmetric configurations of globally regular self-gravitating scalar solitons were found. These configurations are unstable with respect to radial linear perturbations. In this paper we study the dynamical evolution of such configurations and show that, depending on the sign of the initial perturbation, the solitons either collapse to a Schwarzschild black hole or else ``explode'' into an outward moving domain wall.Comment: 11 pages, 16 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    An experimental study on evolutionary reactive behaviors for mobile robots navigation

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    Mobile robot's navigation and obstacle avoidance in an unknown and static environment is analyzed in this paper. From the guidance of position sensors, artificial neural network (ANN) based controllers settle the desired trajectory between current and a target point. Evolutionary algorithms were used to choose the best controller. This approach, known as Evolutionary Robotics (ER), commonly resorts to very simple ANN architectures. Although they include temporal processing, most of them do not consider the learned experience in the controller's evolution. Thus, the ER research presented in this article, focuses on the specification and testing of the ANN based controllers implemented when genetic mutations are performed from one generation to another. Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks based controllers were tested, with two variants: plastic neural networks (PNN) and standard feedforward (FFNN) networks. Also the way in which evolution was performed was also analyzed. As a result, controlled mutation do not exhibit major advantages against over the non controlled one, showing that diversity is more powerful than controlled adaptation.Facultad de Informátic

    An experimental study on evolutionary reactive behaviors for mobile robots navigation

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    Mobile robot's navigation and obstacle avoidance in an unknown and static environment is analyzed in this paper. From the guidance of position sensors, artificial neural network (ANN) based controllers settle the desired trajectory between current and a target point. Evolutionary algorithms were used to choose the best controller. This approach, known as Evolutionary Robotics (ER), commonly resorts to very simple ANN architectures. Although they include temporal processing, most of them do not consider the learned experience in the controller's evolution. Thus, the ER research presented in this article, focuses on the specification and testing of the ANN based controllers implemented when genetic mutations are performed from one generation to another. Discrete-Time Recurrent Neural Networks based controllers were tested, with two variants: plastic neural networks (PNN) and standard feedforward (FFNN) networks. Also the way in which evolution was performed was also analyzed. As a result, controlled mutation do not exhibit major advantages against over the non controlled one, showing that diversity is more powerful than controlled adaptation.Facultad de Informátic

    Utilização da simulação computacional na verificação da cooperação de uma população em um ambiente simulado = Use of computer simulation to verify the cooperation of a population in a simulated environment

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    En el presente artículo realizamos un análisisde comportamientos de cooperación enambiente simulado. El presente estudio tienecomo finalidad observar los resultados de la interacciónde los caracteres egoísta, vengativo yaltruista en constante interacción a lo largo degeneraciones. Durante el proceso se desarrollaronalgoritmos que emulan una de las aplicacionesde la teoría de los juegos, el dilemadel prisionero y otro que utiliza la forma en quelos autómatas móviles se mueven-sedientosde una malla virtual. La contribución que conseguimoses dar un valor porcentual máximo auna población aceptada con carácter egoísta yverificar que los caracteres vengativo y altruistatienen un tiempo de vida muy próximo

    Generalized harmonic spatial coordinates and hyperbolic shift conditions

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    We propose a generalization of the condition for harmonic spatial coordinates analogous to the generalization of the harmonic time slices introduced by Bona et al., and closely related to dynamic shift conditions recently proposed by Lindblom and Scheel, and Bona and Palenzuela. These generalized harmonic spatial coordinates imply a condition for the shift vector that has the form of an evolution equation for the shift components. We find that in order to decouple the slicing condition from the evolution equation for the shift it is necessary to use a rescaled shift vector. The initial form of the generalized harmonic shift condition is not spatially covariant, but we propose a simple way to make it fully covariant so that it can be used in coordinate systems other than Cartesian. We also analyze the effect of the shift condition proposed here on the hyperbolicity of the evolution equations of general relativity in 1+1 dimensions and 3+1 spherical symmetry, and study the possible development of blow-ups. Finally, we perform a series of numerical experiments to illustrate the behavior of this shift condition.Comment: 18 pages and 12 figures, extensively revised version explaining in the new Section IV how the shift condition can be made 3-covarian

    Production system of organic orange and its implications: Study in the SOS site Agroecological, Northeast of Pará

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    The organic production of produce in Brazil has been increasing very year due higher demand for more health food, and many farmers are migrating to these concept of food production. Therefore, the aim of this study is to understand the philosophic concept, as well as doing a description and analyzing the implications of the production system of organic orange. The research was done at Sítio SOS Agroecológico, localized in the city of CapitãoPoço, northeast of Pará. The qualitative exploratory research was done with the owner of the area, who is also a producer of organic orange, through, mainly, visits, semi structured surveys, transect walks in the area, and photographic records. The production of the site is considered adequate; their main market are organic fairs and big supermarkets; however, price and logistic are the main obstacles, besides the certification, where in Brazil is still an onerous process. The production system of Sitio SOS shows certain similarities with the concept of biologic and natural agriculture since both systems goals are the reduction of the rural producer costs, the use of alternative products and/or natural available on the property

    Bio-Optical Modeling in a Tropical Hypersaline Lagoon Environment

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    In this chapter, we attempted to present an overview of the use of remote sensing to monitor water quality parameters, mainly chlorophyll-a (chl-a) and turbidity. We summarized the main concepts of bio-optical modeling and presented a case study of the application of the Hyperspectral Imager for the Coastal Ocean (HICO) for the monitoring of water quality in a tropical hypersaline aquatic environment. Using HICO, we evaluated a set of different semi-empirical bio-optical algorithms for chl-a and turbidity estimation developed for inland and oceanic waters in the Araruama Lagoon, RJ, Brazil, which is an extreme environment due to its high salinity values. We also developed an empirical algorithm for both water quality parameters and compared the performances. Results showed that for chl-a estimation all models have a low performance with a normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) varying from 24.13 to 30.46. For turbidity, the bio-optical algorithms showed a better performance with the NRMSE between 15.49 and 28.04. Overall, these results highlight the importance of including extreme environments, such as the Araruama Lagoon, on the validation of bio-optical algorithms as well as the need for new orbital hyperspectral sensors which will improve the development of the field

    Diferencias fisiológicas y segregación de microhábitat en dos especies de crustáceos porcelánidos intermareales (Género Petrolisthes) en la costa sur de Chile

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    Intertidal crustaceans have a high degree of physiological plasticity, which allows them to withstand periods of water emersion. In this study we examine the physiological constraints that determine the distribution and abundance of the intertidal porcellanid crabs Petrolisthes laevigatus and Petrolisthes violaceus. This study evaluates the distribution and abundance of the two species at different tidal heights, in relation to haemocyanin concentration and LDH activity, resistance to air desiccation, thermal tolerance, and resistance to hypoxic water. The results showed that Petrolisthes laevigatus was more abundant at the high tide level than Petrolisthes violaceus, which was more abundant at the low tide level. Petrolisthes laevigatus showed greater tolerance to high temperatures and lower tolerance to desiccation when exposed to air than P. violaceus, which was also more tolerant to hypoxia during prolonged exposure. No differences were found in haemocyanin concentration and LDH activity. These findings support the idea of an evolutionary gradient towards terrestrial adaptations. Of the two species, Petrolisthes laevigatus showed the most advanced physiological features for semi-terrestrial specialization.Los crustáceos intermareales poseen un alto grado de plasticidad fisiológica, lo que les permite soportar periodos prolongados de emersión. En este estudio se examinaron algunas restricciones fisiológicas que determinan la distribución y abundancia de los porcelánidos intermareales Petrolisthes laevigatus y Petrolisthes violaceus. En este estudio se evaluó la distribución de estas dos especies a diferentes niveles del intermareal, relacionándolos con la concentración de hemocianina y actividad de la enzima LDH, resistencia a la desecación, tolerancia termal y la resistencia a agua hipóxica. Los resultados mostraron una mayor abundancia de P. laevigatus en la zona alta del intermareal y de P. violaceus en la zona baja. P. laevigatus mostró una mayor tolerancia a altas temperaturas y una menor tolerancia a la desecación durante la exposición aérea que P. violaceus, que además fue mas tolerante a prolongadas exposiciones a la de hipoxia. No se encontraron diferencias en la concentración de hemocianina y actividad de LDH entre las especies. Estos resultados apoyan la idea de un gradiente evolutivo hacia la los sistemas terrestres. P. laevigatus mostró más adecuaciones fisiológicas para la especialización semi-terrestre

    Photopedology and orbital spectral pedology on the evaluation of soils developed from basalt

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    O Estado do Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) é um dos principais produtores do setor agropecuário brasileiro. Entretanto, para manter essa condição, terá que ter à disposição metodologias que auxiliem no planejamento do uso racional de suas terras. Desta forma, tornam-se necessárias pesquisas que visem obter métodos de investigação dos solos que atuem de forma rápida, sejam eficazes e, principalmente, de baixo custo. Sabendo-se que o relevo é importante fator de formação dos solos e que fotos aéreas detectam a variação de superfície, espera-se que, juntamente com informações espectrais quantitativas da superfície, possam caracterizar e discriminar solos ou grupamento de solos na paisagem. Assim, este estudo teve por objetivos: (a) identificar diferentes classes de solos e verificar suas relações com os aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos da paisagem; (b) utilizar dados radiométricos de imagens de satélite para discriminar classes ou grupamento de solos. Para tal, foi avaliada a relação entre a classificação dos solos e os aspectos da rede de drenagem, obtidos através da interpretação de fotografias aéreas, e dados espectrais, conseguidos através da análise de imagens de satélite, de 14 amostras circulares (ACs) da região de Maracaju (MS), onde os solos são desenvolvidos a partir de basaltos. A densidade de drenagem (Dd) apresentou correlação com o índice de intemperismo (Ki) e com a saturação de bases do solo (V%), permitindo discriminar classes de solos dentro da área de estudo com 85,7 % de certeza, enquanto os dados espectrais somente discriminaram solos quanto às classes texturais da camada superficial. Além disso, observou-se que nos solos com teores de Fe2O3 acima de 180 g kg-1 a diferenciação por classes texturais foi prejudicada mediante o do uso das imagens de satélite.The state of Mato Grosso do Sul (MS) is one of the main Brazilian producers in the agricultural sector. To maintain this status, however, it will be necessary both to know and use rationally its soil resources. This way, it will be necessary methods of soil research that are efficient and fast in obtain information, as well as of low-cost to support land use planning. Since relief is an important factor of soil formation, aerial photos and satellite images analysis can be used to detect landscape features that help to characterize and discriminate soils. Therefore, the goals of this study were: (a) to identify different soil classes and verify their relationships with landscape aspects by the interpretation of aerial photos; and (b) to use radiometric data, obtained from satellite images analysis, to discriminate soils or groups of soils on landscape. To do so, it was evaluated the relationship between soil classes and relief and drainage aspects, obtained by the interpretation of aerial photos in conjunction with spectral data obtained by satellite image analysis of 14 circular samples (CS) of the Maracaju city in the MS state. The drainage density (Dd), determined in the CS, showed positive correlation with the soil Ki index and base saturation (V%) index, thus allowing discriminate soil classes of the studied area with 85.7 % of certainty, whereas the spectral data only discriminated soils by the textural classes of their surface layer. On the other hand, it was also observed that soils with Fe2O3 content higher than 180 g kg-1 had their textural classes poorly differentiated by using the spectral data