22 research outputs found

    A Novel Secretory Poly-Cysteine and Histidine-Tailed Metalloprotein (Ts-PCHTP) from Trichinella spiralis (Nematoda)

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    BACKGROUND: Trichinella spiralis is an unusual parasitic intracellular nematode causing dedifferentiation of the host myofiber. Trichinella proteomic analyses have identified proteins that act at the interface between the parasite and the host and are probably important for the infection and pathogenesis. Many parasitic proteins, including a number of metalloproteins are unique for the nematodes and trichinellids and therefore present good targets for future therapeutic developments. Furthermore, detailed information on such proteins and their function in the nematode organism would provide better understanding of the parasite-host interactions. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study we report the identification, biochemical characterization and localization of a novel poly-cysteine and histidine-tailed metalloprotein (Ts-PCHTP). The native Ts-PCHTP was purified from T. spiralis muscle larvae that were isolated from infected rats as a model system. The sequence analysis showed no homology with other proteins. Two unique poly-cysteine domains were found in the amino acid sequence of Ts-PCHTP. This protein is also the first reported natural histidine tailed protein. It was suggested that Ts-PCHTP has metal binding properties. Total Reflection X-ray Fluorescence (TXRF) assay revealed that it binds significant concentrations of iron, nickel and zinc at protein:metal ratio of about 1:2. Immunohistochemical analysis showed that the Ts-PCHTP is localized in the cuticle and in all tissues of the larvae, but that it is not excreted outside the parasite. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our data suggest that Ts-PCHTP is the first described member of a novel nematode poly-cysteine protein family and its function could be metal storage and/or transport. Since this protein family is unique for parasites from Superfamily Trichinelloidea its potential applications in diagnostics and treatment could be exploited in future

    The Assembly of the Plasmodial PLP Synthase Complex Follows a Defined Course

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    Background: Plants, fungi, bacteria and the apicomplexan parasite Plasmodium falciparum are able to synthesize vitamin B6 de novo, whereas mammals depend upon the uptake of this essential nutrient from their diet. The active form of vitamin B6 is pyridoxal 5-phosphate (PLP). For its synthesis two enzymes, Pdx1 and Pdx2, act together, forming a multimeric complex consisting of 12 Pdx1 and 12 Pdx2 protomers. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report amino acid residues responsible for stabilization of the structural and enzymatic integrity of the plasmodial PLP synthase, identified by using distinct mutational analysis and biochemical approaches. Residues R85, H88 and E91 (RHE) are located at the Pdx1:Pdx1 interface and play an important role in Pdx1 complex assembly. Mutation of these residues to alanine impedes both Pdx1 activity and Pdx2 binding. Furthermore, changing D26, K83 and K151 (DKK), amino acids from the active site of Pdx1, to alanine obstructs not only enzyme activity but also formation of the complex. In contrast to the monomeric appearance of the RHE mutant, alteration of the DKK residues results in a hexameric assembly, and does not affect Pdx2 binding or its activity. While the modelled position of K151 is distal to the Pdx1:Pdx1 interface, it affects the assembly of hexameric Pdx1 into a functional dodecamer, which is crucial for PLP synthesis. Conclusions/Significance: Taken together, our data suggest that the assembly of a functional Pdx1:Pdx2 complex follows

    Mobility of the conserved glycine 155 is required for formation of the active plasmodial Pdx1 dodecamer

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    Background: Vitamin B6 synthesis requires a functional Pdx1 assembly that is dodecameric in vivo. We have previously shown that mutation of a catalytic lysine in the plasmodial Pdx1 protein results in a protein that is both inactive and hexameric in vitro. Methods: Static and dynamic light scattering, circular dichroism, co-purification and enzyme assays are used to investigate the role of a glycine conserved in all Pdx1 family members. Results: Static light scattering indicates that a glycine to alanine mutant is present as a hexamer in vitro. Subsequent circular dichroism experiments demonstrate that a significant change in secondary structure content is induced by this mutation. However, this mutant is still competent to bind and support Pdx2 activity. Conclusions: As the mutated glycine occupies an unrestricted region of the Ramachandran plot the additional stereo-chemical restrictions imposed on alanine residues strongly support our hypothesis that significant structural rearrangement of Pdx1 is required during the transition from hexamer to dodecamer. General significance: The presented results demonstrate that reduction in the mobility of this region in Pdx1 proteins is required for formation of the in vivo dodecamer, negatively affecting the activity of Pdx1, opening the possibility of allosteric Pdx1 inhibitors. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Fatty acid- and retinoid-binding proteins have distinct binding pockets for the two types of cargo

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    Parasitic nematodes cause serious diseases in humans, animals, and plants. They have limited lipid metabolism and are reliant on lipid-binding proteins to acquire these metabolites from their hosts. Several structurally novel families of lipid-binding proteins in nematodes have been described, including the fatty acid- and retinoid-binding protein family (FAR). In Caenorhabditis elegans, used as a model for studying parasitic nematodes, eight C. elegans FAR proteins have been described. The crystal structure of C. elegans FAR-7 is the first structure of a FAR protein, and it exhibits a novel fold. It differs radically from the mammalian fatty acid-binding proteins and has two ligand binding pockets joined by a surface groove. The first can accommodate the aliphatic chain of fatty acids, whereas the second can accommodate the bulkier retinoids. In addition to demonstrating lipid binding by fluorescence spectroscopy, we present evidence that retinol binding is positively regulated by casein kinase II phosphorylation at a conserved site near the bottom of the second pocket. far-7::GFP (green fluorescent protein) expression shows that it is localized in the head hypodermal syncytia and the excretory cell but that this localization changes under starvation conditions. In conclusion, our study provides the basic structural and functional information for investigation of inhibitors of lipid binding by FAR proteins

    Specific inhibition of the aspartate aminotransferase of Plasmodium falciparum

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    Aspartate aminotransferases (AspATs; EC catalyze the conversion of aspartate and α-ketoglutarate into oxaloacetate and glutamate and are key enzymes in the nitrogen metabolism of all organisms. Recent findings suggest that the plasmodial enzyme [Plasmodium falciparum aspartate aminotransferase (PfAspAT)] may also play a pivotal role in energy metabolism and in the de novo biosynthesis of pyrimidines. However, while PfAspAT is a potential drug target, the high homology between the active sites of currently available AspAT structures hinders the development of specific inhibitors of these enzymes. In this article, we report the X-ray structure of the PfAspAT homodimer at a resolution of 2.8 Å. While the overall fold is similar to the currently available structures of other AspATs, the structure presented shows a significant divergence in the conformation of the N-terminal residues. Deletion of these divergent PfAspAT N-terminal residues results in a loss of activity for the recombinant protein, and addition of a peptide containing these 13 N-terminal residues results in inhibition both in vitro and in a lysate isolated from cultured parasites, while the activity of human cytosolic AspAT is unaffected. The finding that the divergent N-terminal amino acids of PfAspAT play a role in catalytic activity indicates that specific inhibition of the enzyme may provide a lead for the development of novel compounds in the treatment of malaria. We also report on the localization of PfAspAT to the parasite cytosol and discuss the implications of the role of PfAspAT in the supply of malate to the parasite mitochondria

    Aspartate Aminotransferase - Bridging Carbohydrate and Energy Metabolism in Plasmodium Falciparum

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    In this mini-review we briefly examine and summarize evidence on the role of the plasmodial aspartate aminotransferase (AspAT) of the malarial parasite. Recent data have provided information on the products of the purine salvage pathway as well as the glycolytic and oxidative phosphorylation pathways, suggesting that the reaction catalyzed by AspAT is an essential step in all these biochemical processes. While the biological role of the oxidative phosphorylation cycle still remains to be demonstrated, the presence of a single protein that is functional in multiple pathways (i.e. amino acid/purine/pyrimidine biosynthesis and carbohydrate metabolism) provides a high potential for the development of novel strategies to combat the spread of multi-drug resistant malaria