172 research outputs found

    Responses of Auditory Nerve and Anteroventral Cochlear Nucleus Fibers to Broadband and Narrowband Noise: Implications for the Sensitivity to Interaural Delays

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    The quality of temporal coding of sound waveforms in the monaural afferents that converge on binaural neurons in the brainstem limits the sensitivity to temporal differences at the two ears. The anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) houses the cells that project to the binaural nuclei, which are known to have enhanced temporal coding of low-frequency sounds relative to auditory nerve (AN) fibers. We applied a coincidence analysis within the framework of detection theory to investigate the extent to which AVCN processing affects interaural time delay (ITD) sensitivity. Using monaural spike trains to a 1-s broadband or narrowband noise token, we emulated the binaural task of ITD discrimination and calculated just noticeable differences (jnds). The ITD jnds derived from AVCN neurons were lower than those derived from AN fibers, showing that the enhanced temporal coding in the AVCN improves binaural sensitivity to ITDs. AVCN processing also increased the dynamic range of ITD sensitivity and changed the shape of the frequency dependence of ITD sensitivity. Bandwidth dependence of ITD jnds from AN as well as AVCN fibers agreed with psychophysical data. These findings demonstrate that monaural preprocessing in the AVCN improves the temporal code in a way that is beneficial for binaural processing and may be crucial in achieving the exquisite sensitivity to ITDs observed in binaural pathways

    Adjustment of interaural-time-difference analysis to sound level

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    To localize low-frequency sound sources in azimuth, the binaural system compares the timing of sound waves at the two ears with microsecond precision. A similarly high precision is also seen in the binaural processing of the envelopes of high-frequency complex sounds. Both for low- and high-frequency sounds, interaural time difference (ITD) acuity is to a large extent independent of sound level. The mechanisms underlying this level-invariant extraction of ITDs by the binaural system are, however, only poorly understood. We use high-frequency pip trains with asymmetric and dichotic pip envelopes in a combined psychophysical, electrophysiological, and modeling approach. Although the dichotic envelopes cannot be physically matched in terms of ITD, the match produced perceptually by humans is very reliable, and it depends systematically on the overall sound level. These data are reflected in neural responses from the gerbil lateral superior olive and lateral lemniscus. The results are predicted in an existing temporal-integration model extended with a level-dependent threshold criterion. These data provide a very sensitive quantification of how the peripheral temporal code is conditioned for binaural analysis

    Spike-Timing-Based Computation in Sound Localization

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    Spike timing is precise in the auditory system and it has been argued that it conveys information about auditory stimuli, in particular about the location of a sound source. However, beyond simple time differences, the way in which neurons might extract this information is unclear and the potential computational advantages are unknown. The computational difficulty of this task for an animal is to locate the source of an unexpected sound from two monaural signals that are highly dependent on the unknown source signal. In neuron models consisting of spectro-temporal filtering and spiking nonlinearity, we found that the binaural structure induced by spatialized sounds is mapped to synchrony patterns that depend on source location rather than on source signal. Location-specific synchrony patterns would then result in the activation of location-specific assemblies of postsynaptic neurons. We designed a spiking neuron model which exploited this principle to locate a variety of sound sources in a virtual acoustic environment using measured human head-related transfer functions. The model was able to accurately estimate the location of previously unknown sounds in both azimuth and elevation (including front/back discrimination) in a known acoustic environment. We found that multiple representations of different acoustic environments could coexist as sets of overlapping neural assemblies which could be associated with spatial locations by Hebbian learning. The model demonstrates the computational relevance of relative spike timing to extract spatial information about sources independently of the source signal

    Response characteristics in the apex of the gerbil cochlea studied through auditory nerve recordings

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    In this study, we analyze the processing of low-frequency sounds in the cochlear apex through responses of auditory nerve fibers (ANFs) that innervate the apex. Single tones and irregularly spaced tone complexes were used to evoke ANF responses in Mongolian gerbil. The spike arrival times were analyzed in terms of phase locking, peripheral frequency selectivity, group delays, and the nonlinear effects of sound pressure level (SPL). Phase locking to single tones was similar to that in cat. Vector strength was maximal for stimulus frequencies around 500 Hz, decreased above 1 kHz, and became insignificant above 4 to 5 kHz. We used the responses to tone complexes to determine amplitude and phase curves of ANFs having a characteristic frequency (CF) below 5 kHz. With increasing CF, amplitude curves gradually changed from broadly tuned and asymmetric with a steep low-frequency flank to more sharply tuned and asymmetric with a steep high-frequency flank. Over the same CF range, phase curves gradually changed from a concave-upward shape to a concave-downward shape. Phase curves consisted of two or three approximately straight segments. Group delay was analyzed separately for these segments. Generally, the largest group delay was observed near CF. With increasing SPL, most amplitude curves broadened, sometimes accompanied by a downward shift of best frequency, and group delay changed along the entire range of stimulus frequencies. We observed considerable across-ANF variation in the effects of SPL on both amplitude and phase. Overall, our data suggest that mechanical responses in the apex of the cochlea are considerably nonlinear and that these nonlinearities are of a different character than those known from the base of the cochlea

    Reliability of Synaptic Transmission at the Synapses of Held In Vivo under Acoustic Stimulation

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    BACKGROUND:The giant synapses of Held play an important role in high-fidelity auditory processing and provide a model system for synaptic transmission at central synapses. Whether transmission of action potentials can fail at these synapses has been investigated in recent studies. At the endbulbs of Held in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN) a consistent picture emerged, whereas at the calyx of Held in the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) results on the reliability of transmission remain inconsistent. In vivo this discrepancy could be due to the difficulty in identifying failures of transmission. METHODS/FINDINGS:We introduce a novel method for detecting unreliable transmission in vivo. Based on the temporal relationship between a cells' waveform and other potentials in the recordings, a statistical test is developed that provides a balanced decision between the presence and the absence of failures. Its performance is quantified using simulated voltage recordings and found to exhibit a high level of accuracy. The method was applied to extracellular recordings from the synapses of Held in vivo. At the calyces of Held failures of transmission were found only rarely. By contrast, at the endbulbs of Held in the AVCN failures were found under spontaneous, excited, and suppressed conditions. In accordance with previous studies, failures occurred most abundantly in the suppressed condition, suggesting a role for inhibition. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE:Under the investigated activity conditions/anesthesia, transmission seems to remain largely unimpeded in the MNTB, whereas in the AVCN the occurrence of failures is related to inhibition and could be the basis/result of computational mechanisms for temporal processing. More generally, our approach provides a formal tool for studying the reliability of transmission with high statistical accuracy under typical in vivo recording conditions

    Responses to Diotic, Dichotic, and Alternating Phase Harmonic Stimuli in the Inferior Colliculus of Guinea Pigs

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    Humans perceive a harmonic series as a single auditory object with a pitch equivalent to the fundamental frequency (F0) of the series. When harmonics are presented to alternate ears, the repetition rate of the waveform at each ear doubles. If the harmonics are resolved, then the pitch perceived is still equivalent to F0, suggesting the stimulus is binaurally integrated before pitch is processed. However, unresolved harmonics give rise to the doubling of pitch which would be expected from monaural processing (Bernstein and Oxenham, J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 113:3323–3334, 2003). We used similar stimuli to record responses of multi-unit clusters in the central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC) of anesthetized guinea pigs (urethane supplemented by fentanyl/fluanisone) to determine the nature of the representation of harmonic stimuli and to what extent there was binaural integration. We examined both the temporal and rate-tuning of IC clusters and found no evidence for binaural integration. Stimuli comprised all harmonics below 10 kHz with fundamental frequencies (F0) from 50 to 400 Hz in half-octave steps. In diotic conditions, all the harmonics were presented to both ears. In dichotic conditions, odd harmonics were presented to one ear and even harmonics to the other. Neural characteristic frequencies (CF, n = 85) were from 0.2 to 14.7 kHz; 29 had CFs below 1 kHz. The majority of clusters responded predominantly to the contralateral ear, with the dominance of the contralateral ear increasing with CF. With diotic stimuli, over half of the clusters (58%) had peaked firing rate vs. F0 functions. The most common peak F0 was 141 Hz. Almost all (98%) clusters phase locked diotically to an F0 of 50 Hz, and approximately 40% of clusters still phase locked significantly (Rayleigh coefficient >13.8) at the highest F0 tested (400 Hz). These results are consistent with the previous reports of responses to amplitude-modulated stimuli. Clusters phase locked significantly at a frequency equal to F0 for contralateral and diotic stimuli but at 2F0 for dichotic stimuli. We interpret these data as responses following the envelope periodicity in monaural channels rather than as a binaurally integrated representation

    Frequency-Invariant Representation of Interaural Time Differences in Mammals

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    Interaural time differences (ITDs) are the major cue for localizing low-frequency sounds. The activity of neuronal populations in the brainstem encodes ITDs with an exquisite temporal acuity of about . The response of single neurons, however, also changes with other stimulus properties like the spectral composition of sound. The influence of stimulus frequency is very different across neurons and thus it is unclear how ITDs are encoded independently of stimulus frequency by populations of neurons. Here we fitted a statistical model to single-cell rate responses of the dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscus. The model was used to evaluate the impact of single-cell response characteristics on the frequency-invariant mutual information between rate response and ITD. We found a rough correspondence between the measured cell characteristics and those predicted by computing mutual information. Furthermore, we studied two readout mechanisms, a linear classifier and a two-channel rate difference decoder. The latter turned out to be better suited to decode the population patterns obtained from the fitted model