32 research outputs found

    Memory Consistent Unsupervised Off-the-Shelf Model Adaptation for Source-Relaxed Medical Image Segmentation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation (UDA) has been a vital protocol for migrating information learned from a labeled source domain to facilitate the implementation in an unlabeled heterogeneous target domain. Although UDA is typically jointly trained on data from both domains, accessing the labeled source domain data is often restricted, due to concerns over patient data privacy or intellectual property. To sidestep this, we propose "off-the-shelf (OS)" UDA (OSUDA), aimed at image segmentation, by adapting an OS segmentor trained in a source domain to a target domain, in the absence of source domain data in adaptation. Toward this goal, we aim to develop a novel batch-wise normalization (BN) statistics adaptation framework. In particular, we gradually adapt the domain-specific low-order BN statistics, e.g., mean and variance, through an exponential momentum decay strategy, while explicitly enforcing the consistency of the domain shareable high-order BN statistics, e.g., scaling and shifting factors, via our optimization objective. We also adaptively quantify the channel-wise transferability to gauge the importance of each channel, via both low-order statistics divergence and a scaling factor.~Furthermore, we incorporate unsupervised self-entropy minimization into our framework to boost performance alongside a novel queued, memory-consistent self-training strategy to utilize the reliable pseudo label for stable and efficient unsupervised adaptation. We evaluated our OSUDA-based framework on both cross-modality and cross-subtype brain tumor segmentation and cardiac MR to CT segmentation tasks. Our experimental results showed that our memory consistent OSUDA performs better than existing source-relaxed UDA methods and yields similar performance to UDA methods with source data.Comment: Published in Medical Image Analysis (extension of MICCAI paper

    Posterior Estimation for Dynamic PET imaging using Conditional Variational Inference

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    This work aims efficiently estimating the posterior distribution of kinetic parameters for dynamic positron emission tomography (PET) imaging given a measurement of time of activity curve. Considering the inherent information loss from parametric imaging to measurement space with the forward kinetic model, the inverse mapping is ambiguous. The conventional (but expensive) solution can be the Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) sampling, which is known to produce unbiased asymptotical estimation. We propose a deep-learning-based framework for efficient posterior estimation. Specifically, we counteract the information loss in the forward process by introducing latent variables. Then, we use a conditional variational autoencoder (CVAE) and optimize its evidence lower bound. The well-trained decoder is able to infer the posterior with a given measurement and the sampled latent variables following a simple multivariate Gaussian distribution. We validate our CVAE-based method using unbiased MCMC as the reference for low-dimensional data (a single brain region) with the simplified reference tissue model.Comment: Published on IEEE NSS&MI

    Synthesizing audio from tongue motion during speech using tagged MRI via transformer

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    Investigating the relationship between internal tissue point motion of the tongue and oropharyngeal muscle deformation measured from tagged MRI and intelligible speech can aid in advancing speech motor control theories and developing novel treatment methods for speech related-disorders. However, elucidating the relationship between these two sources of information is challenging, due in part to the disparity in data structure between spatiotemporal motion fields (i.e., 4D motion fields) and one-dimensional audio waveforms. In this work, we present an efficient encoder-decoder translation network for exploring the predictive information inherent in 4D motion fields via 2D spectrograms as a surrogate of the audio data. Specifically, our encoder is based on 3D convolutional spatial modeling and transformer-based temporal modeling. The extracted features are processed by an asymmetric 2D convolution decoder to generate spectrograms that correspond to 4D motion fields. Furthermore, we incorporate a generative adversarial training approach into our framework to further improve synthesis quality on our generated spectrograms. We experiment on 63 paired motion field sequences and speech waveforms, demonstrating that our framework enables the generation of clear audio waveforms from a sequence of motion fields. Thus, our framework has the potential to improve our understanding of the relationship between these two modalities and inform the development of treatments for speech disorders.Comment: SPIE Medical Imaging: Deep Dive Ora

    Bias and Fairness in Chatbots: An Overview

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    Chatbots have been studied for more than half a century. With the rapid development of natural language processing (NLP) technologies in recent years, chatbots using large language models (LLMs) have received much attention nowadays. Compared with traditional ones, modern chatbots are more powerful and have been used in real-world applications. There are however, bias and fairness concerns in modern chatbot design. Due to the huge amounts of training data, extremely large model sizes, and lack of interpretability, bias mitigation and fairness preservation of modern chatbots are challenging. Thus, a comprehensive overview on bias and fairness in chatbot systems is given in this paper. The history of chatbots and their categories are first reviewed. Then, bias sources and potential harms in applications are analyzed. Considerations in designing fair and unbiased chatbot systems are examined. Finally, future research directions are discussed

    Multimodal Data Integration for Computer-Aided Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation

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    Image-guided percutaneous interventions have successfully replaced invasive surgical methods in some cardiologic practice, where the use of 3D-reconstructed cardiac images, generated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT), plays an important role. To conduct computer-aided catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation accurately, multimodal information integration with electroanatomic mapping (EAM) data and MRI/CT images is considered in this work. Specifically, we propose a variational formulation for surface reconstruction and incorporate the prior shape knowledge, which results in a level set method. The proposed method enables simultaneous reconstruction and registration under nonrigid deformation. Promising experimental results show the potential of the proposed approach

    Successive Subspace Learning for Cardiac Disease Classification with Two-phase Deformation Fields from Cine MRI

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    Cardiac cine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used to characterize cardiovascular diseases (CVD), often providing a noninvasive phenotyping tool.~While recently flourished deep learning based approaches using cine MRI yield accurate characterization results, the performance is often degraded by small training samples. In addition, many deep learning models are deemed a ``black box," for which models remain largely elusive in how models yield a prediction and how reliable they are. To alleviate this, this work proposes a lightweight successive subspace learning (SSL) framework for CVD classification, based on an interpretable feedforward design, in conjunction with a cardiac atlas. Specifically, our hierarchical SSL model is based on (i) neighborhood voxel expansion, (ii) unsupervised subspace approximation, (iii) supervised regression, and (iv) multi-level feature integration. In addition, using two-phase 3D deformation fields, including end-diastolic and end-systolic phases, derived between the atlas and individual subjects as input offers objective means of assessing CVD, even with small training samples. We evaluate our framework on the ACDC2017 database, comprising one healthy group and four disease groups. Compared with 3D CNN-based approaches, our framework achieves superior classification performance with 140×\times fewer parameters, which supports its potential value in clinical use.Comment: ISBI 202

    Speech Audio Synthesis from Tagged MRI and Non-Negative Matrix Factorization via Plastic Transformer

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    The tongue's intricate 3D structure, comprising localized functional units, plays a crucial role in the production of speech. When measured using tagged MRI, these functional units exhibit cohesive displacements and derived quantities that facilitate the complex process of speech production. Non-negative matrix factorization-based approaches have been shown to estimate the functional units through motion features, yielding a set of building blocks and a corresponding weighting map. Investigating the link between weighting maps and speech acoustics can offer significant insights into the intricate process of speech production. To this end, in this work, we utilize two-dimensional spectrograms as a proxy representation, and develop an end-to-end deep learning framework for translating weighting maps to their corresponding audio waveforms. Our proposed plastic light transformer (PLT) framework is based on directional product relative position bias and single-level spatial pyramid pooling, thus enabling flexible processing of weighting maps with variable size to fixed-size spectrograms, without input information loss or dimension expansion. Additionally, our PLT framework efficiently models the global correlation of wide matrix input. To improve the realism of our generated spectrograms with relatively limited training samples, we apply pair-wise utterance consistency with Maximum Mean Discrepancy constraint and adversarial training. Experimental results on a dataset of 29 subjects speaking two utterances demonstrated that our framework is able to synthesize speech audio waveforms from weighting maps, outperforming conventional convolution and transformer models.Comment: MICCAI 2023 (Oral presentation

    DRIMET: Deep Registration for 3D Incompressible Motion Estimation in Tagged-MRI with Application to the Tongue

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    Tagged magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has been used for decades to observe and quantify the detailed motion of deforming tissue. However, this technique faces several challenges such as tag fading, large motion, long computation times, and difficulties in obtaining diffeomorphic incompressible flow fields. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel unsupervised phase-based 3D motion estimation technique for tagged MRI. We introduce two key innovations. First, we apply a sinusoidal transformation to the harmonic phase input, which enables end-to-end training and avoids the need for phase interpolation. Second, we propose a Jacobian determinant-based learning objective to encourage incompressible flow fields for deforming biological tissues. Our method efficiently estimates 3D motion fields that are accurate, dense, and approximately diffeomorphic and incompressible. The efficacy of the method is assessed using human tongue motion during speech, and includes both healthy controls and patients that have undergone glossectomy. We show that the method outperforms existing approaches, and also exhibits improvements in speed, robustness to tag fading, and large tongue motion.Comment: Accepted to MIDL 2023 (full paper