106 research outputs found

    Independent circuits in basal ganglia and cortex for the processing of reward and precision feedback

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    In order to understand human decision making it is necessary to understand how the brain uses feedback to guide goal-directed behavior. The ventral striatum (VS) appears to be a key structure in this function, responding strongly to explicit reward feedback. However, recent results have also shown striatal activity following correct task performance even in the absence of feedback. This raises the possibility that, in addition to processing external feedback, the dopamine-centered reward circuit might regulate endogenous reinforcement signals, like those triggered by satisfaction in accurate task performance. Here we use functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to test this idea. Participants completed a simple task that garnered both reward feedback and feedback about the precision of performance. Importantly, the design was such that we could manipulate information about the precision of performance within different levels of reward magnitude. Using parametric modulation and functional connectivity analysis we identified brain regions sensitive to each of these signals. Our results show a double dissociation: frontal and posterior cingulate regions responded to explicit reward but were insensitive to task precision, whereas the dorsal striatum - and putamen in particular - was insensitive to reward but responded strongly to precision feedback in reward-present trials. Both types of feedback activated the VS, and sensitivity in this structure to precision feedback was predicted by personality traits related to approach behavior and reward responsiveness. Our findings shed new light on the role of specific brain regions in integrating different sources of feedback to guide goal-directed behavior

    A Missing Connection: A Review of the Macrostructural Anatomy and Tractography of the Acoustic Radiation

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    The auditory system of mammals is dedicated to encoding, elaborating and transporting acoustic information from the auditory nerve to the auditory cortex. The acoustic radiation (AR) constitutes the thalamo-cortical projection of this system, conveying the auditory signals from the medial geniculate nucleus (MGN) of the thalamus to the transverse temporal gyrus on the superior temporal lobe. While representing one of the major sensory pathways of the primate brain, the currently available anatomical information of this white matter bundle is quite limited in humans, thus constituting a notable omission in clinical and general studies on auditory processing and language perception. Tracing procedures in humans have restricted applications, and the in vivo reconstruction of this bundle using diffusion tractography techniques remains challenging. Hence, a more accurate and reliable reconstruction of the AR is necessary for understanding the neurobiological substrates supporting audition and language processing mechanisms in both health and disease. This review aims to unite available information on the macroscopic anatomy and topography of the AR in humans and non-human primates. Particular attention is brought to the anatomical characteristics that make this bundle difficult to reconstruct using non-invasive techniques, such as diffusion-based tractography. Open questions in the field and possible future research directions are discussed

    Brain Areas Specific for Attentional Load in a Motion-Tracking Task

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    Although visual attention is known to modulate brain activity in the posterior parietal, prefrontal, and visual sensory areas, the unique roles of these areas in the control of attentional resources have remained unclear. Here, we report a dissociation in the response profiles of these areas. In a parametric functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study, subjects performed a covert motion-tracking task, in which we manipulated “attentional load” by varying the number of tracked balls. While strong effects of attention—independent of attentional load—were widespread, robust linear increases of brain activity with number of balls tracked were seen primarily in the posterior parietal areas, including the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) and superior parietal lobule (SPL). Thus, variations in attentional load revealed different response profiles in sensory areas as compared to control areas. Our results suggest a general role for posterior parietal areas in the deployment of visual attentional resources

    Structural and Functional Network-Level Reorganization in the Coding of Auditory Motion Directions and Sound Source Locations in the Absence of Vision

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    Epub 2022 May 2hMT+/V5 is a region in the middle occipitotemporal cortex that responds preferentially to visual motion in sighted people. In cases of early visual deprivation, hMT+/V5 enhances its response to moving sounds. Whether hMT+/V5 contains information about motion directions and whether the functional enhancement observed in the blind is motion specific, or also involves sound source location, remains unsolved. Moreover, the impact of this cross-modal reorganization of hMT+/V5 on the regions typically supporting auditory motion processing, like the human planum temporale (hPT), remains equivocal. We used a combined functional and diffusion-weighted MRI approach and individual in-ear recordings to study the impact of early blindness on the brain networks supporting spatial hearing in male and female humans. Whole-brain univariate analysis revealed that the anterior portion of hMT+/V5 responded to moving sounds in sighted and blind people, while the posterior portion was selective to moving sounds only in blind participants. Multivariate decoding analysis revealed that the presence of motion direction and sound position information was higher in hMT+/V5 and lower in hPT in the blind group. While both groups showed axis-of-motion organization in hMT+/V5 and hPT, this organization was reduced in the hPT of blind people. Diffusion-weighted MRI revealed that the strength of hMT+/V5-hPT connectivity did not differ between groups, whereas the microstructure of the connections was altered by blindness. Our results suggest that the axis-of-motion organization of hMT+/V5 does not depend on visual experience, but that congenital blindness alters the response properties of occipitotemporal networks supporting spatial hearing in the sighted.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Spatial hearing helps living organisms navigate their environment. This is certainly even more true in people born blind. How does blindness affect the brain network supporting auditory motion and sound source location? Our results show that the presence of motion direction and sound position information was higher in hMT+/V5 and lower in human planum temporale in blind relative to sighted people; and that this functional reorganization is accompanied by microstructural (but not macrostructural) alterations in their connections. These findings suggest that blindness alters cross-modal responses between connected areas that share the same computational goals.The project was funded in part by a European Research Council starting grant MADVIS (Project 337573) awarded to O.C., the Belgian Excellence of Science (EOS) program (Project 30991544) awarded to O.C., a Flagship ERA-NET grant SoundSight (FRS-FNRS PINT-MULTI R.8008.19) awarded to O.C., and by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No. 701250 awarded to V.O. Computational resources have been provided by the supercomputing facilities of the Université catholique de Louvain (CISM/UCL) and the Consortium des Équipements de Calcul Intensif en Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles (CÉCI) funded by the Fond de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique (F.R.S.-FNRS) under convention 2.5020.11 and by the Walloon Region. A.G.-A. is supported by the Wallonie Bruxelles International Excellence Fellowship and the FSR Incoming PostDoc Fellowship by Université Catholique de Louvain. O.C. is a research associate, C.B. is postdoctoral researcher, and M.R. is a research fellow at the Fond National de la Recherche Scientifique de Belgique (FRS-FNRS)

    Neural correlates of attention and working memory deficits in HIV patients

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    Objectives: To evaluate the neural correlates of attention and working memory deficits in patients with HIV-1. Method: fMRI was used to evaluate brain activity in 11 patients with HIV and 11 age-, sex-, education-, and handedness-matched seronegative subjects, while performing a battery of tasks that required different levels of attention for working memory. Results: Patients with HIV showed greater brain activation (blood oxygenation level dependent signal changes) in some regions compared with control subjects while performing the same tasks. For the simpler tasks, patients with HIV showed greater activation in the parietal regions. However, with more difficult tasks, patients with HIV showed greater activation additionally in the frontal lobes. Reaction times during these tasks were slower but accuracy was similar in the patients with HIV compared with control subjects. Conclusion: Injury to the neural substrate caused by HIV infection may necessitate greater attentional modulation of the neural circuits, hence a greater use of the brain reserve; additional activation of the frontal lobes is required to perform the more complex tasks. The task-dependent increased frontal activation in patients with HIV suggests that the neural correlate of attentional deficits may be excessive attentional modulation as a result of frontostriatal brain injury

    Sharing brain imaging data in the Open Science era:how and why?

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    The sharing of human neuroimaging data has great potential to accelerate the development of imaging biomarkers in neurological and psychiatric disorders; however, major obstacles remain in terms of how and why to share data in the Open Science context. In this Health Policy by the European Cluster for Imaging Biomarkers, we outline the current main opportunities and challenges based on the results of an online survey disseminated among senior scientists in the field. Although the scientific community fully recognises the importance of data sharing, technical, legal, and motivational aspects often prevent active adoption. Therefore, we provide practical advice on how to overcome the technical barriers. We also call for a harmonised application of the General Data Protection Regulation across EU countries. Finally, we suggest the development of a system that makes data count by recognising the generation and sharing of data as a highly valuable contribution to the community.</p

    Adaptability and reproducibility of a memory disruption rTMS protocol in the PharmaCog IMI European project

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    Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) can interfere with cognitive processes, such as transiently impairing memory. As part of a multi-center European project, we investigated the adaptability and reproducibility of a previously published TMS memory interfering protocol in two centers using EEG or fMRI scenarios. Participants were invited to attend three experimental sessions on different days, with sham repetitive TMS (rTMS) applied on day 1 and real rTMS on days 2 and 3. Sixty-eight healthy young men were included. On each experimental day, volunteers were instructed to remember visual pictures while receiving neuronavigated rTMS trains (20 Hz, 900 ms) during picture encoding at the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (L-DLPFC) and the vertex. Mixed ANOVA model analyses were performed. rTMS to the L-DLPFC significantly disrupted recognition memory on experimental day 2. No differences were found between centers or between fMRI and EEG recordings. Subjects with lower baseline memory performances were more susceptible to TMS disruption. No stability of TMS-induced memory interference could be demonstrated on day 3. Our data suggests that adapted cognitive rTMS protocols can be implemented in multi-center studies incorporating standardized experimental procedures. However, our center and modality effects analyses lacked sufficient statistical power, hence highlighting the need to conduct further studies with larger samples. In addition, inter and intra-subject variability in response to TMS might limit its application in crossover or longitudinal studies