95 research outputs found
Note on the gluino condensate in supersymmetric Yang Mills theory
We calculate gluino condensate for supersymmetric Yang Mills theory on
general grounds without making any assumption with regard to the weak or strong
regime of the theory. Our result coincides with that obtained from an instanton
superpotential when the theory is weakly interacting. The method also
determines the corresponding partition function.Comment: 2 page
Higgs boson mass from gauge invariant operators
We make the assumption that the vacuum correlators of the gauge invariant
kinetic term of the Higgs doublet are the same before and after the spontaneous
symmetry breaking of the theory. Based on this we determine the mass of the
standard model Higgs boson at GeV by considering one loop
and the most relevant two loop corrections. This result might suggest that
there is a single Higgs boson doublet that contributes to the electroweak
symmetry breaking.Comment: typos fixed, more explanations adde
About the mass corrections in an abelian Higgs model
We study the corrections to the scalar boson mass in an abelian Higgs model
by considering the global properties of the partition function. We find that
although the two point function for the Higgs boson receives quantum
corrections, the mass of the scalar remains unaltered and thus the physical
mass is equal to the bare one.Comment: 5 page
theory is trivial
We prove that the theory is trivial for any values of the bare
coupling constant thus extending previous results referring to very
strong couplings to the full range of values for this parameter. The method is
based on all order properties of the partition and two point functions in the
path integral formalism.Comment: 4 page
About electrodynamics, standard model and the quantization of the electrical charge
The quantization of the electrical charge in the electrodynamics and of the
hypercharge in the standard model are imposed in the theory based not on
theoretical arguments but on the experimental observations. In this paper we
propose a quantum consistency condition in a theory where Ward identities are
respected that requires the quantization of the charge within the framework of
the theory without external impositions. This refers to the renormalization
conditions in the background gauge field method such that to ensure a correct
mathematical correspondence between the bare partition function and the
renormalized one. Applied to the standard model of elementary particles our
criterion together with the anomaly cancellation condition leads to the correct
hypercharge assignment of all standard model fermions.Comment: 9 pages, published versio
Comment on some particular phases of supersymmetric QCD
We study two phases of supersymmetric QCD associated to the singularities of
the renormalization constant of the fermion mass operator. We find a behavior
of the potential between two charges for the phases of interest that it is
consistent with Seiberg results on these aspects based on a different method.Comment: 2 page
Abelian Higgs model and its phase transitions revisited
The abelian Higgs model and its phase structure are discussed from the
perspective that the gauge and scalar fields admit a dual description in terms
of fermion variables. The results which indicate the presence of three main
phases: Coulomb, Higgs and confinement agree well with those in the literature
although a nonstandard order parameter is employed.Comment: 6 pages, version publsihe
CP violating phases and a solution to the strong CP problem
We present a solution to the strong CP problem based on the identification of
the theta angle with twice the CP violating phase present in the CKM quark
matrix. This solution washes out all the unwanted issues stemming form the
strong CP phase and is strongly justified by general theoretical arguments
based on the partition function associated to the vacuum.
Phenomenological consequences on the quark mass matrices are discussed for this
case.Comment: 8 pages, discussion adde
Note about Yang Mills, QCD and their supersymmetric counterparts
We analyze in an effective Lagrangian framework the connection between Super
QCD (Super Yang Mills) and QCD (Yang Mills) by highlighting the crucial role
that the zero modes play in the process of decoupling gluinos and squarks.Comment: references added, minor change
Quark and gluon condensates in QCD reevaluated
We compute the quark and gluon condensates in with colors and
flavors based on the renormalization group equations and on the knowledge of a
single scale . For and our findings are in the
good range for and in excellent agreement with
the results in the literature from sum rules for a value .Comment: 3 pages, 2 figure
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