20 research outputs found

    SLAC-PUB-15330 Sheet Beam Klystron for the Navy FEL

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    The objective of this project is to build a 2.1GHz, 200kW CW, sheet beam klystron for the Office of Naval Research (ONR) and their free electron laser (FEL) program. A design point was chosen based on optimal efficiency at minimal voltage while maintaining a drift tube cutoff to the fundamental frequency (as is customary for round beam klystrons) to avoid beam instability. Both solenoid and periodic permanent magnet (PPM) focusing schemes were evaluated for their ability to transport the beam and maintain beam stability. Final results from this study show beam stability in a solenoid field at all values above the Brillouin field (the minimum field required to transport the beam, i.e. to balance the electric field forces in the beam which would otherwise cause the beam to scallop or grow in size). However, the PPM focusing scheme was unstable at all achievable field strengths. For this reason the solenoid focusing scheme will be used as the baseline for the ONR sheet beam klystron. Given the weight and size advantages of a focusing scheme based on permanent magnets, further theoretical studies and simulations of the PPM design will be conducted to evaluate methods of stabilizing PPM transport of the beam in a future revision of the tube