63 research outputs found

    On the width of handles in two-dimensional quantum gravity

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    We discuss the average length l of the shortest non-contractible loop on surfaces in the two-dimensional pure quantum gravity ensemble. The value of γstr\gamma_{str} and the explicit form of the loop functions indicate that l diverges at the critical point. Scaling arguments suggest that the critical exponent of l is 1/2. We show that this value of the critical exponent is also obtained for branched polymers where the calculation is straightforward.Comment: 7 pages, 1 ps figure, late

    A polymer gas on a random surface

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    Using the observation that configurations of N polymers with hard core interactions on a closed random surface correspond to random surfaces with N boundary components we calculate the free energy of a gas of polymers interacting with fully quantized two-dimensional gravity. We derive the equation of state for the polymer gas and find that all the virial coefficients beyond the second one vanish identically.Comment: 6 page

    Expoential bounds on the number of causal triangulations

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    We prove that the number of combinatorially distinct causal 3-dimensional triangulations homeomorphic to the 3-dimensional sphere is bounded by an exponential function of the number of tetrahedra. It is also proven that the number of combinatorially distinct causal 4-dimensional triangulations homeomorphic to the 4-sphere is bounded by an exponential function of the number of 4-simplices provided the number of all combinatorially distinct triangulations of the 3-sphere is bounded by an exponential function of the number of tetrahedra.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Remarks on the entropy of 3-manifolds

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    We give a simple combinatoric proof of an exponential upper bound on the number of distinct 3-manifolds that can be constructed by successively identifying nearest neighbour pairs of triangles in the boundary of a simplicial 3-ball and show that all closed simplicial manifolds that can be constructed in this manner are homeomorphic to S3S^3. We discuss the problem of proving that all 3-dimensional simplicial spheres can be obtained by this construction and give an example of a simplicial 3-ball whose boundary triangles can be identified pairwise such that no triangle is identified with any of its neighbours and the resulting 3-dimensional simplicial complex is a simply connected 3-manifold.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures available from author

    Classification and construction of unitary topological field theories in two dimensions

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    We prove that unitary two-dimensional topological field theories are uniquely characterized by nn positive real numbers λ1,λn\lambda _1,\ldots \lambda _n which can be regarded as the eigenvalues of a hermitean handle creation operator. The number nn is the dimension of the Hilbert space associated with the circle and the partition functions for closed surfaces have the form Zg=i=1nλig1 Z_g=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\lambda _i^{g-1} where gg is the genus. The eigenvalues can be arbitary positive numbers. We show how such a theory can be constructed on triangulated surfaces.Comment: 12 pages, late

    Branched polymers on branched polymers

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    We study an ensemble of branched polymers which are embedded on other branched polymers. This is a toy model which allows us to study explicitly the reaction of a statistical system on an underlying geometrical structure, a problem of interest in the study of the interaction of matter and quantized gravity. We find a phase transition at which the embedded polymers begin to cover the basis polymers. At the phase transition point the susceptibility exponent γ\gamma takes the value 3/4 and the two-point function develops an anomalous dimension 1/2.Comment: uuencoded 9 p. ps-file + 2 ps-figure

    The spectral dimension of the branched polymers phase of two-dimensional quantum gravity

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    The metric of two-dimensional quantum gravity interacting with conformal matter is believed to collapse to a branched polymer metric when the central charge c>1. We show analytically that the spectral dimension of such a branched polymer phase is four thirds. This is in good agreement with numerical simulations for large c.Comment: 29 pages plain LateX2e, 7 eps figures included using eps

    The Existence and Stability of Noncommutative Scalar Solitons

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    We establish existence and stabilty results for solitons in noncommutative scalar field theories in even space dimension 2d2d. In particular, for any finite rank spectral projection PP of the number operator N{\mathcal N} of the dd-dimensional harmonic oscillator and sufficiently large noncommutativity parameter θ\theta we prove the existence of a rotationally invariant soliton which depends smoothly on θ\theta and converges to a multiple of PP as θ\theta\to\infty. In the two-dimensional case we prove that these solitons are stable at large θ\theta, if P=PNP=P_N, where PNP_N projects onto the space spanned by the N+1N+1 lowest eigenstates of N{\mathcal N}, and otherwise they are unstable. We also discuss the generalisation of the stability results to higher dimensions. In particular, we prove stability of the soliton corresponding to P=P0P=P_0 for all θ\theta in its domain of existence. Finally, for arbitrary dd and small values of θ\theta, we prove without assuming rotational invariance that there do not exist any solitons depending smoothly on θ\theta.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur